The purpose of the plugin is to allow to set up a specific configuration for a Wedia portal application, by overriding a basic configuration provided by the product.
The base of the configuration is a JSON file. Any element of this JSON can be overriden in a folder, through a tree of files and folders that correspond to the tree of the base JSON. Multiple folders can be added to redefine the configuration redefined by the previous folders.
A configuration is thus defined by a series of files that will redefine the basic configuration successively, in order to obtain a final configuration, the fusion of the whole.
This series of folder constitutes a path designated by a unique identifier. A client application will retrieve its final configuration via this ID. Mappings define the correspondence between IDs and paths. The configuration of mappings is done in the plugin settings.
Adaptation to the context
The final configuration depends on an invocation context that constitutes different variables, mainly from the surfer, in order to have different configurations depending on the connected user.
There are therefore folders in the path associated with a mapping whose name depends on the invocation context that allow specific configurations.
Post processors
A postprocessor is a component that determines a folder name according to elements of the invocation context.
a list of possible values, at least one, but preferably several (for a single value, you might as well use a static file).
a function to convert the invocation context into a value that must be one of the possible values
Plugin settings
Mappings associate configuration identifiers with paths defining a configuration.
The path _portal@$config@picker designates a configuration defined in 3 folders whose relative paths are successively :
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "mappings": { "portal": "_portal@club-wed@:surferRole@:userAgent", "picker": "_portal@club-wed@:picker" } } |
To configure the post processors, use the config_settings plugin parameter. This is a JSON object in the postProcessors property that designs the post processors as an object, whose keys are the post processors names (variable names) and whose associated values define the corresponding post processors.
a class name from a set of standard post processors provided in the plugin
configuration set-up parameters (depending of the component)
Base locations
By default, folders and configuration files are stored in arbitrary folders in the :
safeProcessCaptureTimeout, time, optional (default 10000 ms)
default_holding_plugin, string, optional
this means that you can create a new configuration universe by duplicating the plugin and using another uri, for example, /api/whatyouwant/*
Time set-up
The values of type time can be
either a number (the unit depends on the parameter)
or a number (integer or decimal) followed by a unit, among
Contributing to configuration in your plugins
At startup, the config resolver plugin scans all activated tagged plugins to discover contributions to its configuration (this feature can be disabled by the discover_external_config_settings
plugin parameter). The discover_external_config_settings_exclusions
parameter allows to exclude plugins from this scan.
Discovery of bases (base locations)
For each plugin, the config folder of the plugin is first scanned to determine if there are any bases in its config-resolver/bases
subfolder. Then, we scan the resource folder of the plugin (res
If a base already exists, it is ignored (note that you cannot control the order of the plugins).
Adding mappings
For each plugin, if a config-resolver-mappings.json
file is present in its configuration folder (config
), it is loaded to add one or more mappings. The format is the same as the mappings
section of the config_settings
plugin parameter.
If a mapping already exists, it is ignored (note that you cannot control the order of the plugins).
Adding post processors
For each plugin, if a config-resolver-postprocessors.json
file is present in its configuration folder (config
), it is loaded to add one or more post processors. The format is the same as the postProcessors
section of the config_settings
plugin parameter, but you can additionally indicate that postprocessor is defined in the plugin itself using object syntax without indicating a plugin property (if you indicate a null plugin property, the default contribution plugin will be used).
If a post processor already exists, it is ignored (note that you cannot control the order of the plugins).
Un exemple complet de contribution de mappings et postprocessors
Where to put the groovy script
In config-resolver-postprocessors.json
, when the definition is a groovy file path, it is a relative path to the root of the plugin.
By example, if your script file myprocessor.groovy is in the folder res/postprocessors, the json will be like this:
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "mappingsmyprocessor": { "portalprocessor": "_portal@club-wed@:surferRole@:userAgentres/postprocessors/myprocessor.groovy", "picker": "_portal@club-wed@:picker" }, } } |
You can also put a slash at beginning like this:
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "postProcessorsmyprocessor": { "surferRoleprocessor": "fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.SurferRolePostProcessor/res/postprocessors/myprocessor.groovy", } } |
It’s also possible to put the script in a plugin jar, by using a JAR URI :
Code Block |
{ "userAgentmyprocessor": { "processor": "fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.UserAgentPostProcessorjar:file:/thejarfile.jar!/fr/wedia/mypackage/postprocessors/myprocessorinjar.groovy", } } |
The file thejarfile.jar must be in plugin lib directory. If you want to put this jar in another folder, prefix you jar path by the relative (to the plugin root) path:
Code Block |
{ "configmyprocessor": [ { "patternprocessor": ".*Mobi.*jar:file:/other/path/thejarfile.jar!/fr/wedia/mypackage/postprocessors/myprocessorinjar.groovy", } } |
Deal with the host plugin
It is possible to exchange with the contribution plugin. However, it is not certain that it is started when the postprocessor is running, whatever the method, and even less so when the postprocessor is loaded, initialized and started. The plugin can even be stopped and restarted at any time.
This means:
always make sure the plugin is started when calling one of its classes, and provide a fallback (for
).to retrieve parameters, you have to proceed in lazy, try to systematically read the parameters as long as it failed, then store them (cache) to use them.
before invoking a method of a plugin class, check the state of the plugin
to have the plugin instance available, implement the injection method (setPlugin(IPlugin)
)any modification of the plugin requires a restart of WXM_CONFIG_RESOLVER after.
Here is an example of possible interactions with plugin (get parameters and invoke method):
Code Block | ||
| ||
package fr.wedia.confref.postprocessor.examples;
import java.util.stream.*;
import java.util.Collection;
import com.google.gson.*;
import com.noheto.plugins.IPlugin;
import fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.*;
import fr.wedia.confres.utils.Utils;
import fr.wedia.confres.utils.annot.PostProcessorConfigExclude;
import fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.EngineToolkit.ParameterType; // need to import explicitly the enum (in groovy)
* A basic example of postprocessor implementation in groovy.
* <p>This is an example of a postprocessor with interaction with the plugin that declares the postprocessor.
* The value is a configurable fixed value.</p>
* <p>There are two types of interactions </p>
* <ul>
* <li>We read some configuration properties of the plugin (they are not used, it is just for the example)</li>
* <li>We invoke a method of the plugin at each call (it doesn't matter what it does, it's just for the example)</li>
* </ul>
* <p></p>
* @author joel.drigo@wedia-group.com
class CustomProcessorExampleOfInteractionWithThePlugin extends AbstractPostProcessor {
* This value is always returned. It is configurable because there isn't any {@link @PostProcessorConfig} annotation.
private String value = "fixed";
* This is the list of possible returned values. It is initialized at startup, since the returned value is configurable (variable {@code value})
* <p>This variable is excluded explicitly from configuration, because there isn't any {@link @PostProcessorConfig} annotation</p>
private Set<String> values;
* Stores the plugin that declares the postprocessor (initialized at loading)
private IPlugin plugin;
* True when the plugin parameters has been effectly loaded
private boolean configured;
* This is a string parameter from plugin parameters
private String paramExample1;
* This is a JsonObject parameter from plugin parameters
private JsonObject paramExample2;
* This method is used when loading the postprocessor to inject the plugin that declares this postprocessor.
* @param plugin the name of the plugin that declares this postprocessor.
public void setPlugin(IPlugin plugin) {
this.plugin = plugin;
loadConfig(); // lazy loading of plugin parameters
* Start the processor.
public void start() {
loadConfig(); // lazy loading of plugin parameters
value = Utils.withDefault(value, ""); // if value is null or blank, replace with empty string
values = Utils.unmodifiableSet(value);
* This method reads the configuration from plugin (whose declare this postprocessor).
private void loadConfig() {
if ( !configured ) { // if configuration has not been yet loaded
if ( plugin==null ) {
PostProcessorLogger.warn("Plugin has not be set correctly");
configured = true; // we force this state to avoid trying to load again the configuration
else if ( plugin.isStarted() ) {
if ( PostProcessorLogger.debug() ) PostProcessorLogger.debug(CustomProcessorExampleOfInteractionWithThePlugin.class,"Load parameters from plugin " + plugin.getName() );
try {
// we read the desired plugin parameters
Map<String,Object> parameters = new EngineToolkit.PluginParameters()
.registerParameter("param_example_1", ParameterType.STRING, "default") // reads parameter_example_1 of type string
.registerParameter("param_example_2", ParameterType.JSON, ()-> new JsonObject()) // reads parameter_example_2 of type json
configured = true;
paramExample1 = (String)parameters.get("param_example_1");
JsonElement json = (JsonElement)parameters.get("param_example_2");
if ( json instanceof JsonObject ) {
paramExample2 = (JsonObject)json;
else {
paramExample2 = new JsonObject();
if ( PostProcessorLogger.debug() ) {
PostProcessorLogger.debug(CustomProcessorExampleOfInteractionWithThePlugin.class,"Parameter param_example_1 = " + paramExample1 );
PostProcessorLogger.debug(CustomProcessorExampleOfInteractionWithThePlugin.class,"Parameter param_example_2 = " + paramExample2 );
catch(Throwable t) {
// show stack trace only in debug level
if ( PostProcessorLogger.debug() ) PostProcessorLogger.debug(CustomProcessorExampleOfInteractionWithThePlugin.class,"Error while loading parameters from plugin " + plugin.getName() +".", t );
else if ( PostProcessorLogger.warn() ) PostProcessorLogger.warn(CustomProcessorExampleOfInteractionWithThePlugin.class,"Error while loading parameters from plugin " + plugin.getName() +". Set log to debug to see stacktrace." );
* This method invoke a method of a class of the plugin (whose declare this postprocessor).
private void invokePlugin(ProcessorContext context) {
if ( PostProcessorLogger.trace() ) {
PostProcessorLogger.trace("Invoking " + plugin.getName() + " / fr.wedia.confref.postprocessor.examples.Example.helloPlugin()");
String pluginMessage = EngineToolkit.invokePlugin(plugin, t->{
if ( t!=null ) { // if t is null plugin is not started
// show stack trace only in debug level
if ( PostProcessorLogger.debug() ) PostProcessorLogger.debug(CustomProcessorExampleOfInteractionWithThePlugin.class,"Error while invoking plugin " + plugin.getName() +".", t );
else if ( PostProcessorLogger.warn() ) PostProcessorLogger.warn(CustomProcessorExampleOfInteractionWithThePlugin.class,"Error while invoking plugin " + plugin.getName() +". Set log to debug to see stacktrace." );
}, "fr.wedia.confref.postprocessor.examples.Example","helloPlugin", context.getProcessorName() );
if ( pluginMessage!=null ) {
if ( PostProcessorLogger.info() ) {
PostProcessorLogger.info("The plugin " + plugin.getName() + " says: \"" + pluginMessage + "\"");
else {
if ( PostProcessorLogger.debug() ) {
PostProcessorLogger.debug("Invoking " + plugin.getName() + "... seems to be not started.");
* {@inheritDoc}
* Returns the postprocessor value corresponding (always the value {@code value}.
