Default Configuration
Header (Homepage)
Default Behaviour(s) :
Header is composed of :
A wedia logo : redirects to the homepage of the application
An upload icon : redirects to the mass upload page
Only visible for Administrators
A Notification icon : opens the notification popin
Board icon : redirects to “my boards” page
Menu icon : opens the menu
Header (search pages)
Default Behaviour(s) :
Header is composed of :
A wedia logo : redirects to the homepage of the application
An upload icon : redirects to the mass upload page
Only visible for Administrators
Drop-Down menu with the following options :
All assets (with minimalist asset structure)
All videos
Search icon + Search bar with auto-complete + number of results corresponding to the total number of asset
After fielding-in one or several key word(s), user can click on the suggested tags throught autompleted options, or he can press the enter key of his keyboard in order to display the results
A notification icon : opens the notification popin
Board icon : redirects to “my boards” page
Menu icon : opens the menu
Header (other pages)
Default Behaviour(s) :
Header is composed of :
A wedia logo : redirects to the homepage of the application
An upload icon : redirects to the mass upload page
Only visible for Administrators
A notification icon : opens the notification popin
Board icon : redirects to “my boards” page
Menu icon : opens the menu
Advanced Configuration
Customize your logos
Go to administration interface DAM Branding
Add cursors or queries
There are no conditions for the full text search bar to display in the dam page. It will always show.
On the home page however, the full text search bar is not visible.
Here is an overview:
Config path | Default value | Description |
Translation i18n key: | I'm looking for |
By default, there are 2 cursors already configured : “All assets” and “All videos“. It also possible to add personalized cursors.
Default cursors
Here is it’s overview of the default cursors:
Config path | Default value | Description |
Translation i18n key:
| All assets | |
Translation i18n key:
| All videos | |
| { "path": "dam/asset", "max": 60, "orderby": "created desc", "limit": 20, "withRights": true, "maxchildren": 6, "sortByRelevanceIfFulltext": true, "i18nQuery": true, "cacheDuration": "20000", "haveAssetNature": true, "staticQuery": {} } | Describes how the cursor “All assets” will work: as the |
| { "path": "dam/asset", "max": 60, "staticQuery": { "assetnature": { "dof": { "code":"video" } } }, "orderby": "created desc", "limit": 200, "haveAssetNature": true } | Describes how the cursor “All videos” will filter the assets: will display all assets where the |
| "allAssets" | Defines the default cursor, the one that is shown when going to the dam explorer page. |
Adding a new cursor
When adding a new cursor, there are a few steps to take.
First, we’ll have to add it to $.dam.contexts.json
. Here is an example with a cursor called “allProducts”:
[ { "cursor":"allAssets", "disableResourceSubFilter": true }, { "cursor": "allVideos", "disableResourceSubFilter": true }, { "cursor": "allProduct", "disableResourceSubFilter": true } ]
Then we have to create a file in $.common.cursors.<cursor-name-in-kebab-case>.json
. In our example, we’ll have : $.common.cursors.all-product.json
We have to fill in the file with the basic information and a specific query:
{ "path": "dam/asset", "max": 60, "orderby": "created desc", "limit": 20, "withRights": true, "maxchildren": 6, "sortByRelevanceIfFulltext": true, "i18nQuery": true, "cacheDuration": "20000", "haveAssetNature": true, "staticQuery": { "and": [ {"width":{"eq":3450}}, {"height":{"eq":5175}} ] } }
Here, we ask that the cursor displays all assets that have a width of 3450px and a height of 5175px.
Finally, don’t forget to add the translation key in the appropriate plugin. It has to be as follow:
In our example, the translation key would be: global.schemaNames.allProducts.cursor
It is also possible to add separators to space out cursors. To do so, add null
between each object of a cursor in the $.dam.contexts.json
, like so:
[ [...] { "cursor": "allVideos", "disableResourceSubFilter": true }, null, { "cursor": "allVideos", "disableResourceSubFilter": true } ]
Here is an overview of what a separator would look like:
without separators | with separators |
Disabling cursors
We can disable the visiblity of the cursors in the dam explorer page by setting to false the $.dam.behaviors.display-contexts-filter.json
Deactivating a features (upload or boards)
The display of the upload icon depends on several parameters :
an upload feature,
if the user has a role that is allowed to upload,
and the user has to be connected;
Here is an overview of those parameters :
Config path | Default value | Description |
Translation i18n key: | Upload assets | |
| true | To hide the upload icon, set the value to |
| - | By default, there are 4 roles available in a project, but only one has acces to the upload button: the admin. If roles are created or if you want to give access to the upload to another role group, you have to add the group ID into Example of role configuration file: { "asset": [4, 27], "pimasset": [4, 27] } Here, the group ID 4 (developer) and the group ID 27 (admin) will be able to upload. If a group ID is added, don’t forget to update |
The board icon depends on only one parameter: a board feature.
Here’s it’s overview:
Config path | Default value | Description |
Translation i18n key: | My boards | This translation key is used when the user is connected |
Translation i18n key:
| Boards | This translation key is used when the user is not connected |
| To hide the boards icon, set the setting |