Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Mandatory style use
In a file aimed to be uploaded to Wedia, all texts effects must come from paragraph styles or character styles. It is forbidden to format manually your texts: you must create and apply paragraph styles and/or character styles on your texts. Following this rule is fundamental if you expect your document to be correctly handled by the platform.

Formating texts in Adobe InDesign: key points

For each paragraph, text formating (using paragraph & character styles) must follow this logic:

  • text must be ruled by a paragraph style,

  • extras have to be handled with character styles (in addition for the variations of the text).




You must avoid the following situations:

  • no paragraph style applied ([Basic Paragraph] style only) to a text

  • only have character styles applied to your texts (without paragraph style)

  • manual override on a paragraph style (you must create and apply the correspondent character style to the text to clear overrides).

Clearing overrides in a paragraph style

If a style has been accidentally overridden, the symbol “+” will appear next to its name, like shown in the following screenshot.


To apply the original parameter of the style, select your paragraph and make a click on the style name (in the Paragraph Style or Character Style palette) pressing simultaneously Alt (for PC) or Option/Alt (for Mac). The symbol “+” will disappear. It is not recommended to upload file with overrides.



Default text frames style

If you create a template layout, you will probably only trace empty frames or trace frames with placeholder text. When you create a text frame, make sure no style is applied by default: this means when you create a text frame, you should systematically find it with:

[Basic Paragraph] + [None] by default in Adobe InDesign

Following this, you will avoid style conflicts when the final user will apply / change the styles from the web platform. You can make a quick check in InDesign: when no frame is selected, only "Basic Paragraph" and "None" must be highlighted. If not (ie. different styles are applied) you can force their application by clicking in their names and pressing simultaneously Alt (for PC) or Option/Alt (for Mac).

Styles name convention

When creating a new style, please follow the convention name:

  • never use accented characters

  • never use special characters

  • never use the symbols < or >

  • never insert spaces; replace them with underscores ("_")

  • never start a name with a number

  • the name should be short and explicit

  • make a preference for lowercase

Styles: authorised and forbidden effects

Style based on another style


Allowed and/or strongly encouraged practice


This behaviour is authorized for files prepared for Wedia.

Next Style


Allowed and/or strongly encouraged practice


The "Next styles" function is supported by Wedia.

Indents, first/last line indents, spaces before/after


Allowed and/or strongly encouraged practice


You can use them with no restriction.



Allowed and/or strongly encouraged practice

Tabs are allowed in your documents. All alignment and leaders are accepted.



Using tabs features requires configurating the server with the mode "PRE". Please contact you Wedia’s project manager to activate this mode.

Paragraph rules


Allowed and/or strongly encouraged practice

Paragraph rules in paragraph styles are allowed in your documents. The server will compose them with no difficulty.



It is recommended to avoid rules having a weight below 0.5pt in black, and below 0.75pt in four-color process.

GREP styles


Forbidden practice

Since the CS4 release, Adobe InDesign allows a new style in paragraph styles named “GREP Style”. These are conditional styles, which can, for example, apply automatically a specific character style to all numbers or to tabs. Currently, GREP styles are not supported by Wedia.

Alignment on a grid


Allowed and/or strongly encouraged practice


On the left, the text is not aligned on the grid. The picture wraps the text and changes the alignment of the texts in the colums 2, 3 and 4 (sentences are not horizontally aligned anymore). On the right example, the text is aligned on the grid, so all sentences are kept aligned despite the text wrap of the picture.

Drop caps


Allowed and/or strongly encouraged practice

You can apply drop-caps in you paragraph style or character style, it will be correctly composed by the server of the platform.

Nested styles


Forbidden practice

In Adobe InDesign you can create nested styles, to apply specific styles to some words in your paragraph. For example, to have the first words of your paragraph in orange, you just have to create a nested style applying the character style "text_orange" you would have created.




Nested styles are not supported in documents for Wedia.

Bullets and numbers


Allowed and/or strongly encouraged practice


The use of bullets and numbers in paragraph styles is compatible with the platform.

Character color

General points


Allowed and/or strongly encouraged practice

There is no restriction in applying colors in your paragraph or character styles. Remind to avoid colors in four-color process for texts with a size below 6pt, as it could create plate mounting issues for your printer.

Tint of colors/swatches


Forbidden practice

You must only use colors with a 100% tint. If you need to use a tint (for example, {C 100% - M 50%} with 50% of tint), you should create a correspondency in a new color swatch with 100% of tint (e.g. {C 50% - M 25%} with 100% of tint): this is a good practice, not a limitation of Wedia.

“Registration” color


Forbidden practice

It is strictly forbidden to apply the "registration" color in your paragraph and character styles.

OpenType features


Allowed and/or strongly encouraged practice


There are no restriction in using OpenType features in your paragraph and character styles for documents prepared for Wedia.

Style group (folders)


Not recommended practice

Since CS3 release, you can group your styles in folders, from the “Styles” palette. be careful when using groups. In order to simplify the document, please only create one level of arborescence of groups. Also, do not forget to name your group with no accented characters, no special characters and no spaces. Then, we recommend you to always test the feature beforehand in preproduction.

Automatic numbering


Not recommended practice

We do not advise the use of automatic numbering in files aimed to be handled by the platform. Indeed, the pages can be moved, deleted or inserted in another file, which might fool the automatic numbering.



We advise a manual numbering when necessary.

Scaling text


Not recommended practice

Resizing a text frame with a scaling factor will resize also the text size. The original text-size remains in the paragraph or character style but the text is displayed with the scaling factor. We recommend you to avoid such text scaling to keep a graphical consistency.



Should you use this feature, we recommend you to test it before lauching your production on the platform.

Text Variables


Forbidden practice

Desktop-publishing softwares allow you to insert text variable, such as text treatment software do, to insert automatically, for example, the date of creation or the name of the file.



The use of text variables is not compatible with Wedia

Type on a path


Allowed and/or strongly encouraged practice


The use of type on a path is compatible with Wedia.

Columns, margins, vertical justification


Allowed and/or strongly encouraged practice


These three features are compatibles with Wedia.

Text threads


Not recommended practice


You can use text threads in your document. But note that when the final user will edit a text frame with text threads, he will show the text in its integrality. A too long text could be hard to handle in such a case: for usability reasons, we recommend not to exceed four pages of text threads. Beyond four pages, you should split the frames according to the method described in the chapter Preparing a source file.

Tagged frames


Forbidden practice


In InDesign, you can display the tagged contents through View > Structure > Show structure. From this tab, you will be able to delete quickly all tags of the documents.

Hyphenation & Justification


Allowed and/or strongly encouraged practice


Take time to customize your hyphenation and justification parameters: you will use them regulary and they will guarantee perfect results on the platform.



Not recommended practice

In your layout, you can insert “anchors” to make internal hyperlinks. This feature is generally used to insert table of contents, or to create interactive links when exporting in PDF. We do not recommend the use of anchors in you documents uploaded to the platform, because any change in the text through the platform will delete you anchor automatically.


Allowed and/or strongly encouraged practice

In InDesign, you can associate hyperlinks to texts or images, to create an interactive PDF of your document. Hyperlinks are correctly handled by the platform.



Not recommended practice

The same way we don’t recommend the use of anchors, we do not recommend the use of the automatic index function, with the definition of index entries. Wedia does not currently have functions to create index entries in its web interface.

Overset text


Not recommended practice

Even it is not a problem to upload to the platform a file having texts in overset, we do not recommend you to do so, as it will confuse final users.




Never leave a line break at the end of your text. This would create an overset text when you will upload your file to the platform.