Understanding the default asset structure

Important note

It is obvious that the default asset structure provided by the WEDIA NAR will need to be incremented with customer’s specific metadata. Nevertheless, some properties in the default asset structure were defined to manage out of the box standard DAM features. It is perfectly understandable that the way the product handles by default those features might not reflect what the customer had in mind to manage its assets. However, the default configuration was used to demonstrate the product to the customer during pre-sales phase, and is de facto the default behaviour of the product.

It is perfectly valid to define new fields and structures to meet the customer’s expectation, but it must be clear to the customer that:

  • using standard product configuration requires no additional setup cost (time and money) for the project

  • re-defining standard features will require configuration effort and most probably development effort that is by default out of initial scope.

  • standard configuration is maintained by product team whereas custom configuration is maintained by service.

  • the product team is happy to receive improvement requests to build better default features.

Default product fields per category on asset

Asset bases

binary: the asset binary file in its highest available resolution.

source: typically a zip file containing all sources that were used to produce the asset.

assetnature: type of asset. technical information.

Asset description

name: (i18n) name of the asset

description: (i18n) caption of the asset

keywords: Keywords (the structure supports i18n) associated to the asset.

Asset classification

organization: Used to store the organization to which belongs the asset. organization typically denotes a Business Unit, a Brand, a Country or a combination of those in form of a tree. It can be used to natively handle segmentation of assets.

folder: A free tree structure to represent folders hierarchy.

coverage: Allows to group assets based on a coverage

Asset rights

copyright: The copyright text associated to the asset

righttype: Type of rights assigned to the asset (default values are: “External”, “External but publication”, “Internal”). This list can be changed

photograph: Original producer of the asset

shootingdate: Original production date of the asset

dteendright: Date at which this asset cannot be used any more and should be archived

authorizedchannels: Channels for which this asset can be used (default values are: “All”, “Print”, “Web”, “Social Networks”, “Advertisments”). This list can be changed

visibility: Visibility of the asset to the web (default values are: “Private“, “Public”). This list should not be changed

Technical metadata

assetformat: Format of an asset (values are “Landscape“, “Portrait”, “Square”). It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it.

Note: DAM_Utils is configured to have tolerance (2000px x 2001px image is considered square for instance)

width: Width of the asset (px). This property is used by portal application and is mandatory. It cannot be removed. It can be hidden if customer doesn’t want to see it

height: Height of the asset (px). This property is used by portal application and is mandatory. It cannot be removed. It can be hidden if customer doesn’t want to see it

duration: Duration of an video / sound asset. This property is used by portal application and is mandatory. It cannot be removed. It can be hidden if customer doesn’t want to see it

clipped: Does this asset manage transparency. This property is used by portal application and is mandatory. It cannot be removed. It can be hidden if customer doesn’t want to see it

filesize: Size of the asset (in bytes). It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it.

colorspace: Colorspace of a photo. It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it.

nbpages: Number of pages in a document (PDF, Word, PowerPoint…). It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it.

nbentries: Number of file entries in an archive (ZIP, RAR, …). It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it.

copietravail, uid, version: Standard versioning fields. It is recommended to keep the capability

sha: SHA256 of the binary. Used for finding duplicates. It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it.

phavg: Average hash of an image. Used for finding duplicates. It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it.

phdiff: Diff hash of an image. Used for finding duplicates. It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it.

resolution: Resolution of an image (dpis). It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it.

mediaid: ID of the asset in mediacloud. This field is required and cannot be removed.

videoratio: Ratio of the video (4:3, 16:9…). It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it.

blurhash: Small hash for displaying a placeholder for asset. This field is required and cannot be removed.

AI metadata

ai_concepts: Keywords detected by AI. It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it, or if customer doesn’t want AI capabilities.

ai_nbfaces: Number of faces detected by AI. It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it, or if customer doesn’t want AI capabilities. This field is used to search for assets with / without people in portal. This field is likely to be removed in future releases.

ai_mainbg: Main background colour on an image as detected by AI. It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it, or if customer doesn’t want AI capabilities. This field is used for searching assets based on colours in portal

ai_mainfg: Main foreground colour on an image as detected by AI. It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it, or if customer doesn’t want AI capabilities. This field is used for searching assets based on colours in portal

ai_faces: RAW JSON faces detection from AI. It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it, or if customer doesn’t want AI capabilities. This field is used to display squares around faces on portal

ai_nbfaces_baby: Number of baby faces detected by AI in image. It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it, or if customer doesn’t want AI capabilities. This field is used to search for assets with babies in portal. This field is likely to be removed in future releases.

ai_nbfaces_children: Number of children faces detected by AI in image. It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it, or if customer doesn’t want AI capabilities. This field is used to search for assets with children in portal. This field is likely to be removed in future releases.

ai_nbfaces_adult: Number of adults faces detected by AI in image. It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it, or if customer doesn’t want AI capabilities. This field is used to search for assets with adults in portal. This field is likely to be removed in future releases.

ai_nbfaces_senior: Number of senior faces detected by AI in image. It is recommended to hide this information rather than removing it if customer doesn’t want it, or if customer doesn’t want AI capabilities. This field is used to search for assets with seniors in portal. This field is likely to be removed in future releases.

Management fields

originalfilename: Original file name of the asset. This field is required and cannot be removed.

poster: File to force a preview of an asset (especially for videos, sounds). This field is required and cannot be removed.

tmpsource: Technical field allowing to define whether denormalization from DAM_Utils needs to be done