Release notes for 2022.2.1

Bulk upload features enhancements (portal)

Improved performance and loading times

The bulk upload feature in the portal has been made more reliable for large indexing volumes and the indexing form load times, and facets have been improved.

Improved data reliability during the indexing process

Data reliability have been improved. Impacts on the user journey are :

  • Indexing of a batch can only start when assets in the upload batch are analysed. Before, the user could start working on data whose analysis has not been completed, with the risk, for the data filled in the indexing form to be overwritten once the assets analysis ends.

  • The user is notified when a facets is loading.

  • The user can select a large quantity of assets (tested up to 250 assets) and fill in the indexing form smoothly.

  • If the user leaves the indexing screen when all the changes have not yet been saved, saving continues in the background.

  • ZIPs loading progress is now fully functional and visible.


Tickets included in the release





Upload can now support zips with stored files on the portal


Mass upload improvements on the portal

Bug fixing




Fixed an issue regarding the unzip.json configuration on the portal


Fixed an issue regarding status icons that where not displayed in the mass upload screen


Fixed an issue regarding internationalization of the error messages during indexing process on the portal


Fixed an issue in the content picker where tooltip was blocking access to the advanced filters


Fixed an issue regarding the connexion on the office content picker