The status action is presented by a dropdown which is available on asset's detail view.
This dropdown displays available target statuses for the current asset, according to available wkf actions on the asset for the user (permissions check)
If no actions are available, the dropdown can still be displayed (Depending on configuration and permissions cf setup and cf security below) and the it will only show the current status as information.
Bulk status update is available for a selection of assets after a config update (cf config setup).
This action will not be displayed if status indicator is not displayed by config (cf config setup)
This action can be disabled , if no available target statuses have been found on the asset selection for current user.
This action can be disabled not displayed if user has no rights to see status indicator=> Is
User is not allowed to perform at least one wkf action on assets from at least one media library (cf indicator security)
This actions allows user to use action enables users to access the change status popover. It is displaying , which displays the available target statuses for the current asset selectioncurrently selected assets. If there certain statuses are non not available statuses for some assets from in the selection, the target statuses they will be marked with an exclamation mark to warn alert the user.
If a marked status is chosenselected, only the assets which that can go transition to the target status will be updated.
Available target statuses are computed/retrieved from asset.status.$workflowActions
These values are accessible only if the data retreiving call is bearing a retrieval call includes the parameter workflows: true
Target statuses can may be unavailable because of a lack of due to insufficient permissions or of a lack of wkf actions on the absence of workflow actions in the workflow definition.
$workfloActions are responding $workflowActions
adhere to the permissions set on defined for the role with in wedia-config.=> screen wedia config role asset wkf permissions.