String getValue(ProcessorContext context) {
loadConfig(); // lazy loading of plugin parameters
if ( PostProcessorLogger.trace() ) {
PostProcessorLogger.trace("Invoking " + plugin.getName() + "...");
invokePlugin(context); // invoke plugin
return value;
* Returns all possible values.
* @return all possible values.
public Collection<String> getAvailableValues() {
loadConfig(); // lazy loading of plugin parameters
return values;
* Returns a hash code value for this postprocessor.
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(value);
* Returns true if the specified object is equals to this processor, i.e. the classes of both are equals and indexes are equals.
* return true if the specified object is equalis to this processor.
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
return fr.wedia.confres.utils.Utils.equals(CustomProcessorExampleOfInteractionWithThePlugin.class, this, obj, (o1,o2)-> Objects.equals(o1.value,o2.value));
} |
A complete example of the contribution of mappings and postprocessors
The configuration of the WXM_CONFIG_RESOLVER plugin is
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "mappings": { "portal": "_portal@club-wed@:surferRole@:userAgent", "picker": "_portal@club-wed@:picker" }, "postProcessors": { "surferRole": "fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.SurferRolePostProcessor", "userAgent": { "processor": "fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.UserAgentPostProcessor", "config": [ { "pattern": ".*Mobi.*", "name": "mobile" } ] } } } |
Le The service GET /api/portalconfig/mappings
(liste des list of mappings) retourne returns the following two mappings:
Code Block | ||
| ||
[ "portal", "picker" ] |
Le The service GET api/portalconfig/postprocessors/list?options=%7B%0A%09withMappings%3A%20true,%0A%09withValues%3A%20true%0A%7D
(liste des list of postprocessors, avec leurs mappings associés et valeurs) retourne with their associated mappings and values) returns the following two postprocessors :
Code Block | ||
| ||
[ { "name": "surferrole", "mappings": [ "portal" ], "values": [ "", "role-1", "role-4", "role-27", "role-31", "role-32", "role-33" ] }, { "name": "useragent", "mappings": [ "portal" ], "values": [ "", "mobile" ] } ] |
Je créé un plugin de contribution I create a contribution plugin WXM_CONFIG_RESOLVER_GPP tel que (ici j’ai mis les sources des as (here I put two of the sources of the postprocessors (groovy) dans un dossier in a res , mais ils peuvent être mis dans un autre dossier).folder, but they can be put in another folder). The third processor is in a JAR.
📄 config-resolver-postprocessors.json
📁 lig
📄 gpp.jar
📁 res
📁 gpp
📄 CustomProcessor.groovy
📄 CustomProcessorExample.groovy
📄 CustomProcessorExampleOfInteractionWithThePlugin.groovy
📄 CustomProcessorWithConfig.groovy
(le plugin d’exemple contient d’autres processors groovy non utilisés dans cet exemple)the plugin may contain other groovy processors not used in this example).
Here is the zip of the plugin (including source of class fr.wedia.confref.postprocessor.examples.Example
View file | ||
Le fichier The config-resolver-mappings.json définit des file defines additional mappings supplémentaires :
Code Block | ||
| ||
"mapping_GPP_1": "_empty",
"mapping_GPP_2": "_empty@:gppProcessor",
"mapping_GPP_3": "_empty@:gppProcessor@:gppProcessorWithConfig",
"mapping_GPP_4": "_empty@:gppProcessor@:gppProcessorPlugin"
} |
Le fichier The config-resolver-postprocessors.json définit des file declares additional postprocessors supplémentaires :
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "gppProcessor": { "processor": "/res/gppjar:file:/gpp.jar!/fr/wedia/confref/postprocessor/examples/CustomProcessor.groovy" }, "gppProcessorWithConfig": { "processor": "/res/gpp/CustomProcessorWithConfig.groovy", "config": { "values": ["x","y" ] } }, "gppProcessorPlugin": { "processor": "/res/gpp/CustomProcessorExampleOfInteractionWithThePlugin.groovy" } } |
On utilise ici la syntaxe “objet” sans propriété “plugin”, ce qui détermine que le fichier groovy sera cherché dans ce This defines the following postprocessors:
source script is located in jar gpp.jar (located in the directory /lib of the plugin). The source is also in folder /res/gpp if you want to look at the source. It is used by mappingsmapping_GPP_2
source script is located in folder /res/gpp. It is used by mappingmapping_GPP_3
source script is located in folder /res/gpp. It is used by mappingmapping_GPP_4
We use here the "object" syntax without "plugin" property, which determines that the groovy file will be searched in this plugin (WXM_CONFIG_RESOLVER_GPP), avec un path relatif à sa racine.On installe et active ce plugin et on redémarre with a relative path to its root.
We install and activate this plugin and restart WXM_CONFIG_RESOLVER.
Le service GET /api/portalconfig/mappings
(liste des mappings) retourne :
Code Block | ||
| ||
] |
Le service GET api/portalconfig/postprocessors/list?options=%7B%0A%09withMappings%3A%20true,%0A%09withValues%3A%20true%0A%7D
(liste des postprocessors, avec leurs mappings associés et valeurs) retourne :
Code Block | ||
| ||
[ { "name": "surferrole", "mappings": [ "portal" ], "values": [ "", "role-1", "role-4", "role-27", "role-31", "role-32", "role-33" ] }, { "name": "useragent", "mappings": [ "portal" ], "values": [ "", "mobile" ] }, { "name": "gppprocessorplugin", "mappings": [ "mapping_GPP_4" ], "values": [ "fixed" ] }, { "name": "gppprocessor", "mappings": [ "mapping_GPP_2", "mapping_GPP_3", "mapping_GPP_4" ], "values": [ "V1", "V2", "V3", "V4", "V5" ] }, { "name": "gppprocessorwithconfig", "mappings": [ "mapping_GPP_3" ], "values": [ "x", "y" ] } ] |
Standard postprocessors
Surfer role
Class name: fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.SurferRolePostProcessor
This post processor allows to have a specific configuration for each role. The folder name for a role is formed by concatenating a prefix and the role identifier.
For example: role-1.
The prefix can be configured using the property prefix.
The value for not connected mode is ““. It could be changed with the property notConnectedValue.
You can implement your own surfer-dependent post processor by implementing the fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.AbstractSurferPostProcessor
abstraction and its String getValue(CTSurfer)
User agent
Class name: fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.UserAgentPostProcessor
If several patterns are indicated, they are tested in the order of the array. The first one that matches is used.
By default, only one User-Agent header is tested, the first one found. You can test all the values of this header using the anyMatch configuration property by setting it to true.
Code Block | ||
| ||
"userAgent": { "processor": "fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.UserAgentPostProcessor", "anyMatch": true, "config": [{ "pattern": ".*Mobi.*", "name": "mobile" }] } |
You can implement your own header-dependent post processor by implementing the fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.AbstractHeaderPostProcessor
abstraction and its String getValue(String,Collection<fr.wedia.confres.api.util.Headers>)
method. See others methods getValueFoNoHeaders
and getValueForNull
to return a value respectively for no headers or null headers. See the javadoc for more information getValueFoNoHeaders
and getValueForNull
to return a value respectively for no headers or null headers. See the javadoc for more information
Parameter processor
is a base for processors whose value depends on parameters.
Customizings postprocessors
You can create your own postprocessors. Just define the implementation class in a groovy extension file. The class must extend one of the abstractions provided as standard, or possibly a standard postprocessor.
