BO Configuration checklist (prior to 2023.3)

Dashboard widgets

Starter-kit provides a set of default widgets for the BO dashboard as well as a mechanism to assign default widgets to users based on their role (or role-type).

Those widgets are provided through plugins. You might need to adapt plugin parameters based on the setup of the platform.

Remaining of this documentation is technical. In a nutshell, as a Project manager, you must know that

  • The 3 widgets Assets access, Latest assets and Assets about to expire are likely to require configuration if you have created a project specific asset library (by default, those widget will use the asset structure.

  • Simple widgets providing “Todo lists” for your user are likely to be easily configured by a technical consultant.


This plugin provides 3 widgets:

  1. Assets access:

  2. Latest assets:

  3. Assets about to expire:

Those 3 widgets will be based on one library defined in the plugin parameters:


The value of this parameter is the name of the asset library to be used.

If you are not using the default asset library provided by starter-kit, you must adapt wedia_packaged_dam_dashboard_asset_objectname to use the appropriate one.

Parameters are strait-forward, but find below more explanations:

parameter name

default value


parameter name

default value




Name of the asset library to build widgets with



property used to find assets about to expire.



add coma separated list of properties to include in the widget. binary is required to display a thumbnail of the asset.



Max number of days before archiving for filtering assets about to expire


This plugin provides the ability

  1. to define simple data list widgets

  2. to filter widgets available for a user

  3. to define default widgets for a user based on his role

  4. to define default widgets for a user based on his role type

Define simple list widgets

Use configured_widgets parameter to define widgets.

Don’t get afraid by the following definition, have a look to plugin’s default configuration to get some working examples on how to configure new widgets.

This parameter is a JSON Object. Each key is concatenated to “PACKAGED_BOV3_DashboardWidgets_“ and will define the widget code. Each associated value is a JSON object following this type definition:

interface ConfiguredBloc { object: string // the object for which we want to create a widget fields: Array<string> // fields to display in the widget - default: ["name"] orderBy: string // the order by to use for retrieving objects - default: "pid desc" query: QueryConstraint // see after bases: Array<string> // bases from which the PreparedWhere will be used - default: null actionsPosition: string // position of actions in list - default: "after" } interface FieldConstraint {} interface AndConstraints {} interface OrConstraints {} type QueryConstraint = FieldConstraint | AndConstraints | OrConstraints interface FieldConstraint { field: string // the field on which you want to apply a constraint method: string // The method to use (from PreparedWhere) to define the constraint value: string // the value for applying the method. The value is interpolated. } interface AndConstraints { and: Array<QueryConstraint> } interface OrConstraints { or: Array<QueryConstraints> }

Remove widgets

Use remove_widgets parameter to filter out widgets you don’t want to provide to users. The parameter is a JSON Object. Each key refers to a widget key. Each value is either a boolean (which value should be true) to remove the widget for all users or, a string containing an expression language that should evaluate to a boolean. Example: "${ ne '4'}"

Define default widgets for a user

You can define default widgets to automatically assign to a user when he has been created. This will ensure the user will not get an empty dashboard first time he connects.

Prior to 2022.5 , roles were entirely managed by the project team. Starting from 2022.5 as roles can be created by the customer, it is recommended to use the role type default widgets configuration.

Default widgets assigned to a user are defined based on their role ID and fallbacks on their role type.

Default widgets defined for a role are configured in the default_widgets parameter. This parameter is a JSON object. each key denotes a role ID. It contains an object with a bloc property (Array). Each item in the array is a JSON object with the following interface:

interface DefaultBloc { code: string // the widget code title: string // the i18n key that will be used for the widget title path: string // the JSP page displaying the widget open: boolean // is the widget opened by default img: string | null // the image of the widget nbr: string // number of items to display for a list params: string col: string // target column }