Release notes for 2021.5.0

2021.5.0 Release Notes


Project - Wedia
Version - 2021.5.0
Release Date - 2021-09-24


No stories were part of this version.


Priority Key Summary Status
Normal WXM-11660 Header Security: added default rules for content-picker and office-picker Done
Major WXM-11627 Performance: Improve board view loading by reducing data fetching roundtrips Done
Normal WXM-11618 /api/wedia/dam/variation will now validate call syntax and return an error 400 on malformed urls Done
Minor WXM-11616 The WXM_Preheating plugin now also support eager PDF text extraction Done
Normal WXM-11593 The back-office Boards share links are now created using only the assets selected Done
Normal WXM-11591 DOCM file format is now supported by MediaCloud Done
Normal WXM-11589 Home Dashboard: Allow title to be displayed in two lines Done
Normal WXM-11588 Home: Fixed the Dashboard layout if no text is displayed for Boards Done
Major WXM-11585 Performance: removed unneeded calls to boardExplorer page loading Done
Normal WXM-11578 Performance: Allow to disable thesaurus denorm by adding "elasticsearch/disable-autopost" on chlidxxx field pointing to a thesaurus. Done
Normal WXM-11560 Better tags handling for text filters in advanced search panel Done
Normal WXM-11556 It is now possible to generate an embed code to share a playlist from a board Done
Minor WXM-11536 Security: removed "tmp" directory path disclosure on antivirus feedback Done
Normal WXM-11532 Docker ImagingServer is now available on DockerHub Done
Normal WXM-11531 The original "owner" of an object can now be updated Done
Normal WXM-11524 The Image Editor is now working on mobile phones Done
Normal WXM-11514 Better error messages when sending a bad query to the REST API Done
Minor WXM-11509 Better error message when the user upload a media that is a duplicate of an asset they don't have rights to access Done
Normal WXM-11508 The preview image path query in fileview has been rewritten to accomodate DXM Done
Normal WXM-11495 It is now possible to set up which variation chain should be used for dataview / dataedit / fileview in the WXM_BO_Options plugin Done
Normal WXM-11490 CGU and Legal links on the homepage are no longer in the Register Vue component Done
Normal WXM-11489 Added a new "Structure" logger to track all object data model updates Done
Normal WXM-11482 The add/remove to board popup is now paginated Done
Normal WXM-11474 A custom header can be added above the portal homepage Done
Normal WXM-11469 It is now possible to validate user inputs against Regex in the asset tagging Done
Normal WXM-11465 Analytics dashboards can be filtered by access type (Portal, BO, DXM...) Done
Normal WXM-11456 Portal Forms can now be disabled based on specific conditions Done
Normal WXM-11430 More thumbnails sizes are eager generated at creation Done
Normal WXM-11427 Added dedicated analytics for TranslateObject Done
Major WXM-11416 Performance : Imagingserver is no longer requesting file attribute at each request Done
Normal WXM-11403 Show checkered background for files with transparency in list Done
Normal WXM-11388 Added LinkedIn and Instagram presets in the Image Editor Done
Major WXM-11385 The internal API now support SASS to CSS compilation Done
Minor WXM-11373 Standard setup now includes a complete ISO 3166-1 Country list Done
Normal WXM-11367 The cookie banner is only displayed if external tracking is activated Done
Minor WXM-11318 It is now more visible that a back-office notification is clickable Done
Normal WXM-11183 The listCarts API now returns the board owner Done
Normal WXM-11167 The Portal Baords detail header will now show the Board's owner Done
Normal WXM-11142 Added the JVM 11 / 15 compatibility Done
Normal WXM-11085 It is now possible to localize dates in the board share email Done
Normal WXM-11072 Filtering languages is now possible when editing assets in the back-office Done
Normal WXM-10508 Text properties in the advanced search will support pasting values from an Excel clipboard Done
Normal WXM-9832 Thesaurus will now show the terms count, calculated once a day Done


