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Please note that we are using in this table camel case options for legibility, but the case of the code is not relevant when creating your code.



Possible values


The uuid of the player defined in Player Manager: player manager is a service managed by Wedia Account Manager to define a player skin. The skin is defined by the control colors, and optionnaly by a watermark overlayed on the video in one corner of the player


This is the unique asset identifier in the DAM


The Width of the player, suffixed with the unit

640px, 1rem …


The Height of the player, suffixed with the unit

320px, 1rem …


When supported by the browser, starts the video upon loading. If true, the volume will be set to zero by the browsers.

true, false


Display an “email” icon inside the player to allow the user to send a link to the video via email to a friend

true, false


Starts the video at a given time position.

value in seconds


Starts the video at a given chapter

integer starting at 0 for the first chapter


Should the video be played in a infinite loop. Default to false

true, false


Sound volume at startup. Note that this option is not taken into account when autostart is set to true.

integer, from 0 to 100


This functionality enables the specification of a particular language subtitle

Default language used if the browser's language is not supported (supported languages = en / fr / de).

Has an impact on the language of the player interface.

a two letter code : French (fr), Spanish (es), German (de), Italian (it)…


Force the subtitle in a certain language, whatever the browser locale is

Language given priority, regardless of the browser language. Must be a supported language (supported languages = en / fr / de).

Has an impact on the language of the player interface.

a two letter code : French (fr), Spanish (es), German (de), Italian (it)…


Enabling subtitles as soon as the video starts.

The subtitle must exist for it to be enabled.

a two letter code : French (fr), Spanish (es), German (de), Italian (it)…


Force the “do not track” setting to true to comply with the request to not be tracked by analytics

true, false


Note that autostart option is not compatible with volume option. Browsers will automatically mute videos if autostart is set to true so volume option will be ignored.

Using the Content Picker to pick a video from a CMS.
