Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Starting from version 2024.1.0, this feature is no longer provided by default.


How it works

Upload text in menu

The display of the upload text on menu depends on several parameters :

  • an upload feature,

  • if the user has a role that is allowed to upload,

  • and the user has to be connected;

Here is an overview of those parameters :

Config path

Default value


Translation i18n key:

Upload assets



To hide the upload icon, set the value to false.



By default, there are 4 roles available in a project, but only one has acces to the upload button: the admin.

If roles are created or if you want to give access to the upload to another role group, you have to add the group ID into $.dam-import.upload.roles.

Example of role configuration file:

Code Block
  "asset": [4, 27],
  "pimasset": [4, 27]

Here, the group ID 4 (developer) and the group ID 27 (admin) will be able to upload.

If a group ID is added, don’t forget to update $.menu.actionAvailabled.json. See documentation on Main Menu for more information.

Bulk upload homepage




Upload new assets

From the bulk upload homepage, you can click on new assets button for uploading assets from your computer. If you have more than a single asset universe on your project, you have to choose the asset universe in which you wish to add those assets.

The uploaded files are scanned and you can track the scan progress. Scan retrieve the metada of the uploaded files, and check if there are duplicates.

If the uploaded file is an archive (.zip) and the unzip checkbox is selected, the archive will be decompressed and the assets in it will be analyzed…

…By defaullt, this will not be the case if the archive is a or a The archive will not be decompressed and the archive will be considered as only 1 asset.
This can be changed in $.damImport.upload.unzip.exceptForEndsWith.

Access an existing Batch

Existing batchs are accessible from the bulk upload homepage. By clicking on a batch users are redirected to the indexing screen.

Transfer a batch to another user

Existing batchs can be assigned to another user of the DAM.

Delete a batch

Existing batchs can be deleted

Index a batch

When users click on “index this batch”, they are redirected to the indexing screen.
