Status update : Setup

Status update : Setup

For the feature to behave correctly, ensure that you update your PACKAGED_Security plugin and the global security configuration. (cf Upgrading to 2024.5 | Security changes)

Dam, Portals & Boards

Status change is available only if status indicator is available.

Bulk status update

For each domain, a new action has been added for an asset selection:

  • Under /{domain}/explore/footer/selection/actions : updateAssetStatus.

    • this action gives you access to the change status popover.

Simple status update

A new prop has been added under /dam/details/actions : displayStatusUpdateAction. This prop is set to true . And allows you to force the change status dropdown on asset’s detail view to be hidden.


By default, if status indicator is available, change status action is displayed. But if you want to disable it, and keep only the indicator you can set the prop above to false and remove the action from explore/footer/selection/actions


Starter-kit existing projects

If you are upgrading your project, and you haven’t overriten these configs you have nothing to do, status indicator is by default activated for starter-kits, displayStatusUpdateAction is by default set to true, and updateAssetStatus is by default present in available actions config.

If these configuration entries have been overridden in your project, and you want to benefit from the change status feature, please update your project configuration accordingly.


Non starter-kit projects

Please update all config points listed above, if you want to benefit from the status indicator.

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