Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


All the bullet points below have to be respected if you want to use the new feature on your project


It is possible to check if objects related to the portal have the recommended structure by using the link url_check_mode exposed on the tab URLs of the plugin PACKAGED_Portals.

1/ Install on existing projects

Steps to follow for installing portals on existing projects, after fulfilling the prerequisites.

1.1/ Permissions

To have correct permissions on portals we also recommend to update or reset pkgroletemplate instances and all the other pkg* objects.
If you can afford to reset your permissions from the nar, don’t forget to call the update (admin) endpoint given by PACKAGED_Security.
A touch on the users may also be needed to ensure that users, roles and roles role templates are correctly synchronized.


For the portals to be fully functionnal, and to benefit from the “share” feature fully, the “update” endpoint will add a new instance instances in pkgsecugroup & pkgsecupermission, to allow users to access public portals and their assets without being logged in (direct access by link).

If you can’t reset your permissions, you must modify them manually, to do this, you will have to check the differences (diffs) in the new role templates, which can be found in the upgrade guide linked here. =>

You can modify the role templates through wedia-config, and if you do this


  • For the “Administrator role type” the permissions should be configured this way :

    • Create portals => checked ✅

    • Administering portals => checked ✅

  • For the “Contributor role type” the permissions should be configured this way :

    • Create portals => checked ✅

    • Administering portals => not checked 🟩

  • For the “Userrole type” the permissions should be configured this way :

    • Create portals => not checked 🟩

    • Administering portals => not checked 🟩

, you will correctly update portals permissions* for Contributor role type and Administrator role type by following

But for User role type, portals permissions can not be updated trough wedia-config, because it’s a setting of empty permissions, it’s better to do it manually

Even if you update the permissions through wedia-config, be sure to verify the upgrade guide. There may be additional updates to the role templates' permission values, which you'll need to retrieve for the app to function properly.

* The instance permissions value will be the same as the one deliverd with the 2024.4.0 on @portal.editorial~wkfpkgportal level

After this, call the update endpoint to retrieve the new pkgsecugroup and pkgsecupermission instances.


If you have modified pkgsecugroup instances previously retrieved by an update call, be careful, you can overwrite existing instances

1.2/ Front app

You will also need to upgrade your portal to retrieve all the new components and configs to benefit from the portals

1.3/ Asset Libraries

For all your library structures, which are containing assets that you want to use in portals, you will need to update them by adding a new prop called portals, the same way it’s present on the asset structure (tags too).


All asset libraries created from wedia-config will be prepared to work with the portals, and will have a portals prop with the needed tags.

1.4/ Front app home widgets

We’ve added the possibility to link portals to a vueapphomewidget instance, and therefore display them on the front’s home page as widgets, the same way boards are displayed.

To benefit from this feature, you have to update your vueapphomewidget structure, retrieve the new structure called homewidgetelttype and it’s its instances (from the nar), and update your current vueapphomewidgettype instances. vueapphomewiget received new props and a significant number of faces (facet/ “facettes”). More details here :


If you are updating your app to the version 2024.4 and you don’t want to benefit from or use the new feature, here are the steps to follow :

  • Disable PACKAGED_Portals

  • In your front app’s feature config, set portals to false

  • Deactivate all permissions to portals feature from wedia-config

4/ Configuration possibilites

Below are the configuration options for the feature.
Some of these configurations are applied through updates to the delivered portal structure.
Please take a quick look at the paragraph linked below, which explains how to extend the delivered structure and which facets to use =>

4.1/ Portals list filters

4.1.1/ Portal list filters configuration

Portals list filters are configured in this file :
The configuration is set up and behaves in the same way as it does for the dam domain.

By default, all provided filters are activated. This was achieved while still following the app’s existing principles (same components, filter configurations system combined with named configurations).
We did this by utilizing two core features: constraint filters and cursor query parameter.

titleBelow is portals lists cursor
Code Block
  "i18nQuery": true,
  "orderby": "modified desc",
  "path": "dam/data/portal",
  "security": ["objectdata/update","objectdata/delete"],
  "withAggregates": false,
  "withRights": true,
  "staticQuery": {
    "portal": {
      "empty": true
  // default active constraints
  // for portals list
  "query": {
      "owner": { "eq": "${}" }
      "team": { "ct": "${}" }
      "viewers": { "ct": "${}" }
      "and": [
        { "owner": { "neq": "${}" } },
        { "team": { "nct": "${}" } },
        { "viewers": { "nct": "${}" } }
    // this constraints allows to hide all content when no portalrole constraint is selected
    "or:portalrole.hide": {
      "id": { "eq": 0} 
      "visibility": { "eq": "public" }
      "visibility": { "eq": "internal" }
      "visibility": { "eq": "private" }
    // this constraints allows to hide all content when no portaltype constraint is selected
    "or:portaltype.hide": {
      "id": { "eq": 0} 
    "or:portalactive.true": {
      "activated": { "eq": true }

You can see on the cursor definition above that the query param’s value is quite large. It is containing all the default activated constraints. The key of this implementation is to make sure that the same constraint keys are used on filter’s definition and cursor’s query param.

The constraint filter’s component(s) have also been updated to allow new UI (selected values on dropdown label, checkbox inline filter)

To improve the user experience, we were tasked with ensuring that if neither of the two default dropdown filters has a selected option, no results are displayed. This was made possible using a small adjustment in the cursor’s query configuration.

These two constraints are always applied to the cursor, allowing us to achieve the desired effect.