Code Block | ||
| ||
"surferRole": { "processor": "customprocessors/mysurferrolepostprocessors.groovy", "prefix": "altrole-" } |
The location of the file can be:
the SAN
a plugin
To specify a plugin, add the plugin property.Code Block language json "surferRole": { "processor": "customprocessors/mysurferrolepostprocessors.groovy", "plugin": name of the plugin }
If the value of property plugin is a string, it’s the name of the plugin
In all other cases,, the plugin is a default plugin, configured in the default_contribution_plugin parameter of the wxm_config_resolver plugin
To implement a postprocessor in groovy, extend the class fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.AbstractPostProcessor
. You can also base your class on one of the pre-implemented postprocessor classes (see Standard postprocessors).
method must return all possible values returned by the other method.The method
will return the desired value in the invocation context. It is important to consider the context rather than the query, because in some cases, for the purposes of the configuration editing tool, and for testing purposes, the context information may override query values. It is theProcessorContext
class that allows access to the invocation context:ProcessorContext.getSurfer()
: returns the surfer for which we want to execute the postprocessorProcessorContext.getSurferProperty(String name)
: returns the value of a property of the surfer (or null if it does not exist).ProcessorContext.getHeaders(String name)
: returns the values of the specified headerProcessorContext.getParameters()
: returns a wrapper to retrieve query parametersProcessorContext.getMappingId()
: returns the ID of the mapping we are trying to solveProcessorContext.getPathInfo()
: allows to have a contextual description of invocation to log in particularAs a last resort, you can retrieve the request, with the method
: returns the ID of the mapping we are trying to solveProcessorContext.getPathInfo()
: allows to have a contextual description of invocation to log in particularProcessorContext.getProcessorName()
: get the name of the post processorAs a last resort, you can retrieve the request, with the method
Note |
Avoid using the query to retrieve context information (like the surfer for example). Always prefer to use the context when possible. Simulation queries can pass context information (like the surfer, or a header) as parameters, and this information is put in ProcessorContext, the query cannot be modified. Moreover, during unit tests your postprocessor could be called without request with a mocked server. In this case, the request instance will be null. If the context does not give you access to the information you want, you can use the request, but in this case your postprocessor cannot be used in simulation for this information nor in testing. |
Info |
There is no guarantee that any of the returned values are not null: if any of the information provided by the ProcessorContext is used, all cases must be tested (including, for example, testing whether getRequest() is null, as the postprocessor could be invoked as part of a simulation outside of HTTP calls). |
as it is a folder name, there must not be any forbidden characters in the file names (slash (
), backslash(\
), column(:
), pipe (|
), chevrons (<
), question mark (?
), double-quotes ("
)...)do not use arobase (
), this character being used as a name separator in configuration folder names, to avoid possible conflicts. Avoid also other separators, like dot (.
), whitespaces…generally avoid characters other than letters (without accent), numbers, underscore and dash (avoid dash if possible, this character can cause problems within URLs
the initial dollar character (
) is always considered as a cutting ordervalues should be considered case insensitive, but use lower case (as folders can be deployed by nar)
the blank values are always ignored (skip the processor value in the final path). For example, if a path is defined by
, and the corresponding postprocessor returns a blank string, the path will bex@y
Since 2023.2
A processor can return a value
composed of several paths (thus containing @, for example
)referring to another processor (for example the returned value is
beware however of an infinite recursion, the path will bex@y
.there is no test. In general, limit the depth of recursion to limit computing time.in addition we can escape a character with the backslash
You can configure a custom postprocessor via its declaration in the plugin configuration.
Basic set-up
By default, the properties indicated in the postprocessor configuration, except the reserved properties processor
, plugin
, config
and configDeserializer
are all injected in the class variables by compliant setter.
The two variables connectedValue
and notConnectedValue
will have the values "on" and "off" respectively.
Control of configuration variables
You can designate which variables will be configurable by using the @PostProcessorConfig annotation. In this case, only the variables that have this annotation will be configurable.
It’s not possible to mix the setter and the annotation ways to configure the postprocessor.
Advanced set-up
You can also deport the configuration to a separate object. If you configure your postprocessor by specifying properties in a config section, the properties will also be injected into the class variables.
the type of argument can be
.the type of argument can be
. It is an encapsulation ofcom.google.gson.JsonElement
that allows to retrieve information more easily.at any inner class with a no-argument constructor. It will be instancied the properties will be injected as described above
Example:Code Block language groovy package fr.wedia.confref.custom.processor; import fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.*; import com.google.gson.*; import fr.wedia.confres.plugin.PluginLogger; class CustomProcessorWithConfig extends AbstractPostProcessor { private static final List<String> VALUES = Arrays.asList("V1","V2","V3","V4","V5"); /** * this is a debug postprocessor which use a non contextual property (index attribute value) */ @fr.wedia.confres.utils.annot.PostProcessorConfig() private int index=0; private Config config; private List<String> values = VALUES; public void start() { PluginLogger.info(CustomProcessorWithConfig.class,"starting component with config " + config); if ( config!=null ) { if ( config.getValues()!=null ) { PluginLogger.info(CustomProcessorWithConfig.class,"starting component with config " + config.getValues()); values = config.getValues(); } } } @Override String getValue(ProcessorContext context) { return values.get(index); } @Override Collection<String> getAvailableValues() { return values; } @Override String toString() { return this.getClass().getName()+" Groovy:CustomProcessor#"+index+"#"+values; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return fr.wedia.confres.utils.Utils.equals(CustomProcessorWithConfig.class, this, obj, (o1,o2)-> o1.index==o2.index); } public void setConfig(Config config) { this.config=config; } public static class Config { private List<String> values; public void setValues(List<String> values) { this.values=values; } public List<String> getValues() { return values; } } }
And the configuration:
Code Block language json "connectionState": { "processor": "customprocessors/mypostprocessor.groovy", "plugin": name of the plugin, "index": 2, "config": { "values": ["a","b","c"] } }
You can execute code right after loading the postprocessor by adding the start()
Code Block | ||
| ||
package fr.wedia.confref.custom.processor; import fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.*; import com.google.gson.*; import fr.wedia.confres.plugin.PluginLogger; class CustomProcessorJsonElement extends AbstractPostProcessor { private static final List<String> VALUES = Arrays.asList("V1","V2","V3","V4","V5"); private JsonElement config; private List<String> values = VALUES; public void start() { PluginLogger.info(CustomProcessorJsonElement.class,"starting component with config " + config); if ( config!=null && config.isJsonArray() ) { JsonArray jsonArray = config.getAsJsonArray(); List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i=0; i<jsonArray.size(); i++) { list.add(jsonArray.get(i).getAsString()); } values = list; } } @Override String getValue(ProcessorContext context) { return ... } @Override Collection<String> getAvailableValues() { return values; } public void setConfig(JsonElement config) { this.config=config; } } |
If the postprocessor is contributed by a plugin, you can retrieve this plugin by adding a method setPlugin with an argument of type String or com.noheto.plugins.IPlugin
. However, be aware that postprocessors are loaded at the start of the .plugins.IPlugin
. However, be aware that postprocessors are loaded at the start of the wxm_config_resolver plugin and the contributing plugins are not necessarily started at that time.
Class fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.PostProcessorConfig
This class makes it easier to recover a JSON postprocessor configuration.
the method
tests if the configuration is a list (a JSON array): if true, you can get it withasList()
method, as afr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.PostProcessorConfigList
.the method
tests if the configuration is a map (a JSON object): if true, you can get it withasMap()
method, as afr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.PostProcessorConfigMap
See the JavaDoc of these classes for more information.
Postprocessors are loaded when the wxm_config_resolver plugin and the contributing plugins are not necessarily started is started. If startup is not possible at that time .
Class fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor.PostProcessorConfig
This class makes it easier to recover a JSON postprocessor configuration.
(error during instantiation, file not found, etc.), the component will not be available until the plugin is restarted.
In any case a postprocessor loaded from a plugin will be invoked (whether the plugin is activated, started or not). Be careful, however, if you invoke plugin classes in the resolution (with a plugin.invoke()
): remember that a plugin cannot be invoked when it is not fully started (and therefore necessarily activated).
In case of an error during the resolution, the postprocessor is ignored and therefore its value is removed from the resolved path.
Logging can be done using
class for a log specific to the execution of custom postprocessorsThe
class to log in the WXM_CONFIG_RESOLVER main log
Code Block |
package fr.wedia.confref.custom.processor; import fr.wedia.confres.core.model.processor. |
See the JavaDoc of these classes for more information.
Postprocessors are loaded when the wxm_config_resolver plugin is started. If startup is not possible at that time (error during instantiation, file not found, etc.), the component will not be available until the plugin is restarted.
In any case a postprocessor loaded from a plugin will be invoked (whether the plugin is activated, started or not). Be careful, however, if you invoke plugin classes in the resolution (with a plugin.invoke()
): remember that a plugin cannot be invoked when it is not fully started (and therefore necessarily activated).
class CustomProcessorLoggingExample extends AbstractPostProcessor {
private JsonElement config;
public void start() {
if ( PostProcessorLogger.info() ) {
PostProcessorLogger.info(CustomProcessorLoggingExample.class,"starting component with config " + config);
String getValue(ProcessorContext context) {
if ( PostProcessorLogger.trace() ) {
PostProcessorLogger.trace(context, CustomProcessorLoggingExample.class,"getting value from post processor for surfer " + context.getSurfer());
return ...
} |
general information
JSON request parameters
JSON parameters of options (so except data files, but also verbosity, specific parameters like processorValues for example, etc) can use a lenient syntax.
The error system is basic and only based on the standard HTTP code. It is possible to get an explicit message in debug mode.
Instance reference parameter
When referring to an instance of an object, in particular a user (to set up a surfer for example), we use a parameter of type "instance reference". The valke:
either a uuid
either a uid (object type followed by the object instance id, separated by an underscore, a slash or a dash)
or an id (the type of the object will automatically be the main type by default, for example user, for a surfer)
or, for a surfer/user, the value “notconnected” (case insensitive) to set a not connected surfer
Specific parameters syntax
The pathMatchers allow to define file filters. The syntax used is based on the Java interface java.nio.file.PathMatcher:
Beware, the handling of the glob syntax may be system dependent, especially regarding case.
get configuration
Gets a final configuration for a mapping ID.
