Content Picker Microsoft Office 365 Configuration
The Wedia Content Picker Office helps to pick assets from Office 365 applications like Word, Powerpoint, Excel and to reuse them in your Office documents.
The configuration of the Wedia Content Picker Office follows the same logic as the one made for the Content-Picker CMS (see ) as it is a specialization of it.
This article explains how to configure the specific parts of the Content Picker Office.
It is recommended to store your settings in a distinct folder inside src/wedia-plugin-template/res/ and set it up for your office picker like below :
// Office picker configuration (addin)
"portal@picker@office": "_portal@savencia@$_picker@$_officepicker@$savencia-office-picker",
"portal@picker@office@$mobile_device": "_portal@savencia@$_picker@$_officepicker@$savencia-office-picker@$mobile_device",
In this example, the configuration is stored inside the folder src/wedia-plugin-template/res/savencia-office-picker. It is applied on top of a portal configuration (here _portal@savencia), a picker configuration (_picker), and then _officepicker.
The _officepicker folder (src/wedia-plugin-template/res/_officepicker) is the portal’s base configuration for Office Content Picker. So this folder applies a standard configuration to transform the content picker into an Office Content Picker.
Actions of items
The main actions for Office Picker (as of version 2021.5.0) are :
Integrate into Office
Integrate into Office without Background
To configure those items' actions, the file src/wedia-plugin-template/res/officepicker/dam/explore/items/.js should be overridden.
For example :
// eslint-disable-next-line func-names
module.exports = function (config) {
return {
actions: [
'damOfficeIntegrateInBase64', // Integrate
'damOfficeIntegrateStrippedBackgroundInBase64', // Integrate without background
'damPreview', // Preview action
It is possible since version 2021.3.0 to choose which variations to include with the Content Picker Office. The entry points to configure those variations returned by the damOfficeIntegrateInBase64
and damOfficeIntegrateStrippedBackgroundInBase64
actions are respectively : src/wedia-plugin-template/res/_portal/variations/office.json and src/wedia-plugin-template/res/_portal/variations/office-stripped.json
The variation stripped_background on which is based the background removal is not returned by default. To retrieve it for your assets, you’ll have to :
Set parameter evp.ia.activated of plugin WXM_DAMDY to true
Ask ESAAS (or whoever has the rights ) to add the option ‘CanRemoveBg’ inside the EVP settings of the environment.
You can test if the variation is returned by using the following URL :
How to test in a local environment
The configuration of the Office Content Picker can be tested through the following URL :
http://localhost:9000/office-asset-picker/ (with the ending “/“).
HTTP Safety Headers
An important step of the office content picker is to configure the HTTP Safety Headers.
This can be done through the administration page of your environment.
You can create there the two rules needed for the rewritten rules used by the Office Content Picker :
To use the Office 365 Content Picker, you must make sure that :
REST API: JWTCookieSameSite option must be set to none
in the HTTP SECURITY HEADERS options: make sure that in the Framed options, the xframedOptions.enabled is set to uncheck for the following URLs :
Manifest File
To install the Office Content Picker inside your Office applications, you’ll need to set up the manifest.xml that will be used by the Office 365 Administrator to install the Content Picker.
Examples can be found inside the portal’s folder: samples/office-picker-config-sample. An adaptation of certain project-specific information is needed before the deployment. Steps are described at the beginning of the proposed samples.
A concrete example made for SAVENCIA can be found here:
By running the following command with node installed, you can check whether your manifest is valid or not and detailed information like Microsoft platforms where your add-in can be tested npx --ignore-existing office-addin-manifest validate path-to-the-manifest
Installation inside Office Applications
Wedia Users need to ask Esaas (or whoever has the Office Administrator rights) to do the installation as proper rights are needed to follow the installation process.
To have access to the Office Content Picker once the manifest file has been configured, you’ll need to install the Wedia Add-in in your Office 365 Tenant.
The installation process is described in those 2 pages :