Using Ngrok

Using Ngrok

What it is ?

ngrok will help you to expose your application on the internet without having to open and redirect specific HTTP/HTTPS ports on your internal network.


  • Go on https://ngrok.com/

  • Register for a new account (basic features are free and require only a registered account)

  • Download and unzip the ngrok file

  • ngrok website will give you a token to identify your account

  • Launch the ngrok executable with then authtoken option ./ngrok authtoken NGROK_TOKEN where NGROK_TOKEN is the token given by ngrok.com at the previous step

  • Launch ngrok executable ngrok http -region eu HTTP_REDIRECT_PORT
    where HTTP_REDIRECT_PORT must match your Tomcat HTTP Connector (default port is 8080)

Figure 1. ngrok

Configuration of your WEDIA application

Open System Parameters page of your application admin/ebnAdministration.ebn and set the server.* parameters to match your ngrok configuration

Figure 2. WEDIA System parameters

  1. Set the HTTP Scheme you want to use (http|https)

  2. Set the domain name given on the Forwading line of your ngrok configuration

  3. Set the HTTP port according to the HTTP Scheme used in the configuration (http=80|https=443) - do not use your tomcat port here

  4. Set the contextPath parameter of your application (name of the web application deployed in your tomcat configuration or / if the folder is named ROOT)