The difference between the two endpoints is that the first one takes no parameters other than the mapping id (and debug). It is intended to retrieve the desired configuration for the requesting surfer (or no surfer). The second one is more for the configuration UX to get different views of the configuration depending on the parameters. The first one is not secured while the second one is.
mappingID: string (mandatory), the mapping for which we want the configuration
wip: boolean (optional, false by default), activate the “wip” mode (if false, wip/inherit files are ignored, if true, wip/inherit files are taken into account
pathFilter, string/nodePath (optional, none by default), a pathfilter to select nodes (See Filtering)
pathFilterMode, string/enum (optional, FILTER by default), the filter mode (See Filtering)
nodesWithPath, boolean (optional, false by default), (See Filtering)
surfer, instance reference (optional, none by default), a substitute user/surfer to get the configuration that this surfer would have if he called the service. (See Instance reference parameter)
processorValues, JSON/map (optional, none by default), a processor/value association map to obtain the corresponding configuration
For example,Code Block language json { "surferRole": "role-31" }
options, JSON (optional)
xjson: boolean (options, false by default), true to get the configuration as an xjson
explain configuration
Shows a detailed view of the components of a configuration and how they were obtained.
GET /api/portalconfig/config/explain
(operation ID: configExplain
mappingID: string (mandatory), the mapping for which we want the configuration
wip: boolean (optional, false by default), activate the “wip” mode (if false, wip/inherit files are ignored, if true, wip/inherit files are taken into account
pathFilter, string/nodePath (optional, none by default), a pathfilter to select nodes (See Filtering)
pathFilterMode, string/enum (optional, FILTER by default), the filter mode (See Filtering)
nodesWithPath, boolean (optional, false by default), (See Filtering)
surfer, instance reference (optional, none by default), a substitute user/surfer to get the configuration that this surfer would have if he called the service. (See Instance reference parameter)
processorValues, json/map (optional, none by default), a processor/value association map to obtain the corresponding configuration
options JSON (optional)
xjson: boolean (options, false by default), true to get the configuration as an xjson
verbosity JSON, int or string/enum (optional), determines what information will or will not be exposed
We can configure the verbosityeither by a numerical verbosity level (from 0 to 15)
or by one of the following words:
or by a json which lists the different properties and their values (none is mandatory, all have a default value)
or by a combination of both: in the json, the verbosity property is the level, the other properties allowing to select values different from those of the level.
For example:Code Block language json { verbosity: default, includesVerbosity: true }
if not specified, the verbosity is
Code Block language json { "includesVerbosity": false, "includesLocation": true, "includesLayer": true, "includesOverrides": true, "locationVerbose": true, "locationRecursive": true, "pathVerbosity": true, "decomposePaths": false, "decomposePathsVerbose": true, "includeNodePath": true, "includeJsonPath": true, "includeXJsonPath": true, "nameVerbosity": true, "includesIgnored": true, "groupsIgnoredInRoot": true, "ignoredLocationVerbose": true, "includesErrors": true, "groupsErrorsInRoot": true, "errorVerbose": true, "exceptionVerbose": true, "exceptionDepth": -1, "stackTraceVerbosity": 2 }
here is the default json for the verbosity (value
or 3)Code Block language json { "includesVerbosity": false, "includesLocation": true, "includesLayer": true, "includesOverrides": true, "locationVerbose": false, "locationRecursive": false, "pathVerbosity": true, "decomposePaths": false, "decomposePathsVerbose": false, "includeNodePath": false, "includeJsonPath": false, "includeXJsonPath": false, "nameVerbosity": false, "simpleName": true, "includesIgnored": true, "groupsIgnoredInRoot": false, "ignoredLocationVerbose": false, "includesErrors": true, "groupsErrorsInRoot": false, "errorVerbose": false, "exceptionVerbose": false, "exceptionDepth": 0, "stackTraceVerbosity": 0 }
The meaning of the properties
includesVerbosity, boolean (optional, default is false): If true, include the verbosity configuration in the response
includesLocation, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, locations are included in the response
includesLayer, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, layer (location root folder) are included in the response
includesOverrides, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, overridden elements are included in the response
locationVerbose, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, the locations are exposed with a maximum of information
locationRecursive, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, the locations are exposed with their parent, recursively
pathVerbosity, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, the paths of the locations are exported with a maximum of verbosity
decomposePaths, boolean (optional, default is false): if true,the path decomposition of the locations is exported (how these paths were built, in particular which postprocessors were used and their value)
decomposePathsVerbose, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, the path decomposition of the locations is in maximum verbosity
includeNodePath, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, the nodepaths of each element are exported
includeJsonPath, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, the JSONpaths of each element are exported
includeXJsonPath: boolean (optional, default is true): if true, the XJSONpaths of each element are exported
nameVerbosity, boolean (optional, default is false): if true, the names are exported in maximum verbosity (in particular, we get the details of the type of name: if it is a wip, an inherit, an array, etc)
simpleName, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, the name doesn’t include decorations( wip, inherit, array…).
includesIgnored, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, files found but ignored are exported, with the reason for ignoring them
groupsIgnoredInRoot, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, the ignored files are grouped at the root, if false, they are exported at the level where they were detected
ignoredLocationVerbose, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, ignored files are exported with maximum verbosity
includesErrors, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, the files or folders whose reading triggered an error are exported
groupsErrorsInRoot, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, the files in error are grouped at the root, if false, they are exported at the level where they were detected
errorVerbose, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, files with errors are exported with maximum verbosity
exceptionVerbose, boolean (optional, default is true): if true, the exceptions encountered are exported with a maximum of verbosity
exceptionDepth, int (optional, default is 0): defines the depth of the causes of the exceptions (0 corresponds to no cause)
stackTraceVerbosity, int (optional, default is 0): defines the verbosity level of the stack traces
configuration merge and explain tests
It is possible to test the config merge and config explain services without having any configuration, mapping, processors, etc.
The config/test service allows you to test the merging of several Jsons (or XJsons) by obtaining either a merge response or an explain response.
GET /api/portalconfig/config/test
also works, with the parameter explain (operation ID: configTest
The parameters are a combination of the parameters found in the services config/merge, config/explain and xjson/to and xjson/from.
json, string or file, (at least one is mandatory), that contains JSon (or XJSon), multiple values allowed (JSon lenient parsing is not supported)
xjson, boolean, optional (default is false). If true, if the jsons passed in parameter must be considered as xjson, false, otherwise (not to be confused with the xjson option which controls how the response json is formed)
lenient, boolean, optional (default is false). If true, the xjsons passed in parameter must be processed as lenient
explain, boolean optional (default is false). If true, the result is an explain, if false, the result is a merge. (works only with end point
)locations, optional
This parameter allows to give location names to each JSon. Indeed, as there is no corresponding physical location (no files or folders), a virtual location is generated with just an incremental index (from 1 to n, and Root for root). This parameter allows to name the layers.either by a JSon array (example:
)or by strings (example
pathFilter (see get configuration and explain configuration)
pathFilterMode (see get configuration and explain configuration)
nodesWithPaths (see get configuration and explain configuration)
options (see get configuration and explain configuration)
verbosity, only if explain (see get configuration and explain configuration)
processors list
Gets processors list (variable names)
GET /api/portalconfig/postprocessors/list
(operation ID: postProcessorsList
mappingID: string (optional), designates a particular mapping (filter)
postProcessor: multiple strings or comma-separated (optional), designates a particular post processor, or a list of post processors (filter)
(you can have several times the parameter, or list several postProcessor in the same parameter, separated by commas)options: a JSON object (optional), defines options
withMappings: (default false) allows to have the list of mappings that use the postprocessor
withValues: (default false) allows to have the list of mappings that use the postprocessor
processors value
Gets post processor value for the current context
GET /api/portalconfig/postprocessors/value
(operation ID: postProcessorsValue
mappingID: string (mandatory) the mapping ID
postProcessor multiple strings or comma-separated (optional), designates a particular post processor, or a list of post processors (filter)
(you can have several times the parameter, or list several postProcessor in the same parameter, separated by commas)surfer:string, as UUID, UID, ID… (optional), a particular user for whom we want the resolution
options: a JSON object (optional), defines options
withMappings (false)
withValues (false)
all paths
Gets all possible paths for a mapping to resolve a configuration.
GET /api/portalconfig/path/all
(operation ID: pathAll
mappingID string (mandatory), the mapping ID
options a JSON object (optional), defines options
explain boolean (optional)
true: gives the details of each part of the paths, with the source of the postprocessors and values that determined them
false (or absent): no details (default behavior)
withFileInfo (optional) boolean
sizeOfDirectory boolean (optional, default is true) if true, the size of a folder is calculated by adding the size of all the files in it. If false, it is the size of the file-folder.Files and directories
filter JSON object (optional)
This filter allows you to select files according to criteria. It is defined as a JSON with the following properties:withBase boolean (optional)
if true, base config is included in response
if false, base config is not included in response
if absent or null, has no effect
exists boolean (optional)
if true, configuration files that do not exist aren’t included in the response
if false, configuration files that exist aren’t included in the response
if absent or null, has no effect
postProcessors (optional) string, or array of strings (A list of post processor names)
Only the paths that have been determined from the listed processors are included in the response.postProcessorValues (optional) JSON object/map
Allows to get only the paths that contain certain values of post processors.keys are post processors names
values (string, or array) are the list of values from the post processors for which a path will be included in the response
resolve paths
Gets all possible full paths for a mapping. The difference with “all paths” is that we only have the final folders (those that correspond to the evaluation of postprocessors in the context).
