Allows to test some file variables to decide to execute command set.
filter: the selector
a string
considered as the extension of the file to match with (equals), or the mimetype to match with (equals or starts with)a string array, as a list of file extensions or mimetypes to match with
a json object, as an conditional expression (logical and combination)
property as a variable
extension: extension of current file
mimetype: mimetype of current file
name: name of current file
basename: name (without extension) of current file
path: relative to san path of the current file
length: length of current file (bytes)
lastmodified: last modified timestamp (unix epoch time) of current file
width: pixel width of current file
height: pixel height of current file
xdpi: horizontal density in dots per inch of current file
ydpi: vertical density in dots per inch of current file
original.extension: extension of original file
original.mimetype: mimetype of original file name of original file
original.basename: name (without extension) of original file
original.path: relative to san path of the original file
original.length: length of original file (bytes)
original.lastmodified: last modified timestamp (unix epoch time)
original.width: pixel width of original file
original.height: pixel height of original file
original.xdpi: horizontal density in dots per inch of original file
original.ydpi: vertical density in dots per inch of original file
Value is the test to be performed, asa simple value, to check if the variable is equal to
Example:"filter": { "extension":"jpg" }
an object, as logical and combination, where property name is an operator and value is the value to used with the operator, or an array of values (logical or combination)
an array, as logical or combination of all items
Example 1:{ "filter": { "extension":["jpg","png"] } }
Example 2:
{ "filter": { "mimetype":["application/pdf",{"startswith":"image/"}] } }
property as a logical operator
or: the value must be an array of conditions
example:{ "filter": { "or": [ {"path": {"ct":"/asset/"}}, {"path": {"ct":"/legacy/"}} ] ] } }
and: The value must be an array of conditions.
example:{ "filter": { "and": [ {"extension":"jpg"}, {"length":{"<":"2MiB"}} ] ] } }
not: the value must be an object (conditional expression)
example:{ "filter": { "not": { "extension": ["zip","mp4"] ] } } }
an array, as a combination table of the above types
Example:{ "filter": [ { "extension":"jpg" }, { "extension":"png", "length":{"<":"2MiB"} } ] }
if: action to do if file matches selector
else: action to do if file doen’t match selector
Action can be:
null: means cancel transform execution (do not return any image)
json object or json array: a command set to apply
empty json object or empty json array: continue process
JSON object properties
filter: the file selector
if: action to do file matches the selector
else: action to do file doesn’t match the selector
simplified syntax parameters
Not supported.
array type parameters
[filter]: if matches the filter, continue, else cancel
[filter, action]: if matches the filter, do the action, else cancel
[filter,actionIf,actionElse]: if matches the filter, do the actionIf, else do actionElse
string type parameter
Not supported.