Release notes for 2021.3.0

2021.3.0 Release Notes


Project - Wedia
Version - 2021.3.0
Release Date - 2021-06-04


No stories were part of this version.


Priority Key Summary Status
Normal WXM-11042 Added a role dedicated to DXM flush Done
Normal WXM-11035 When pasting from Excel it is now possible to match multiple properties Done
Normal WXM-11021 Allow to add macro source as content of macro element Done
Normal WXM-11009 The new Status page notification schedule has been updated Done
Normal WXM-11006 It is now possible to choose which variations to include with the Content Picker Done
Minor WXM-11001 Improved the video chapter thumbnailing process Done
Normal WXM-10973 Added a new animated attribute and an isAnimate() method in the Imaging API Done
Normal WXM-10962 Refreshed the language selector on Portal Done
Normal WXM-10955 The Office Content Picker now works on the Office web version Done
Normal WXM-10947 The Imagingserver can now produce static previews of animated GIF Done
Minor WXM-10928 Fixed a bug where the columns names of Excel file in board ZIP were in English and not localized Done
Critical WXM-10912 The email sent when downloading a cart can now have extend informations on downloaded assets (rights...) Done
Normal WXM-10911 Fixed Akamai DXM log formats to manage ServerName / URI Done
Normal WXM-10910 Only animated GIF / WebP are now generated, the animated heic / avif are no longer generated Done
Normal WXM-10905 The Remove Background variation can serve as a starting point for the content picker cropper Done
Normal WXM-10903 Wedia-Imagemagick updated underlaying components Done
Normal WXM-10894 It is now possible to offer the Table layout on boards and shared boards Done
Major WXM-10888 The JSON returned by the Content Picker will now include i18n metadata Done
Minor WXM-10881 Improved the URL rewriting test system Done
Normal WXM-10872 API : Set cookie domain depending on request domain Done
Critical WXM-10866 Security: do not send password values in Plugins to the browser Done
Normal WXM-10864 Improved the sign- in error management Done
Critical WXM-10856 WXM_RESTAPI startup does not wait for Swagger doc generation to start Done
Major WXM-10855 It is now possible to create security rules to activate the creative review screens on DAM Assets Done
Critical WXM-10848 Maintenance mode will now return 503 on /api et /__imageservlet Done
Normal WXM-10846 Security: protected /admin with CSP / CORS Done
Major WXM-10844 Performance: improved IObjectStructureReadOnly performances : getWorkCopyStatusArchived and getWorkCopyStatusOnline Done
Normal WXM-10839 Performance: massimport cache saving is now asynchronous Done
Minor WXM-10838 Added the object name in the page title, after the action verb Done
Critical WXM-10830 Performance: wrapped API org.json calls to avoid losing time when a property does not exists Done
Normal WXM-10822 Flush CDN will now delete rather than invalidate the cache Done
Normal WXM-10814 Changed i18Query default value in Portal configuration Done
Normal WXM-10813 Fixed the name of the file generated by the Image Editor Done
Normal WXM-10808 Removed the "+" in the board zip file name Done
Normal WXM-10806 When no filters values are available, display an information message rather that filters with "0" values Done
Normal WXM-10802 Added isObjectOnline / isObjectPublished / isObjectArchived / getWorkflowName methods in Security rules Done
Normal WXM-10796 It is now possible to disable the multilingual search on specific searches that do not need it Done
Normal WXM-10789 Branding Portal and BO images now use the CDN if available Done
Normal WXM-10783 Added a new Api to count the translation requests to Azure Done
Normal WXM-10779 Do not offer to activate sharing in embed code if DXM not activated Done
Normal WXM-10769 The labels for asset downloable renditions can now be localised Done
Normal WXM-10765 Removed the SSO tooltip that was rephrasing the button label Done
Normal WXM-10759 Unified the "lang" parameter in MediaCloud Done
Normal WXM-10758 The asset hash key will now be used to invalidate browser caching Done
Normal WXM-10742 Office Content Picker now support ADFS login Done
Normal WXM-10732 The "faces" report has been updated Done
Normal WXM-10720 The simulation import / tagging setup has been simplified Done
Normal WXM-10711 It is now possible to search on file names in the upload area Done
Normal WXM-10702 Performance: improved aggregates API returned information Done
Normal WXM-10693 Added a new getFulltextDefaultLang method to get the default search / indexation language Done
Major WXM-10649 It is now possible to share via an external link a board that has been shared to me / is public Done
Major WXM-10648 Added a new "thumbnailXXXAuto" variation that takes into account the transparency Done
Normal WXM-10604 The advanced search now properly show existing or added constraints Done
Normal WXM-10583 In the edition configuration, the custom properties are now automatically discovered Done
Minor WXM-10557 When the board is set to public, no longer show the collaborators list Done
Normal WXM-10550 Removed the tooltips on the home waffle title and subtitle Done
Major WXM-10540 Analytics will now filter custom metadata tagged with "analytics/extra" Done
Normal WXM-10539 Analytics will now show very detailed Portal analytics Done
Normal WXM-10536 The board icon tooltip should show if the board is private or not Done
Normal WXM-10514 Removed the double loading spinners in the Media player Done
Normal WXM-10500 Change user password error text has been improved Done
Normal WXM-10437 The home widget description can now be i18n Done
Normal WXM-10422 New configuration options are available in the Media Cloud plugin Done
Normal WXM-10386 It is possible to add meta information to the DAM Cart CSV file Done
Critical WXM-10379 Improved the rendition chaining system to fine tune the case of watermarks, animated GIFs, posters... Done
Normal WXM-10364 It is easier to move a term back to the Thesaurus roots Done
Major WXM-10058 Added new Boards Analytics Done
Normal WXM-9927 It is now possible to prepend / append some values in the filter list data Done
Critical WXM-9816 DXM hits count is now available through a new API Done
Major WXM-9544 A new list mode has been added to the Boards page Done
Major WXM-9493 It is now possible to share a cart with only View permissions Done
Major WXM-9166 It is now possible to restrict the creation of a public board using security rules Done
Minor WXM-8443 Added a upload batch sort option Done
Major WXM-7827 The Excel and PDF file names in the Cart zip can now be customized Done
Normal WXM-6669 Parameters passed as application/x-www-form-urlencoded are now processed Done