GET /api/portalconfig/path/resolve
(operation ID: pathResolve
mappingID, string (mandatory): the mapping ID
options, JSON (optional)
explain boolean (optional, default is false) if true, expose details on each paths
withFileInfo boolean (optional, default is false) if true, informations on files are included (size and length)
sizeOfDirectory boolean (optional, default is true) if true, the size of a folder is calculated by adding the size of all the files in it. If false, it is the size of the file-folder.Files and directories
filter, JSON (optional)
This filter allows you to select files according to criteria. It is defined as a JSON with the following properties:withBase, boolean (optional, default is false)
if true, base config is included in response
if false, base config is not included in response
if absent or null, has no effect
exists boolean (optional, default is false)
if true, configuration files that do not exist aren’t included in the response
if false, configuration files that exist aren’t included in the response
if absent or null, has no effect
postProcessors (optional) string, or array of strings (A list of post processor names)
Only the paths that have been determined from the listed processors are included in the response.postProcessorValues (optional), JSON object
Allows to get only the paths that contain certain values of post processors.keys are post processors names
values (string, or array) are the list of values from the post processors for which a path will be included in the response
Gets list of existing mappings
A configuration is finally accessed by an identifier. For each identifier, we define a configuration path, consisting of the paths of the different folders or configuration files, separated with the character arobase (@
) that will successively overload the database. The combination of the two is called mapping.
options, JSON (optional)
withStatus, boolean(optional, default is false)
Expose status of mapping:OK: the mapping is existing and is valid
NO_FILE: the mapping exists but no base file has been found
INVALID: the configuration of the base path is invalid (probably the folder is outside the specific base location)
VARIABLE: the path associated to mapping is variable. This service could not handle variable bases.
withFileInfo, boolean (optional, default is false) if true, informations on base files are included (size and length)
sizeOfDirectory, boolean (optional, default is true) if true, the size of a folder is calculated by adding the size of all the files in it. If false, it is the size of the file-folder.Files and directories
Gets a list of configuration layers (configuration layer root directories)
GET /api/portalconfig/layers
(operation ID: layersList
pathMatcher (optional)
A filter to select layers. See pathMatcher.options, JSON (optional)
withRights, boolean, (optional, default is true)
If true, we expose the writing rights in this layeronlyIfExists, boolean, (optional, default is false)
If true, we expose that the layers that physically existwithMappings, boolean, (optional, default is false)
If true, we expose the list of mappings that include the layer stored in this layerwithInfo, boolean (optional, default is false)
If true, we expose some information about the layer:exists, a boolean: if true, the layer physically exists
var, a boolean: if true, the layer name has been calculated by postprocessors
restarting, a boolean: if true, the layer name is relative (it has been cut by a $ during its resolution)
withFileinfo, boolean (optional, default is false)
If true, we expose the last modification date and the size of the layer (if it exists)sizeOfDirectory, boolean (optional, default is false)
If true, the size of the folder is the total size of all the files it contains (otherwise, this information is what thejava.nio.file.Files.size()
method returns)outOfMappings, boolean (option, default is false)
if true, also retrieves the layers that are not used by a mapping (so all folders created in the configuration storage folder)
Panel | ||||||||
| ||||||||
This service can be used to know if a layer is used in a mapping. For example to know if
Compares two JSON. The result is a list of differences.
GET/POST /api/portalconfig/diff
(operation ID: jsonDiff
leftJson, JSON descriptor (mandatory), a JSON to compare to rightJson
rightJson, JSON descriptor (mandatory), a JSON to compare to leftJson
processorValues, JSON/map (optional), a default set of processor values
options, JSON (optional),
JSON descriptor
Describes the reference JSON to compare the other to (left), or the JSON to compare to the reference (right).
In this case, the json field (mandatory) contains the JSON value to compare.
Example:Code Block language json { "type":"json", "json": { "a": 1, "b": true, "c": "abc" } }
xjson (optional, default is false) if true, the JSON is a XJSON, if false the JSON will be converted to XJSON to compute differences.
In this case, the field field (mandatory) contains the name of the form field that contains the JSON (file or string)
Example:Code Block language json { type: form, field: json1, xjson: true }
xjson (optional, default is false) if true, the JSON is a XJSON, if false the JSON will be converted to XJSON to compute differences.
References a mapping.mappingID, string (mandatory), the mapping ID
wip, boolean (optional, default is false): true activates the wip mode
processorValues, JSON/map (optional, none by default) a set of processor values
surfer, instance reference (optional, none by default), a surfer
References a configuration layerIn this case, the path field (mandatory) is the path of the configuration layer
ExampleCode Block language json { type: config, path : '_portal@club-wed@role-4' }
References a configuration baseIn this case, the mappingID field is the mapping for which we want the base
ExampleCode Block { type: base, mappingID: portal }
To get a filesystem view of a configuration folder.
GET /api/portalconfig/fs/dir
(operation ID: dir
path string (mandatory): the path of the desired layer
for exemple,_portal@club-wed@role-4
subpath, string (optional): a path relative to the layer path
for example,boardsview
verbosity, JSON (optional):
includesFileInfos, boolean (optional, default is true): exports dates and file sizes
includesFileCounters, boolean (optional, default is true): exports the number of files and folders
options, JSON (optional):
depth: int (optional, default is -1=infinite depth)
pathMatcher: (optional) defines a filter on paths and file names. The filter is applied to the relative path and name: if it matches one of the two, then the file or folder is exported, and those that do not match one of the two are not. See pathMatcher.
merged dir
To get a filesystem oriented view of a set of configuration folders corresponding to a mapping resolution, in a merged way.
GET /api/portalconfig/fs/dir
(operation ID: dirMerged
path: string, multiple (mandatory, if mappingID is not present): a list of paths (base or configuration layers). If mappingID is also present, it’s used as an inclusive filter. If mappingID is not present, it's the list of paths to get.
mappingID: string (mandatory, if path is not present), the mapping for which we want the configuration
wip: boolean (optional, false by default), activate the “wip” mode (if false, wip/inherit files are ignored, if true, wip/inherit files are taken into account
surfer, instance reference (optional, none by default), a substitute user/surfer to get the configuration that this surfer would have if he called the service. (See Instance reference parameter)
processorValues, JSON/map (optional, none by default), a processor/value association map to obtain the corresponding configuration
For example,Code Block language json { "surferRole": "role-31" }
maxLayers, int (optional, default is -1=infinite): only if mappingID present and resolve true, limits the numbers of paths
resolve, boolean (optional, default is true): only if mappingID present, if true, resolve the configuration layers against the context (so get only the involved paths), if false, get all possible paths
verbosity, JSON (optional):
includesErrors, boolean (optional, default is true): export the files or directories that caused read errors
includesIgnored, boolean (optional, default is true): export the files or directories ignored during the resolution of a mapping
includesNotFound, boolean (optional, default is true): export the configuration layer folders that do not exist
includesFileInfos, boolean (optional, default is true): exports dates and file sizes
includesFileContent, boolean (optional, default is true): exports the content of files
options, JSON (optional):
depth: int (optional, default is -1=infinite depth)
pathMatcher: (optional) defines a filter on paths and file names. The filter is applied to the relative path and name: if it matches one of the two, then the file or folder is exported, and those that do not match one of the two are not. See pathMatcher.
Lock services
These services allow you to obtain a lock that allows you to call the configuration creation or modification services (and configuration files). Once the lock is obtained, other users cannot obtain one until it is released or expired.
Comming soon: locks per layer, by the layer parameter
POST /fs/lock
(operation ID: lockPut
Put an exclusive access lock (if not already owned).
Http status | |
200 | The lock has been obtained or extended |
403 | Unable to obtain a lock (already owned, or error) |
503 | Locks are unavailable |
500 | Other errors |
DELETE /fs/lock
(operation ID: lockDelete
Delete the owned lock.
Http status | |
200 | Lock deleted |
202 | No lock |
403 | Lock not owned |
500 | Other errors |
get lock
GET /fs/lock
(operation ID: lockGet
Test if lock is owned (and extend it)
Http status | |
200 | Lock is owned and extended |
202 | Lock not owned (free) |
403 | Lock is owned by some body else (other surfer or other session) |
503 | Locks are unavailable |
500 | Errors |
Auto locking
Any service that creates, modifies or deletes configuration files automatically creates a lock (enableable/disableable by plugin configuration).
Lock live time
Lock live time is configurable in plugin configuration (by default 60s).
This feature is disableable by plugin configuration.
Command submission⚠️
Services that may fail due to lack of lock availability can be run in batch with guaranteed execution. When the execution fails because of the lock system, the execution is retried later.
At invocation, a set of commands is specified, each command corresponding to a service invocation. The service returns a command identifier and the current status of each command. It is possible to query this status via the command set identifier at any time until complete. Completed command sets are kept for a limited time. If the status of an unknown order set is requested (unknown id, or retention time exceeded), a done status will be obtained, without details per command
The parameter value that describes the command set is a JSON (lenient syntax).
Description of a set of commands
A set of commands is described by a JSON array of commands. A single command can be described directly (out of an array).
Any value other than an array or object (command description) will result in an empty command set.
