Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

General presentation




Possible values


UX modifiers


A list of selectable asset types, in uppercase, comma separated

ALL (tous les types)

ou un ou plusieurs type primaire séparé par une virgule, parmi : IMAGE, VIDEO, 3D, AUDIO, DOCUMENT, PRINT, ZIP



The minimum number of assets that the picker should return.

For a single pick, set this value to 1, and the max to 1

For multiple set this value up to 100

a number ranging from 1 to 100



The maximum number of assets that the picker should return.

For a single pick, set this value to 1, and min to 1

For multiple set this value up to 100

a number ranging from 1 to 100



The language of the UI

“en” , “fr”, “de”

browser language


if we should display the “preview” button, and the preview popin window

true / false



if we should display the filter bar

true / false



if we should allow asset sorting

true / false



is we should display the cursor options in the UI. These cursors are set up in the Wedia Portal configuration

true / false



The user can crop the image to either an expected dimension (expectedWidth


true / false



The user can select the focus points on the image.

true / false



Show the different layout choices (line, columns, details, square…)

true / false


Expected return formats



Wedia implements a cropper that will return a virtual cropping of the image.

If expectedWidth and expectedHeight are present in the configuration object, the cropper will show up for single picks.

This will not exclude from the search the images that are too small to comply with these constraints.

the expected width / height in pixels


Wedia implements preset media renditions, called variation :  for example thumbnailReal is the rendering of the image at its original size, in JPEG or PNG, depending on the server configuration.

There are product presets, and project presets : using Java extensions, or Admin back-office, system integrators can defined project defined presets, such as : a watermarked image with a white icon horizontally centered at 10 px from the top…

Read more on how to define a custom variation here.

Videos, 3D, PDFs are returned in a player HTML component, so no variation is needed, and this variation should be left blank.

But If you need to get the actual binary of a video, you can set the variation of the video among “SD”, “MD”, “HD” quality.

If you are allowing the user to pick mixed formats such as VIDEOS and IMAGES, default renditions will be applied to your return set : thumbnailReal for images and a HTML player for videos

The expected variation

“thumbnailScreen” (a 2000 pixel wide web preview) 


A list with the names of the possible variations. Comma separated


if a video specific player among those defined at the project level should be selected

a string of the player name as defined in the Wedia Player Manager

“default id”


the specific width of a video player in  pixels

an integer between 150 and 2000, or a percentage



the specific width of a video player in  pixels

an integer between 150 and 2000 or a percentage



for the few browsers that still support it, should the video start automatically

true / false



enable the social shares in the player

true / false



Images can be embedded in a player with a zoom, social sharing. This is not a common use case, but can be enabled. In that case, the “variations” parameter will be ignored 

true / false


Search filters


a cursor is a predefined request that filters assets in order to show a restricted set of assets. The user cannot override this restriction.

Cursors are set up at the Wedia level, they have a name and a query.

For example : productHeroImage : select all product images that have an expiration date set over 4 months from today and that have a width over 1600 pixels

The name of the cursor as defined in the JSON parameter files of the Wedia Portal config


a preset full text query. The user can remove this query.

the text of the query



If you want to define totally different pickers, this can point to multiple JSON portal config. this is an internal option to be discussed with your Wedia product specialist when you need really different JSON parameters, such as the metadata displayed in the preview popup, cursor names...

the internal path to the JSON portal config.



BASE VARIATION: It allows starting the transformation based on a given variation. Usually, this parameter is empty, and the transformation always starts from the best variation. The best practice is to omit this parameter.

Usage example of BASE VARIATION :

If you would like to benefit from a variation that has its background removed by an AI, then the BASE VARIATION should be set to "stripped_background", that is the variation of the image that was processed by AI to try to remove the background to isolate the subject on a transparent background.

To better understand base variations :


FILE_NAME: It is the file name served to the browser. If not downloading the image, which is the most common case, then it only serves for SEO referencing.

To achieve good SEO referencing, the following procedure is advisable

The file name is composed, in order of priority:

If in wedia_metadata "name + locale" exists and is not empty (for example, namefr for an article in French), then use name + locale:

If in wedia_metadata "name" exists and is not empty, then use name

If in the name in wedia_metadata, then use title.


You may also add keywords coming from wedia_metadata. All keywords are added after the name, separated by hyphens.

The final file name, name + keywords, is encoded to account for accents and spaces.

.FILE_EXTENSION: Allows specifying a specific file format, for example .png, .jpg, .webp. Leave it empty to benefit from Wedia's ability to return the best file format based on the browser's capabilities (usually WebP).
