Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



How it works


Back link redirects user to the page he was before


The header corresponds to the following metadata : Name + Photograph.

The configuration can be changed with the metadata of your choice.

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Next / Previous button allow navigation to the next or previous asset details following the order of the search results

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Out of the box, Metadata section contains 3 sections :

  • Information : Name, Caption, Keywords, Folder, Langue de l'asset, Collection, Organization

  • Negociated Rights : Photograph*, Right types, Shooting date, Expiration date*, Authorized Channel

  • Technical information : Asset type, Orientation, Dimensions, File size, Duration, Colorspace, Clipped.

Properties display depends on the property type.

The configuration can be changed with the sections and metadata of your choice.

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Contains all information calculated by Artificial Intelligence : Keywords, and specific information for video like transcript of the video, identified objects and concepts.

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Contains the version history of the media.
➡️ Refer to the documentation for more details on this feature.


In this area, the user can see the asset and play it (if it is a video, an audio file, or 3D). It has several additional options: zoom, full screen.
The configuration can be modified to include sharing on social networks.


Number of Views and downloads for the asset.

The configuration can be modified to hide these information.



Actions for an asset are : 

Additionnal actions can be activated in the configuration :

  • Reverse Search (with agreement of sales)

  • Embed code generation (with agreement of sales as it is related with DXM option)

  • Social Sharing
