Download options

Download options



Download option from search page


Download option from asset detail page


Share by mail popin



Default Behaviour(s)


The renditions will be displayed depending on the assigned rendition on the user role.

By default the popin is composed of the following options :

  • Format :

    • S : 200px

    • M : 500px

    • L : Full rendition of the image

    • O : Original size

  • Terms and conditions checkbox : user cannot download, copy or send by email the asset without having checked the box

  • Download button : download start when user clicks on this button

  • Copy button : copy the link of the asset in the clipboard

  • Send by email link : Open the send by email popin (see design)


Advanced Configuration


Disabling Term and condition checkbox

Set the $feature.downloadRights to false then checkbox and adjacent text will not be displayed.


Action configuration

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value




Translated text displayed on mouse hover


"fal fa-arrow-to-bottom"

Icon of the action


See $common.namedActions.damDownload.props.rightsResources and $common.namedActions.damDownload.props.defaultAcceptRight

Props passed to the component to handle some conditional rendering



Date value to use to display right date information in the “terms and conditions” paragraph



Is the checkbox checked by default



Set to true to disable (hide) the “send by mail” link



Set to true to disable (hide) the “copy” button

Setting up a new PDF output variation for a .wedia asset in download options

Follow the steps below to configure and make a new PDF output variation available for .wedia file.

The target DAM must be connected to an Adobe InDesign Server for this feature to work.

The PDF output profile is defined by a file name .joboption, that is created on Adobe InDesign Desktop.

Create .joboptions Files on Adobe InDesign Desktop:

  • Open Adobe InDesign: Launch Adobe InDesign on your computer.

  • Access Adobe PDF Presets: From the “File” menu, select “Adobe PDF Presets” and then “Define.”

  • Create or Load a Preset:

  • To Create a New Preset: Click “New,” and set your desired PDF options. Once done, click “OK.”

  • To Load an Existing Preset: Click “Load,” navigate to the .joboptions file you have, select it, and click “Open.” The new preset will appear in the list of presets.

  • Save the Preset: Ensure your new or loaded preset is saved. This saves the settings to the default location where InDesign stores custom PDF presets.

  • Note on Naming: Avoid using spaces in the job option file name and preset name.

  • Locate the Preset File: The saved .joboptions file is typically stored in the user library under ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe PDF/Settings on macOS or in a similar directory on Windows.

Deploy .joboptions Files to the Correct Location on the Server:

  • Create a ticket to eSAAS requesting the deployment of the .joboptions files to the InDesign Server,

  • Attach the .joboptions files to the ticket.

  • The InDesign Server will have to be restarted, as these are common to multiple clients, this can be scheduled.


Verify Deployment

  • Check Deployment Effectiveness: Log in to the Wedia Back-Office with a developer account.

  • Open the “file view” of a “.wedia” asset and search for the created variation prefixed by “pdf.”. For example, a job option named PDFX4 should appear as a variation “pdf.PDFX4”.


Update the List of Available Download Variations

A new “resolution” entry should be created with the following values:


The name that should appear in the DAM Portal


The letter that should appear in the Popup in DAM Portal




Your description


the PDF variation you have created, such as pdf.PDFX4

Add the New Resolution in Wedia Config:

Using Wedia Config, add the new resolution to the “Allowed download resolutions” in the General Information section of the user roles that need to access this information.

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