Versions Compared


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General presentation


The Wedia Content Picker is available starting from Wedia version 11.26, with MediaCloud enabled and DXM MediaDelivery enabled on the client instance.


  1. Upgrade to Wedia version 11.26

  2. Ensure the client datamodel is compliant with the portal, and upgrade it if necessary

  3. Enable MediaCloud for this client

  4. If the assets are going to be publicly published, enable DXM MediaDelivery for this client

  5. Setup Security rules to know which medias can be broadcasted

  6. Activate the Vue-Portal plugin which contains the Content Picker

  7. Edit the JSON parameter files of the DAM Portal : client-general-information, global, signup, available-filters… This is usually done by the Wedia Service team.

  8. Edit the JSON parameter file for the Content Picker : list of the metadata that will be returned in the oEmbed 


BASE VARIATION: It allows starting the transformation based on a given variation. Usually, this parameter is empty, and the transformation always starts from the best variation. The best practice is to omit this parameter.

Usage example of BASE VARIATION :

If you would like to benefit from a variation that has its background removed by an AI, then the BASE VARIATION should be set to "stripped_background", that is the variation of the image that was processed by AI to try to remove the background to isolate the subject on a transparent background.

To better understand base variations :


FILE_NAME: It is the file name served to the browser. If not downloading the image, which is the most common case, then it only serves for SEO referencing.

To achieve good SEO referencing, the following procedure is advisable

The file name is composed, in order of priority:

If in wedia_metadata "name + locale" exists and is not empty (for example, namefr for an article in French), then use name + locale:

If in wedia_metadata "name" exists and is not empty, then use name

If in the name in wedia_metadata, then use title.


You may also add keywords coming from wedia_metadata. All keywords are added after the name, separated by hyphens.

The final file name, name + keywords, is encoded to account for accents and spaces.

.FILE_EXTENSION: Allows specifying a specific file format, for example .png, .jpg, .webp. Leave it empty to benefit from Wedia's ability to return the best file format based on the browser's capabilities (usually WebP).
