Wedia Adobe Content Picker

Wedia Adobe Content Picker


The Wedia Content Picker is an extension to :

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe InDesign.

It connects the DAM to this creative tool, and offer, for Adobe InDesign, a way to prepare templates that will be used for dynamic layouts in the Wedia software.

We rely on the Adobe CC Exchange for installing the Wedia Extension.

You will need Admin rights on your computer to complete the installation process.

If you are experiencing issues, please navigate to the ā€œtroubleshootingā€ section at the bottom of the page.


Table of Contents :


Please navigate to the Wedia extension page on Adobe Exchange. You will need :

  • to be logged into your Adobe account.

  • to have Administrator rights to perform the installation.


Click on the ā€œFreeā€ button :

The extension header should change to :

You should now click on the ā€œInstallā€ link :

This is prompting a dialog :

Click on ā€œOpen Creative Cloud Desktop Appā€ : this will open the Creative Cloud ā€œManage pluginsā€ section:

If the status is not installed, you should click on ā€œInstallā€ in the Wedia Digital Asset Management tile :

If Photoshop, Illustrator or InDesign is running, you will be prompted to close it :

Please validate the authorization dialog to follow on :

You will need Admin rights to your computer to continue :

Once validated, the status of the plugin should turn to : ā€œInstalledā€ :


If you are using an Apple silicon mac M1 or M2 and Photoshop : you will have one additional step to perform: locate the Adobe Photoshop program, click on the Get information menu, and check ā€œOpen using Rosettaā€ checkbox. If you are experiencing issues, please read the ā€œInstalling on Apple Silicon systemsā€ section below.

Please restart Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign or Adobe Illustrator : the plugin should now be installed.

How to locate the Wedia extension :

  • On Photoshop:


  • On Ilustrator:


  • On InDesign, a new ā€œWediaā€ menu available :


Connecting to the Wedia DAM server :

On your first connection, type the name of the Wedia server you need to connect to, and finish by typing enter to register it.

Then type your login and password for the Wedia server.

Later you will be able add other servers if you need to, and navigate to previous servers in the drop down :


Use the trash icon to permanently remove a server name.


If you have trouble connecting, please scroll below to the troubleshooting section.


The ā€œWedia Linksā€ Tab - Since 2024.4.0

  • A ā€œWedia Linksā€ tab allow users to browse and manage DAM assets that are placed in the active InDesign document.

  • This tab provides an overview of all the DAM assets currently linked in the document, displaying details such as asset name, status, and the option to relink or refresh the asset.


Automatic Local Checkout of Assets

  • When an InDesign document containing DAM assets is opened, these assets can be automatically checked out onto the local drive of the user.

  • This feature ensures that users have local access to all original images that have been placed in the document, eliminating the need to manually retrieve assets and speeding up workflows.

Preferences for Dragging Wedia DAM Assets

  • A preference setting allows users to define how Wedia DAM assets are handled when they are dragged into the InDesign document. Users can now choose between:

  • Creating a logical link between the placed images and their DAM version.

  • Or using a local copy of the image.


Installation Troubleshooting

Adobe has set up a comprehensive step by step installation troubleshooting guide here :


in French :


Installing on Apple Silicon systems

When installing on Apple Silicon systems, the Creative Cloud installer may show the following message :

And on Photoshop and other softwares, the legacy Extension menu will not load, preventing the Wedia Extension to be executed :

In that case, please locate the application in the finder, and with Command-I, read the information of the application : in the following window, please check the ā€œOpen using Rosettaā€ checkbox :


Manual installation

In some rare cases, Adobe can restrict the usage of the Adobe Exchange for your environment. In that case, you will have the Wedia Support to help your proceed a manual installation, that rely on a external software: Anastasiy's Extension Manager for Adobe platform

The plugins can then be downloaded here :


Please do not attempt a manual installation without being prompted by support@wedia-group.com


Licensing the Wedia Content Picker users.

Out of the box, no user has the privilege to use the Wedia Content Picker. To gain access, kindly get in touch with your Wedia account manager and obtain a license for the content picker.



The extension does not install on my computer

the extension must be installed with a user that have ā€œAdministratorā€ rights on your Windows or MacOS system.


The extension does not load on a Mac M1

In order to load on a Mac M1, please check the Open using with Rosetta checkbox:

Additional help on Mac M1 support can be found here : Wedia Adobe Content Picker | Installing on Apple Silicon systems.


The extension does not appear in the Extension menu on a Mac M1

On a Mac M1 / M2, the Wedia extension is available on the ā€œExtension (legacy)ā€ menu.


I get a 401 error when connecting

Please check that the server URL in your connection palette only contains the domain name without a trailing ā€œ/ā€ :


I still get a 401 error, or a ā€œCannot read property name of nullā€ error

Please check with your account manager that the JWTCookieSameSite setting of your Wedia instance is set to None :

I still can't log in

Since 2022.3 , a new security domain has been added to check if you have enough licences for this Adobe Content Picker, please check with your account manager the licences security rules.


Iā€™m getting an error about CSRF tokens

Since 2022.6 , some Wedia server can gain additional protection from CSRF attacks. In that case, the Wedia extension cannot be used on those environments, and users will get an error message:


I can't create a new document from the extension

if you have ā€œfacetsā€ and mandatory information in your asset structure, this is not currently supported by the extension.


The extension is not available for my Creative cloud version

We support the current and previous (long term) version of the Creative Cloud.

When Adobe publishes in a new version of its Creative Cloud applications, they send us the new Software Development Kit so we can adapt and publish a new version of the extension. A few weeks are needed on the Wedia side to get the new software development kit from Adobe, adapt the extension, test it and publish it to the store.

The CC2023 version of the Wedia Adobe extension will be published November 10, 2023.

We are doing our best to shorten this situation, but if you need to use the extension, please follow this procedure to install the previous version of the Creative Cloud along the current version, and restore the compatibility with the Wedia plugin :

  • Open the Creative Cloud application.

    (1) : Go to the Apps tab

    (2) : Go to the All Apps option

    (3) : Got the InDesign line, and click on the (...) icon to select the "Other versions" option

    From there, you can install the previous version of InDesign, which works with our current plugin.

My Dylation custom format panel is black

Often, desinstalling and reinstalling the extension will solve that issue.

Additionally, you may purge the Dylation cache, by removing the following folder on your computer :

~/Library/Caches/CSXS/cep_cache/IDSN_18.0_com.ibrams.dylation.extension.formats.extension1 & IDSN_18.0_com.ibrams.dylation.extension.main.extension1


Full reinstallation procedure

If you are still experiencing issues, please follow the full uninstall / reinstall procedure :

Step 1 : Remove the Wedia plugin from the Creative Cloud application via the Creative Cloud application:

Locate your Wedia plugin :


Open it, and use the (ā€¦) menu to navigate to the Uninstall option :


Step 2 : Close all Adobe software

Step 3 : Check if you no longer have the Wedia or iBrams plugin installed in your Application /plugin folder:

If the plugins are still here, move them to the trash.

Step 4 : Remove the CEP cache, located at: /Users/<USERNAME>/Library/Caches/CSXS/cep_cache (on Mac OS) or C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Temp\cep_cache\ (on Windows)

Step 5 : Reopen the Creative Cloud application, and check for any pending application update, and apply them :

Step 6 : Reinstall the Wedia plugin, using the steps detailed in the Installation section at the beginning of this document.

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