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This page displays the list of the different main components of the RESTAPI plugin, their state and some information for some components. The state of a component may depend on the state of subcomponents or dependencies, in synthesis, or in exception, or on an event at startup. The state of a component can also change if the states on which it depends change.

Show API Status Page

Go to the REST API administration, then click on the following selector, or press key “:” :


The logs remain the most complete way to determine the state of the API and the reasons for that state. In particular, exceptions detected during configuration loading that lead to default component selections are not taken into account when establishing the API state.

Monotoring and engine status


The status of the WXM_RESTAPI plug-in goes up in the general status of the engine (retrievable via API services /api/wedia/admin/monitoring) and is displayed in the plugins administration page:


You can see it also in the WXM_RESTAPI plugin configuration page:


For some services with dependencies on a third party service, it is not always possible to detect state changes synchronously. The only way to be sure that the state of the plugin is up to date is to force the analysis of the states of third party components by invoking the /api/rest/status service. At startup, the plugin state at least accurately reflects the startup errors of the plugin or subcomponents. Most of the state changes that occur afterwards involve degradations instead, with the exception of extension and contribution components, in case of contribution plugin reload. It is anyway advisable to restart the WXM_RESTAPI plugin in this case.


The extension components (Business Services) are loaded when the RESTAPI plugin is started. If a contribution plug-in is restarted in isolation, it is essential to restart the RESTAPI plug-in afterwards to take into account the new components provided by the contribution plug-in.