Code Block
    "or:portalrole.hide": {
      "id": { "eq": 0} 
    "or:portaltype.hide": {
      "id": { "eq": 0} 

The logic works as follows: between constraints like or:portalrole:xxx and or:portalrole:yyy, the system applies an OR operator. However, between constraints such as or:portalrole:xxx and or:portaltype:xxx, the system applies an AND operator. Below, you'll find more details about what happens at the "query" level:

  • We’ve applied one role constraint and one type constraint. The result at the “query” level is :

    • (or:portalrole:xxx OR or:portalrole.hide) AND (or:portaltype:xxx OR or:portaltype.hide)

      • no hidden result, filtered according to chosen constraints

  • We haven’t applied a role constraint, but we’ve applied a type constraint. The result at the "query" level is:

    • (or:portalrole.hide) AND (or:portaltype:xxx OR or:portaltype.hide)

      • hidden result

4.1.2/ Example of configuration

This filter configuration can be edited, to add or remove some filters. The configuration system follows principles that are used on the entire front app. Here you can find an example of a possible customization


Code Block
  "hideSide": true,
  "filters": [


To activate filters by default when the page loads, follow the approach used for role or type filters. This involves creating a specific filter configuration with constraints and reusing the same constraint keys in the cursor definition within the query parameter

4.2/ Portal default filters

4.2.1/ Portal default filters configuration

By default, portals feature comes with filters on the portal’s detail view. These filters allow users to filter displayed assets. The filter config used and displayed here is the same one that is used on the new universe creation.

It means that you can modify it, but the next created universe will be created by default with the updated filters config.

File path : starter-kit\dam\explore\filters\default-cursor-config\default-resource-config.json

4.2.2/ Example of configuration

Here we’ve added a prop from asset structure: colorspace


And this is the result


4.3/ Segmentation of portals

You can segment portals by following this documentation

Here are the steps to follow for a possible segmentation by “organization”:

  • Add a property organization, which is a child of organization, to user structure. This property should have the tag segmenting/tree/readorgs.

  • Add a property organization, which is a child of organization, to portal structure. This property should have the tag segmented/readorgs.

  • portal structure should have the tag segmented.

  • organization structure should have the tag segmented

  • FYI: "readorgs" is just an alias here. It can be any name you choose, but it must be the same on both properties for the segmentation to work correctly.

After this update, the user will only be able to see portals that share the same organization as their own.

Update with 2025.1 :

It is now possible to configure portal segmentation directly from the front-end application. To benefit from this UI improvement, you will need to configure your project :

  • Structure updates

    • portal

      • All your segmentation properties should be editable and must wear the rest_api_include tag

  • Front-end configuration updates

    • /portals/segmentation-props.json => array of strings

      • Here you will have to add the technical names of your segmentation properties .

        • ie :

          Code Block

By following these configuration steps, you will unlock the "Advanced Rule" tab for internal sharing. This tab allows you to configure segmentation settings for your portal.

4.4/ Permissions

You can edit the portal’s feature permissions from wedia-config under the “Global permissions” menu.
For each role template, you will edit its “Global permissions” permissions, here you'll find the settings that are set by default.

  • For the “Administrator role type” the permissions should be configured this way :

    • Create portals => checked ✅

    • Administering portals => checked ✅

  • For the “Contributor role type” the permissions should be configured this way :

    • Create portals => checked ✅

    • Administering portals => not checked 🟩

  • For the “User role type” the permissions should be configured this way :

    • Create portals => not checked 🟩

    • Administering portals => not checked 🟩

4.5/ Share privacies configuration

It is possible to configure the different types of visibilities that will be displayed inside the Share Portal modal.


That configuration can be specified via the configuration entry point: starter-kit/portals/share-options[].

For example, to remove the ability to set a portal as Public in the front-end, the visibility entry that has the type “public“ can be deleted from the base configuration array $.portals.shareOptions[].

This selection will control the value of the property visibility and the portal instance will be updated accordingly (See the for more details).

4.6/ Searching for a Portal through the DAM


When a fulltext search is made, if the portals featureis activated and if results are found, a new section will be displayed on the top of the assets results. This section will contain portals based on the performed search

A configuration option for the displayed portals is available. By configuring a cursor dedicated to the portals displayed in the DAM, you can either filter based on a specific property to meet a particular need or deliberately ensure that no portal instances are retrieved, thereby preventing the portals' result section from being displayed in the DAM.

Configuration file: starter-kit\portals\cursors\portals-dam-explore.json
Example of config, to put on the cursor, to hide portals results on the dam

Code Block
"staticQuery": {
  "id": { 
    "eq": 0

4.7/ Portal’s section configurations

Portal’s sections are configurable through files under src\wedia-portal-apps-configs\starter-kit\portals\sections\templates[]

By default (for now) we are delivering two section types: assets & editorial.

The type assets is for the sections that can be populated with media and editorial is for sections that can only contain text. See the following functional documentation for more details about portal organization

For each of these section types, you will have a configuration file where you can find multiple configuration points

Code Block
  "enabled": true, // Activate or Deactivate the section on the menu inside the portal edition
  "type": "editorial", // Type of section : editorial/assets
  "component": "CwLpContentTextSection", // Default component that will be used to display section content
  "name": { // Configuration of the default section names in their languages
    "": "Text",
    "fr": "Texte",
    "de": "Text"
  "iconClasses": ["fa-text"] // Icon used in the portal edition screen next to the section type label

We do not recommend to edit the type and the component.
Please note that the default component depends on multiple child components. Therefore, if you need to configure a specific component, ensure that you first review the component architecture and adhere to it.