Priority Key Summary Status
Critical WXM-11086 Any structure change triggers a full ELS reindexation Done
Critical WXM-11063 SAML2 configuration did not keep the selected encryption key size Done
Normal WXM-11056 Fixed a false error reporting on workflow loading Done
Normal WXM-11053 If a asset change was canceled, the cache would show the updated version until the browser was refreshed or session expired Done
Normal WXM-11040 Fixed a status graphic bug in the data edit screen Done
Normal WXM-11038 Better spacing in the copied to clipboard caption Done
Critical WXM-11036 Fixed a deadlock issue when analysing the CDN logs for Analytics Done
Normal WXM-11023 Export of variation information fails if it requires non-exported properties Done
Minor WXM-11017 Security Rules with accents could not be removed Done
Normal WXM-11010 Fixed an issue that could prevent PhotoEditor to work on Firefox Done
Blocker WXM-11003 the Duplicate popup could be blank Done
Normal WXM-11002 Fixed the volume control size on video player for small sizes Done
Normal WXM-10992 The Analytics now actually remove the replicas when the indexes update are needed Done
Critical WXM-10990 DXMBaseUrl configuration was reset when context was reloaded Done
Normal WXM-10987 Added /api/wedia/cart/itempreview/variation/ in the DXM log processing Done
Normal WXM-10983 Fixed a Puppeteer issue when testing Imagingserver Done
Normal WXM-10981 Fixed an issue when getting the technical attributed of an audio file Done
Normal WXM-10978 Fixed a text overflow on selection download, and clarified the download option labels Done
Major WXM-10971 Upload assets: creating a thematic collection does not work. An error appears in the console Done
Normal WXM-10969 Improved the subtitle edition UI Done
Minor WXM-10965 Fixed the labelling of the download options Done
Critical WXM-10954 Fixed a UTFDataFormatException in network monitoring Done
Critical WXM-10949 Fixed an issue that was creating too large ELS requests Done
Normal WXM-10946 Fixed an issue with the WordPress content picker and cropped images Done
Major WXM-10938 Fixed some security issues on back-office media players Done
Normal WXM-10934 Fixed an issue with upper case accented letters sorting in Thesaurus Done
Normal WXM-10933 Fixed an incorrect "online" work localisation Done
Normal WXM-10920 Fixed an issue where drag and dropping assets to link them to another product would not work with a mixed selection Done
Normal WXM-10914 Fixed the analysis of /api/wedia/dam URLs Done
Normal WXM-10913 Table headers were not displayed anymore Done
Normal WXM-10908 Fixed an issue with security rule with identical names Done
Major WXM-10891 Filter selection of the start page does not work on the DAM page Done
Normal WXM-10890 Fixed a bug where IAction.isBackward was not always "true" Done
Normal WXM-10874 Added a spaces trim before submitting the search Done
Normal WXM-10871 Fixed the alignment of the Bookmark save button Done
Normal WXM-10870 Domain name for set cookie in REST Signin Done
Normal WXM-10865 Fixed some Javascript issues in the Server installation assistant Done
Normal WXM-10852 Fixed an issue in security rules where correcting a rule will leave it in error state Done
Critical WXM-10847 Transformation endpoint didn't pass query string to source Done
Normal WXM-10843 Fixed an issue when updating a saved search to public Done
Minor WXM-10840 If you click on the star to remove a set bookmark, the search is not deactivated under certain circumstances Done