Description of a command
A command is described by a JSON object with the following properties:
The parameter names are the same as for the corresponding services.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ name: 'FS/LAYER/WRITE', parameters: { layer: '_portal@test@role-4' } } |
Code Block |
[ { id: 'writeMainLayers', name: 'FS/LAYER/WRITE', parameters: { layer: ['_portal@test@role-4','portal@test@role-14'] } }, { id: 'role_4_displayNaturalSearch' name: 'FS/FILE/WRITE', parameters: { layer: '_portal@test@role-4', path: [home,displayNaturalSearch], content: true, options: { mkDirs: true } } }, { id: 'role_14_displayNaturalSearch' name: 'FS/FILE/WRITE', parameters: [ { name: layer, values: '_portal@test@role-14' }, { name: path, values: [[home,displayNaturalSearch]] }, { name: content, values: false }, { name: options, values: { mkDirs: true } } ] }, { id: 'role_16_displayNaturalSearch' name: 'FS/FILE/WRITE', parameters: [ { name: layer, value: '_portal@test@role-16' }, { name: path, value: [home,displayNaturalSearch] }, { name: content, values: false }, { name: options, values: { mkLayers: true, mkDirs: true, clear: true } } ] } ] |
Service to submit a command set
POST /fs/command
(operation ID: commandSubmit
commands, mandatory, description of commands (see above)
You can specify unit (as ms, s, m(for minute)). For examples: 45s
, 45000 ms
, 0.75m
Service to get state of a command set
GET /fs/command
(operation ID: commandStatus
id, mandatory, command id
timeout, optional (default 0), maximum waiting time in ms for service response (ignored if commandset is finished, or not found)
Runtime system configuration
The job manager is configured by the command_submit_manager_config parameter in the WXM_CONFIG_RESOLVER plugin configuration which is a JSON object with the following properties:
threadCount: number (int), optional (default is 3, minimum is 1),
the number of allocated threadskeepOldJobTime: number (long), optional (default is 30000, minimum is 0),
the maximum retention time of a set of commands (after execution), in msmaxOldJobCount: number (int), optional (default is 1000, minimul is 0),
the maximum number of command sets retained after they have been completed
Modify or create configuration properties
These are services to modify the configuration without manipulating files (without using basic file operations).
With a few exceptions, these services operate on the same principle.
For write services, a configuration can be specified either as an XJSON (lenient) or as a list of paths (XJSONPATH), always in a specified configuration layer (layer). If a path is specified together with an xjson, the path must be unique and constitute the complete path to the property being written. If the path is omitted, the root of the configuration layer is addressed. You can write either configuration, wip files or delete files, but not all three at the same time in one call: this is handled by two boolean parameters named delete and wip.
In the XJSON, as in the paths, we do not put a file extension. The XJSON is called lenient because it accepts JSON arrays: in this case, the XJSON object is evaluated automatically (indexes are assigned automatically), and the property name does not have to end with empty brackets ([]
). In writing, only what is described in the XJSON is written, without modifying the other properties (but the properties referenced by the XJSON are well replaced: all siblings files for the property are deleted). The option merge allows you to specify that you want to delete the properties that are not described in the json.
Patch configuration properties with a XJSON
To patch a configuration layer with an XJSON, use
POST fs/config
(operation ID:configWrite
content (mandatory): the XJSON
layer (mandatory): the configuration layer name
path (optional): an xjsonpath target subpath
Patch configuration delete files by paths
To patch a configuration layer with delete files, use
DELETE fs/config
(operation ID:configDelete
content: none
layer (mandatory): the configuration layer name
path (at least one): one or several xjsonpath
Replace configuration properties with a XJSON
To patch a configuration layer with an XJSON, use
POST fs/config
(operation ID:configWrite
content (mandatory): the XJSON
layer (mandatory): the configuration layer name
path (optional): an xjsonpath target subpath
merge: false
Delete configuration (write delete files and/or remove files) with a XJSON
To patch a configuration layer with an XJSON, to delete configuration properties of the above layers or remove configuration properties from this layer, use
DELETE fs/config
(operation ID:configDelete
content (mandatory): the XJSON
In that mode, the XJSON is not lenient, because arrays are used to specify the mode. In this array, specify the desired options amongDELETE (or D, or DEL, insentive case)
to write a file with delete suffixREMOVE (or R, or REM, insentive case)
to remove the property
for example:Code Block { a: [delete], b: [remove], c: [delete, remove] }
the file a.delete will be created
all the files and directories for the property b will be removed
all the files and directories for the property c will be removed, then the file c.delete will be created
layer (mandatory): the configuration layer name
path (optional): an xjsonpath target subpath
Service to write configuration
POST fs/config
(operation ID: configWrite
This service allows to modify (patch or replace) the configuration in a layer, or in a subfolder of a layer
layer, (see Basic file operatirons/Parameters for details), mandatory
denotes the configuration layerpath, (see Basic file operatirons/Parameters for details), optional, can be single or multiple, depending on the presence of content
specifies the relative xjsonpath (to the configuration layer) where to writecontent, string or file(multipart/formdata), optional
The XJSON (lenient) to write. If this parameter is not specified, multiple paths can be specified. If this parameter is specified, only one path or none can be specified (in this case, we write directly to the layer)wip, boolean, optional(default is false)⛔
True to write to wip datadelete, boolean, optional(default is false)⛔
True to write delete overrides. In this mode, the primitive values in the xjson (if present) are ignored.options, JSON with the following properties
merge, boolean, optional (true by default)
True to keep the other properties already existing in the namespace we are writing. If false, All other properties in the written namespace will be removedFor example, the name space is currently
Code Block /a /b /c c1.json = "c1" c2.json = "c2" /d d1.json = "d1"
We write this XJSON:
Code Block language json { "a": "b": { "c": { "c2": "c2>modified", "c3": "new" } } } }
With merge=true, the result is
Code Block /a /b /c c1.json = "c1" c2.json = "c2>modified" c3.json = "new" /d d1.json = d1
With merge=false, the result is
Code Block /a /b /c c2.json = "c2>modified" c3.json = "new"
mkLayers, boolean, optional(false by default)
True to create layer if it doesn’t existskeepFormat, boolean, optional(false by default)
By default, only JSon is written to files (or empty content for .delete files). If keepFormat is true, and the JSon value is string, and the target file is already existing, the original format (from the suffix) is kept.
Here the current file system:Code Block language json /a /b /c c1.json = "c1" c2.txt= c2 /d d1.json = "d1"
XJSON to write:
Code Block language json { "a": "b": { "c": { "c1": "c1>modified", "c2": "c2>modified" } } } }
Result with keepFormat=false
Code Block language json /a /b /c c1.json = "c1>modified" c2.json = "c2>modified" /d d1.json = "d1"
Result with keepFormat=true
Code Block /a /b /c c1.json = "c1>modified" c2.txt= c2>modified /d d1.json = "d1"
keepDelete, boolean (optional, true by default)
when a property is written, the files concerning this same property are deleted (the writing constitutes a replacement). This option indicates how the file with the delete extension is to be considered during this replacement: by default, it is not deleted (keepDelete=true). You can force the deletion by setting keepDelete to false.keepProperty, boolean (optional, true by default)
when you write .delete files in path mode, the files concerning the same property aren’t deleted. You can force deletion by setting keepProperty to false.
Delete (erase or write delete files)
DELETE fs/config
(operation ID: configDelete
Command name: fs/config/delete
layer, (see Basic file operatirons/Parameters for details), mandatory
denotes the configuration layerpath, (see Basic file operatirons/Parameters for details), optional, can be single or multiple, depending on the presence of content
specifies the relative xjsonpath (to the configuration layer) where to writecontent, string or file(multipart/formdata), optional
The XJSON to write. If this parameter is not specified, multiple paths can be specified. If this parameter is specified, only one path or none can be specified (in this case, we write directly to the layer).
This XJSON is not lenient. Arrays are used to specify the operation (see details in the paragraph Delete configuration (write delete files and/or remove files) with a XJSON):DELETE
wip, boolean, optional(default is false)⛔
True to write to wip dataoptions, JSON with the following properties
deleteNotEmpty, boolean (optional, true by default)
if false, REMOVE option is not applyed on not empty directoriesmkLayers, boolean (optional, false by default)
Basic file operations
These are file manipulation operations, with minimal controls. An operation (a service call) is performed exclusively. Other concurrent operations are put on hold until the current operation is completed, or possibly rejected after a timeout.
layer, a string
denotes the configuration layer (e.g._portal@club-wed@role-4
specifies the relative path (to the configuration layer) of the file. The suffix can be omitted: in this case, the best matching file will be used.string
There is no automatic escape or conversion: the value will be used as is. Slashes and backslashes can be used interchangeably and their successions are ignored. You can escape slashes o backslashes with a backslash before.
The path can't be an empty string or only made of spaces.
For examples:home/display-natural-search.json
JSON array
Each value of the array is escaped (the method that is used isUtils.camel2Kebab()
(see Test.jsp), according to the rules indicated here). Then the path is reconstructed by joining these values, separating them with a slash. The JSON lenient syntax is supported. Values can be a string or an array of one string (in that case, the string is not escaped).
For examples:[home,[display-natural-search]]
JSON object
property path (mandatory)
JSON array
property suffix, string, the suffix of the file (optional, if ommited, the best matching file will be used)
property escape, boolean (optional, default is true)
if true, parts of file path will be escaped or converted.
A path matcher, that uses the same syntax as pathMatcher (see pathMatcher), with an additional property in its object form:onlyName, boolean (optional, false by default)
If true, the filter is only applied to the file name.
The file contenta file (multipart/form-data)
a string
Indicates under which type (the value can be a MIME type or a file suffixe) the content provided by the content parameter should be considered. If
If there is no contentType parameter, it will be evaluated:either by analysis of the file suffixe when content is a file
or by a short analysis of the text if content is a string
if text is empty, it’s an empty file
if text is not empty,
we try to parse it as JSON (not lenient). If it doesn't parse, we go to the next step. If it doesn't make an error, we consider the content as JSON
Otherwise, it is plain text.
ignored files are supported only in the path: the file in multipart/form-data must have the true extension
A JSON object (lenient). All properties are optional with specific default values depending on the type of operation.
Best matching file
When reading (or for deletions), when it is not explicit, we determine the most suitable file extension by analyzing the existing files on the disk.
When writing, the contentType is used.
Read file
GET/HEAD /api/portalconfig/fs/file
(operation ID: fileGet
This service allows you to read a file (its content). This service does not allow to retrieve the content of a folder (use the dir service for that).
layer, mandatory, single value
path, mandatory, single value
, boolean (optional, true by default)
If false, disable looking for best matching file (suffixe becomes mandatory)
The content of the file is returned in the body of the response, with the status 200. If the file is empty, a status 204 (No Content) is returned, with no body. The Content-Type header gives the type of content. The Content-Length header gives its size.