Priority Key Summary Status
Major WXM-11649 Security: fixed a possible data leak on the instanciate internal API Done
Major WXM-11642 Private assets should never be published in the CDN Done
Normal WXM-11634 Titles and tags overlaps on search result screen (mobile) Done
Normal WXM-11630 Fixed a edge case of a IDP server returning a "null" CORS value Done
Minor WXM-11629 The asset renditions published to MediaCloud now use secure URIs Done
Normal WXM-11628 Fixed a CSS bug on side panel navigation Done
Normal WXM-11626 Feedbacket plugin is no longer part of the product Done
Normal WXM-11625 Engine was naming the text extraction cache files incorrectly. Done
Normal WXM-11614 Fixed a bug when returning a variation with a given image density Done
Major WXM-11610 The Boards search did not work correctly when backspacing the search string Done
Normal WXM-11606 The "colWeight" property was not properly applied to table layouts Done
Trivial WXM-11603 The layout of the assets in the back office boards was incorrect in the last line Done
Normal WXM-11597 As iPhones don't currently support all fullscreen API, this function has been disabled for them Done
Minor WXM-11592 Fixed a missing padding in advanced search layout Done
Normal WXM-11590 Fixed the wxm_translate view : impossible to change langs due to Only POST error Done
Normal WXM-11584 Fixed multiple layouts issues in the back-office Translate object screen Done
Minor WXM-11583 Wrong message "You cannot add job" was flashing briefly before disappearing Done
Normal WXM-11582 WXM_MediaCore/page/bov3/dataedit/content/detail/field_wxm_translate.jsp outputs a closing tag of the taglib into the HTML source Done
Normal WXM-11581 drawCopies.jsp did not support commonPivots of type childmutilngdb Done
Normal WXM-11580 The Javadoc was missing the "changelog" section Done
Normal WXM-11576 Deleted assets are still counted under the list view of carts Done
Normal WXM-11572 Fixed an error in ephemeral analytics files ingestion to CdnToAnalytics Done
Normal WXM-11569 Copied Collection were not flushed into the data cache Done
Normal WXM-11568 Child multiple long relationnel in collection copies aren't updated Done
Normal WXM-11566 Fixed a bug when pasting values from Excel during tagging process Done
Normal WXM-11565 Table layout header in import screen was not sticky Done
Minor WXM-11564 Fixed a rare NPE when calling /api/wedia/dam/variations Done
Minor WXM-11552 WXM_Cdn_To_Analytics: the configuration is now excluded from a backup Done
Major WXM-11550 PDFz: fixed an incorrect reading of a configuration file Done
Major WXM-11548 Security: a rejected uploaded file will now return a 403 during the deletion process Done
Normal WXM-11544 WXM_CART2: security rules are no longer applied by default Done
Normal WXM-11541 Removing keyword constraints does not remove them from the URL Done
Critical WXM-11537 The Dylation panel was broken by MacOs Big Sur 11.5.2 Done
Minor WXM-11530 Fixed a bug where click-drag to select in the table layout would not select the proper lines Done
Normal WXM-11529 Fixed the table header overlapping the table content Done
Minor WXM-11525 Display the cart in the Popinlist only if this is possible Done
Major WXM-11523 Fixed a bug where navigating through multiple cursors would lead to asset list not refreshing Done
Major WXM-11521 Datalist previews were not updated after updating the binary Done
Normal WXM-11516 It is no longer possible to social share an asset that does not have a player Done
Minor WXM-11513 X2/X3/X4 widgets: A blank character was placed in front of the description. Done
Normal WXM-11510 Fixed a bug when activating a plugin that has security rules shipped with would not reload the security context Done
Major WXM-11501 Fixed an authentication bug when no user was associated with the REST Application Done
Normal WXM-11500 The Product table view did not update after a product modification Done
Normal WXM-11494 The JS linter was rejecting custom monkey patching files Done
Normal WXM-11491 Fixed a bug with a subquery on a REST Query Done
Normal WXM-11487 Reverse search would not work without proper structure tagging Done
Normal WXM-11486 The content picker was not returning the clipped version of the asset when asked to do so Done
Minor WXM-11483 Fixed an issue where downloading a variation would start a selection rectangle Done
Normal WXM-11480 When adding a duplicate value in a list when tagging, it is no longer possible to add another one Done
Normal WXM-11477 Removed an old help screen in the account dataview Done
Normal WXM-11475 Fixed a typo in the Edit Video screen Done
Normal WXM-11462 The DAM Connector would not work in Adobe CC2019/CC2020 when using a cookie authentication method Done
Major WXM-11460 Fixed a bug that would prevent a Firefox 68.8 user to tag assets Done
Normal WXM-11459 Fixed a bug that would prevent Firefox 68 users to login Done
Normal WXM-11457 The Player will now display a lighter checkered background on transparent images Done
Normal WXM-11446 Fixed a Player freeze in the back-office when editing an asset Done
Minor WXM-11434 Fixed a bug that prevented unsubscribing of the status page emails Done
Normal WXM-11431 Boards created from saved search were appearing empty when navigated to Done
Normal WXM-11418 Fixed a bug in the back-office import that let user feel that an incorrect file was aborting the process Done
Major WXM-11401 Fixed "All contains" incorrect capitalization Done
Normal WXM-11394 Fixed a bug where the language filter was appearing even when no language could be filtered Done
Minor WXM-11379 The reverse search for DXM was broken for watermarked images Done
Normal WXM-11376 Removing a notification from the list was failing with a 403 Done
Minor WXM-11366 Improvements in the Boards list in table mode for mobile Done
Minor WXM-11365 Fixed an issue in responsive mode where caption and tags would overlap in the asset list Done
Normal WXM-11333 Fixed the affect child window Title localization Done
Normal WXM-11288 A translation was missing in the "Password change" form Done
Normal WXM-11226 Fixed a bug that invited a user without upload right to upload assets Done
Minor WXM-11196 For some filters you have to scroll down. In the worst case, the frame "Keyword related to your search" is then pushed over the filter. Done
Normal WXM-11159 When returning from an asset detail, the folders will reopen in their previous state Done
Trivial WXM-11107 Fixed a question mark improperly layout in the rejected asset error message Done
Normal WXM-11055 When indexing assets, it is possible to set up which data tab should be activated by default Done
Minor WXM-11037 A shared asset to a social network was displaying tooltips in french Done
Normal WXM-11011 When the user only has limited rights (watermarked) on an asset, do not offer the Picture Editor option Done
Normal WXM-8921 It is was possible to switch datatype between decimal and money Done
Minor WXM-8680 Image editor: set text "undo change...." was not centered Done