If you can’t reset your permissions, you must modify them manually, to do this, you will have to check the differences (diffs) in the new role templates, which can be found in the upgrade guide linked here. => https://crossmedia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WD/pages/3181936642/Upgrading+to+2024.4#pkgroletemplate
You can modify the role templates through wedia-config, and if you do this, you will correctly update portals permissions* for Contributor role type and Administrator role type by following https://crossmedia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/WD/pages/edit-v2/3298787349#4.4%2F-Permissions
But for User role type, portals permissions can not be updated trough wedia-config, because it’s a setting of empty permissions, it’s better to do it manually
Even if you update the permissions through wedia-config, be sure to verify the upgrade guide. There may be additional updates to the role templates' permission values, which you'll need to retrieve for the app to function properly.
* The instance permissions value will be the same as the one deliverd with the 2024.4.0 on @portal.editorial~wkfpkgportal
After this, call the update
endpoint to retrieve the new pkgsecugroup and pkgsecupermission instances.
For the “Administrator role type” the permissions should be configured this way :
Create portals => checked ✅
Administering portals => checked ✅
For the “Contributor role type” the permissions should be configured this way :
Create portals => checked ✅
Administering portals => not checked 🟩
For the “Userrole “User role type” the permissions should be configured this way :
Create portals => not checked 🟩
Administering portals => not checked 🟩