Write file
POST/PUT /api/portalconfig/fs/file
If a non-empty content is present, the file is a text file of one of the following types:
plain text
The suffix must betxt
) (or specify the typetext/plain
The suffix must behtm
) (or specify the typetext/html
The suffix must bejson
(or specify the typeapplication/json
)ignored file are supported
if empty content is present, the file will be an empty file of one of the following types:
The suffix must bedelete
ignored files are supported
if no content is present, the file will be a directory
layer, mandatory, single value
path, mandatory, single value
content, the file content if any
contentType, the content type
, boolean (optional, false by default)
If false, if the file already exists, the operation returns an error. If true, the existing file (or directory) is replaced.mkDirs
, boolean (optional, false by default)
If false, if the directory doesn’t exists, the operation returns an error. If true, the directories are created.mkLayers
, boolean (optional, false by default)
If false, if the layer doesn’t exists, the operation returns an error. If true, the layer directory is created.clear
, boolean (optional, false by default)
Other files with the same base name in the same directory will be deleted automatically.
Delete file⛔
DELETE /api/portalconfig/fs/file
(operation ID: fileDelete
Command name: fs/file/delete
layer, mandatory, single value
path, multiple values
pathMatcher, mutiple values
At least one path or one pathMatcher must be specified.
Create layers
POST /api/portalconfig/fs/layer
This service allows you to create one or several layer (root configuration directories)
layer, mandatory, multiple values
The response, when no error is returned, is a JSON array of objects with the following properties:
If at least one layer has been created, the code 201 is returned. If all creations have failed, the code 400 is returned. Otherwise code 200 is returned.
Code Block | ||
| ||
[ { "layer": "_portal@testcreate", "state": "ALREADY_EXISTS" }, { "layer": "_portal@testcreate1", "state": "ALREADY_EXISTS" }, { "layer": "_portal@testcreate2", "state": "CREATED" } ] |
Some errors are not raised in error if there are several layer
names. In this case, see the state property in the response.
HTTP status | When | State when several layers |
400 - Bad request | no layer name (missing mandatory parameter) | |
400 - Bad request | a layer name is a base | BASE |
400 - Bad request | a layer name contains forbidden char (slash, backslash, dollars, or file forbidden chars) | INVALID |
500 - Internal Server error | An error occurred while creating the layer | ERROR |
Code Block |
curl --request POST \ --url 'http://<host>/api/portalconfig/fs/layer?layer=_portal%40testcreate&layer=_portal%40testcreate1&layer=_portal%40testcreate2' |
Code Block |
curl --request POST \ --url http://<host>/api/portalconfig/fs/layer \ --data layer=_portal@testcreate \ --data layer=_portal@testcreate1 \ --data layer=_portal@testcreate2 |
Delete layers
DELETE /api/portalconfig/fs/layer
(operation ID: layerDelete
This service allows you to create one or several configuration layers (root folders).
layer, mandatory, multiple values
recursive: boolean, default is false
if false, deleting a non-empty layer will cause an error. if true, a non-empty layer will be deleted with all its contents.
The response, when no error is returned, is a JSON array of objects with the following properties:
layer: the name of the layer
state: the state among:
INVALID: the layer name contains invalid characters
BASE: the layer name is identified as the base name (not deletable)
VARIABLE: the layer name is identified as being dependent on variables (postprocessors)
NOT_FOUND: a layer of this name hasn’t been found
DELETED: the layer has been deleted
NOT_EMPTY: the layer can’t be deleted because it’s not empty
ERROR: There was an error when deleting the layer
Rename layer
Convert JSON to XJSON
GET/POST /api/portalconfig/xjson/to
(operation ID: xjsonTo
json: JSON or JSON file (multipart/form-data)
Convert XJSON to JSON
GET/POST /api/portalconfig/xjson/from
(operation ID: xjsonFrom
json: JSON or JSON file (multipart/form-data)
lenient: boolean (optional, false by default). If true, non xjson structures (like arrays) do not cause errors.
Cache generation
POST /api/portalconfig/cache/flush
(operation ID: cacheFlush
Regenerate cache from current configuration directories state
Cache status
GET /api/portalconfig/cache
(operation ID: cacheStatus
Get cache status
GET /api/portalconfig/info
(operation ID: info
Get some information about the plugin.
version, version of the plugin
env, type of environment, among
security, true, if security is enabled
status, plugin status
label, status of the plugin, among
Startup error
Shutting down
code, status code color, among
JSON filtering is done by path. A path is defined as a sequence of :
The value 3 has the absolute path
You can combine several paths by one or, by separating them with a pipe (|
will select the elements corresponding to the paths/a/b
will select the elements corresponding to the paths/a/b
To escape a reserved character, use a backslash (\
slash (
)opening bracket (
)closing bracket
)pipe (or) (
)antislash (escape character) (
Syntax tolerance
It is preferable to respect the syntax scrupulously, but some syntaxes are tolerated and will be converted automatically.
slash before an array index is useless and will be ignored.
will be replace by/a[0]
slash is mandatory between an array index and before a fieldname, but could be ommited.
will be replaced by/[0]/a
.brackets must be escaped if then don’t define an array index (so if characters between brackets aren’t only digits), but you can avoir to escape them (the opening, the closing or the both).
will replaced by/a\[b\]c
will be replaced by/a\[b\]c
will be replaced by/a\[b\]c
.array indexes are defined in square brackets with numbers and only numbers. Any other character will cause them to be considered part of a field name.
is an array index and[ 0 ]
is a field name. If it is necessary to reference a field name that contains a number part in square brackets, it will be necessary to escape the square brackets so that it is not considered as an array index.
Filtering a JSon
You can retrieve a part of a JSON by a path.
with the path
you can retrieve the following part:Code Block language json { "i": 5, "j": 6 }
with the path
, you will retrieve the following part:Code Block language json [7,8,9]
Filtering mode
There are two filtering modes:
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "node": the node, "path": the path of the node, "pathArray": the path of the node decomposed in an array, "JSONPath": the JSONPath of the node, "JSONPathArray": the JSONPath of the node decomposed in an array, "XJSonPath": the XJsonPath of the node, "XJSonPathArray": the xjson path of the node decomposed in an array } |
Configuration files and folders
The configuration consists of configuration files and folders.
Configuration layers
This is a folder that contains folders and configuration files. It is a configuration layer that will override a base or other configuration layers if eventually. It can be a file or a folder.
If it is a folder, we will load its components as indicated below, in the "folders and files" section.
Base configuration
It is a folder or a file that is provided by the product, or projects. The bases are not modifiable by the API. They can be provided in the WXM_CONFIG_RESOLVER plugin or other plugins provided by the product. Projects can provide their own bases per plugin (see WXM_CONFIG_RESOLVER plugin configuration).
A final configuration, a JSON file, is the fusion of several configuration folders. The base is used first, then different layers come to redefine or overload (add, delete, modify properties).
Folders and files
A configuration layer, if it is a folder, contains folders and files, which will be
either considered as elements of the final configuration JSON
or ignored
or in error if they are not readable or incorrect
Ignored and unsupported files
The following files are ignored:
Ignored files are ignored at the base, when retrieving the contents of a folder. They are never involved in the interpretation of the final configuration. It is as if they do not exist. However, we can have a list of them, through the explain function, in the ignored section (except wip files excluded in non-wip mode).
In explain mode, if the includesIgnored option (in ExplainVerbosity) is true, we get the list of ignored files (in the ignored section). For each ignored file, we have the reason. Here is the list of possible reasons:
occurs when you try to load a configuration directory (or file) that is not found (for example, you try to load the portal mapping defined by _portal@config@custom, and the _portal@config folder does not exist)NOT_JSON_OBJECT
occurs when you try to load a json base (a file with the name _json) in a folder that defines an object and the loaded JSON is not an object
occurs also when you try to load a configuration from a file configuration layer and the JSON is not an object (a configuration layer must always be an object, as the root configuration is an object).
occurs when you try to load a json base (a file with the name _json) in a folder that defines an array and the loaded JSON is not an arrayFILE_WITHOUT_SUFFIX
files that define properties of type primitive or null (so except array and object) must have a suffix to determine how to read the content: json, text (or txt) or html (or htm).DIR_WITH_SUFFIX
folders with suffix are ignored.FILE_WITH_UNKNOWN_SUFFIX
only the following suffixes are supported, others are ignored:json, text, txt, html, htm
a folder with name _json is always ignoredJSON_BASE_WIP_OR_INHERIT
json base (file with name _json) can’t be a wip or an inherit type.HIDDEN_FILE
all files and folders whose name starts with a dot are ignoredNOT_INDEX
a file or folder that defines a property in the context of an array must be a number, otherwise it will be ignored.IGNORE_SUFFIX
you can add the ignore suffix to any file or folder so that it is ignoredNOT_SUPPORTED
any file with an extension other than those supported (like jpeg for example, or rtf, or doc, zip, etc) are ignoredINHERITED
override cancelled by an inherit fileINHERIT_WITH_SUFFIX
an inherit file or folder must not have an extension. Preferably it should be an empty file, with a simple name, just preceded by the caret character (^
an inherit file or folder must not end with[]
. Preferably it should be an empty file, with a simple name, just preceded by the caret character (^
When there are multiple files that could be interpreted as defining the same property (for example, ana.json
file and a folder with namea[]
), they are all ignored.DUPLICATE_INDEX
When there are several files that point to the same array index (e.g.,1.json
, etc.), they are all ignored)INHERIT_WITHOUT_NAME
an inherit file will be ignored if there is no corresponding property in the same folderWIP_AND_INHERIT_TOGETHER
you can only have either a wip file or an inherit file. If you have both at the same time, then they are both ignored.DUPLICATE_WIP
There should be only one wip for a property. If there are several, one is processed, the others are ignored.DUPLICATE_INHERIT
There should be only one inherit for a property. If there are several, one is processed, the others are ignored.ERROR
When a file cannot be read due to an error, the file is ignored. In this case, in addition to the reason, the error will be given (see ExplainVerbosity options for details).UNKNOWN
If the reason for ignoring a file cannot be determined.WIP_FILE
JSON bases
These are files with the name _json, without suffix. The _json file is a file that contains JSON (not XJSON). It defines a JSON base for the object or array defined by the folder in which it is located.