Normal WXM-10834 Fixed the Macro security rules validation Done
Normal WXM-10832 Fixed the bindings between Advanced and Simple search filters Done
Critical WXM-10831 Fixed an issue where the object tags would disappear when the server was starting without a database Done
Major WXM-10829 Akamai flushes are now buffered to better manage the allotted quotas Done
Normal WXM-10825 It is now possible to reshare a public board Done
Minor WXM-10821 Multiselect content in invite people to collaborate modal was not the same as the create board modal Done
Blocker WXM-10820 Fixed a Akamai cache invalidation (deletion) Done
Major WXM-10819 Fixed some issues when showing an "inactive" asset Done
Blocker WXM-10818 Fixed an issue when editing a board information Done
Normal WXM-10803 Fixed the tracking event for a single download Done
Major WXM-10801 Fixed some Security Macro edition bugs Done
Normal WXM-10791 Added a safeguard in Security screens where the security rules file is now saved before changing an action Done
Normal WXM-10788 Fixed a JS typeError on Media Player launch Done
Normal WXM-10787 Fixed a case where multiple calls where made to the tagging simulation Done
Major WXM-10785 Fixed a timeout on the Redis cache of MediaCloud that failed silently Done
Normal WXM-10782 In Security rules, adding a new rule could create a NPE Done
Critical WXM-10776 After creating a MACRO in SECURITY interface was malfunctioning Done
Normal WXM-10773 Analytics is not sending the sso provider on connection Done
Normal WXM-10766 Fixed a bug in Analytics where "analytics/sysobjectdata/extra" filters were no longer shown Done
Normal WXM-10764 Analytics: fixed a bug where the media type was incorrectly deducted from the poster format Done
Normal WXM-10762 The objectfile/sendfile Security domain creation was no longer done Done
Major WXM-10756 The Terms and conditions where not properly localised using the browser locale Done
Normal WXM-10754 Stop in progress conversion jobs when an asset is immediately removed Done
Normal WXM-10750 Reload asset when needed property exists but is not available on the given instance Done
Normal WXM-10743 When the user has an active BO session, the language selector of the Portal would not change Done
Major WXM-10741 Fixed an infinite loop on the Saved searches screen Done
Normal WXM-10734 The notification of asset import was truncating the image thumbnails Done
Critical WXM-10729 An update of the binary was breaking MediaCloud players. Done
Normal WXM-10723 The fullscreen option on image player is available on mobile Done
Major WXM-10716 The trigger in charge of flushing Akamai was never called Done
Normal WXM-10707 Fixed a label error when the bulk update assets list was modified Done
Normal WXM-10703 Fixed an error on the Product view filters that were going pas the screen height Done
Normal WXM-10700 Cursor is not type pointer on some player actions Done
Normal WXM-10688 Fixed an error reporting on old import jobs Done
Minor WXM-10680 Fixed an issue when navigating from asset to asset being stopped by a 3D asset Done
Normal WXM-10664 The video progression percentage analytics was shown incorrectly on image assets Done
Normal WXM-10633 The page title when loading a board was incorrect Done
Major WXM-10623 Fixed an issue with contact sheet thumbnails being mixed up for some users Done
Minor WXM-10591 Return from Legal notice/About could not work under certain conditions Done
Normal WXM-10388 The label of a i18n property does not fallback when the default language is not set Done