A file with the name _json and a suffix, like json for example, is not a json base, it’s a property file with the property name _json.
Override a property
To redefine a property (an object field, an array value), simply put a file or a folder in the folder of the object or array that contains this property.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "a": { "b": 42 "c": true "d": "abc" }, "e": 3 } |
Override an array
To be able to replace and especially insert values in an array, an object structure is used to store an array. The name of the folder that corresponds to the array property must end with []. Inside, the file names correspond to indexes. The indexes of the values of the initial array are redefined in order to allow the insertion of values: we start at index 1000 and repeat from 1000 to 1000, thus leaving 1000 possibilities of insertions between each one.
Code Block | ||
| ||
{ "a": [42,1,true,3,"abc"] } |
Value file
3 types of content are supported:
Storage encoding is always UTF-8.
In the folders, the file names are encoded:
they must always contain only lower case letters
to support capital letters, the kebab-case format is used: the capital letters are lower case preceded by a dash
the first character is special
if it is a tilde (
), then the file is considered as wipif it is a circumflex (
), then the file is considered as wip inherit
if the last two characters are the sequence
, then the file is an array propertythe last dot (
) is always considered as a suffix separatorif one of the above reserved characters (tilde, circumflex, dot, opening or closing bracket) is part of the name of a property and is in a position where it will be interpreted as indicated above, it will be escaped. Characters that cannot be used in a file name are also escaped.
To escape an opening bracket, we double it
For example, the field with nameabc[12]
will be stored in a file with nameabc[[12].json
.To escape another character, put the name corresponding to the character in brackets, or the corresponding hexadecimal sequence.
SLASH for the character
BACKSLASH for the character
GT for the character
LT for the character
QUOTE for the character
PIPE for the character
QUESTION for the character
STAR for the character *
COLUMN for the character
TILDE for the character
DASH for the character
DOT for the character
CARET for the character
Any character can be escaped by a hexadecimal sequence, on 4 hexadecimal digits. For example, the non-breaking space will be escaped like this:
.Any escape sequences that cannot be unescaped are retained as is.
Some examples:
Delete a property
Ignore a property (comment)
NodePath and JSONPath
JSONpath est une syntaxe standard de requêtes dans du JSON similaire à du XPath pour le XML. L’API supporte le uniquement le standard Jayway.
NodePath est une syntaxe simplifiée de chemin d'élément JSON qui est utilisée pour faire du filtrage.
Array index
Absolute path and relative path
The security of the services is based on three actions of the ConfigResolver domain.
To test the reading rights
surfer, the surfer
To test the writing rights
surfer, the surfer
To test the writing right in a layer (or of a layer), i.e. a configuration container.
layer, the name of the layer
The plugin comes with the domain and the three actions. For the read action, a passing rule is set. For the write and writeLayer actions, a blocking rule is set.
Services accessibles only with administrator (tomcat) account
Service inventory
Get the list of services and associated security actions by calling the GET /api/portalconfig/services
service (only in tomcat administrator or developer role)
this path allows the access to the services accessible in user account, by extension of the path (we concatenate the URI of the user end point to the uri /api/portalconfig/tools). Not all services are accessible. Security is not applied in this type of invocation.
Services available:
POST /xjson/to (convert a JSON to XJSON)
GET /cache (get cache status)
POST /cache (flush cache)
Configuration file manipulation services
It is a set of end points intended to write or delete configuration files. It is not a service to be used in the configuration editing application, but a build support.
These endpoints do not honor security. There is no management of access locks (in case of concurrent access, risk of conflicts, errors, etc). There is no control over the content of the files. Writing a file or folder replaces the previous one without warning.
The parameters for writing, deleting and reading are almost the same.
This parameter allows you to choose the type of location from
project (default value)
This optional parameter allows to specify a common root path for all processed files. If this parameter is not specified, the root of the location corresponding to the target parameter is used directly.
files and content
For GET and DELETE, the file parameter (several possible values) is used to indicate the file or files to be processed. They can be either regular files or directories.
If the name is
, the content is designated. The value of the parameter is the final content of the file.If the name is
, we designate the name (or path).The
and thefilename
are associated by the same index value. Sofile_myfile=42
designates a json file containing42
of relative path/myfolder/myfile.json
parameter without an associatedfile
parameter will create an empty file (but you can also indicate an emptyfile
parameter value)If a
parameter does not have an associatedfilename
, we will use the index to determine the file name if possible. Thusfile_test.json=42
, withoutfilename_test.json
allows to create the filetest.json
containing the value42
.To create folders, use the
By default, the paths (in the parameters path, file, filename, etc) are relative physical file paths. Paths can be specified as property names of type xjsonpath, using escape=true
. In this case, slashes, backslashes and dots must be escaped (by preceding them with a backslash) so as not to be considered as name separators or extensions.
Used with a POST to designate directory paths to be created.
Used with a GET to get the contents of directories: represents the recursion depth.
Write files
POST /api/portalconfig/tools/file
Delete files
DELETE /api/portalconfig/tools/file
List files (test existence and list content)
GET /api/portalconfig/tools/file
Raw configuration file manipulation services
Paramètres en commun
storage (non usité pour résolution)
le nom d’un storage (project ou customer, project par défaut)path (seulement en export)
un chemin (filtre), valeurs multiplespathMatcher (seulement en export)
un filtre (exemple: pathMatcher=backup_portal@club-wed**/*.json)depth (seulement en export)
la profondeur (le nombre de niveaux) d’exploration du filesystem (defaut: -1 soit infinie)escape
indique le type d'échappement à appliquer aux noms/chemin
deux valeurs possiblesNONE par défaut, les noms sont des noms de fichiers, les chemins sont des chemins de fichiers (/ ou \ comme séparateurs,
XJSONPATH: les noms sont des noms de propriétés XJSON, les chemins sont des chemins de propriétés (XJSONPATH), avec slashes ou backslashes en séparateurs de noms, échappement des slashs, backslashs ou dot en précédent d’un backslash
flat: (seulement en export) boolean (défaut false) si true : on exporte des chemins (tous les dossiers sont des objets vides), si false: on exporte une arbo d’objets JSON.
body, ou propriété json : (en import ou pour resolve), la structure de fichiers (à écrire ou à convertir en configuration), qui correspond à celle qu’on obtient par export
Export storage file set
POST /api/portal/tools/file/export
On peut choisir d’obtenir une vision arborescente (dans ce cas les noms de propriétés sont des noms de fichiers (pas de chemins), ou une vision à plat (dans ce cas les noms de propriétés sont des chemins (des noms séparés par des slashes).
Import storage file set
POST /api/portal/tools/file/import
Ce service permet de créer une arborescence de fichiers dans un storage à partir d’un JSON qui correspond au format d’export, en mode arborescent ou à plat, ou les deux combinés. Seules les valeurs de type string sont considérées pour les fichiers et les valeurs de type objet constituent des dossiers.
Resolve configuration from file set
POST /api/portal/tools/file/resolve
Ce service prend en paramètre le même type de JSON que le service d’import. Il permet d’obtenir la configuration qu’on obtiendrait avec si ces fichiers étaient écrit dans un storage (sans fusion avec aucune base ou autre couche de configuration).
The “Urls” page of the plugin gives access to the following links:
See the main log of the plugin
See the log concerning the access to the cache
See the security log
Debug Toolkit
Cache debugging
API Documentation (ReDoc)
The list of services (the available information is obtained from the service inventory).
Include configuration in your own JSP
You can include the configuration corresponding to a mapping using the URL /_plugins/wxm_config_resolver/page/config.jspz?mappingID=<mappingID>
Debug Toolkit
You can test the different conversion and detection methods via the JSP for testing these methods, at URL /_plugins/wxm_config_resolver/page/toolkit.jspz
(login by backoffice user).
A page to test the escapement and the different conversions between file names and property names.
A page to test the detection of the type of a text (if the service considers it to be JSON, HTML or text).
A page allowing to see the files and folders contained in the different configuration layers, and how these files are considered by the plugin
Escapement tests
This page shows the result of applying different functions to a string. Depending on the case this string can be
escaping functions
These are basic character escaping functions for JSon properties when used as filenames in configuration layers (escapement to convert a property name into a json to be used as a file name). TheescapeNotSuffix
version isolates the suffix (the file extension) and does not escape it (in particular to keep the separating dot).string to name (and name to string) conversion functions.
For each type of conversion of a String into a Name, we have three conversion functions that allow us to obtain:a String representation
a name in a XJson
a file name
In addition, we can see the property name in the final JSon as well as the associated states (wip, inherit and array).
case conversion functions
kebab to camel calse
camel to kebab case
Content type detection
This page allows to see how a text content will be considered by the plugin when it comes to store it in a file (in JSon or plain text)
Folders content
This page allows you to consult all the files currently stored and to have information on these files.
Note |
It is a version 0 which does not manage progressive loading : all the tree structure is loaded at once |
Cache debugging
This page displays the currently cached files. It allows you to