Splitting texts inputs

Splitting texts inputs

You can split user inputs based on regular expressions, it will result on a multi value search.

  • Split user input to make a multi value search from fulltext inputs :

  • Search for ids from fulltext inputs :

This behavior is considered as bad practice. It is documented and present in basic config files for legacy purpose. Instead we recommend to create a specific filter to search on specific fields.

How to tune this behavior :

// /dam/explore/full-text-search.json { "regexId": "^#\\d+$", "pattern": { "regexps": ["\\d+"], "separators": ",; ", } }


By default splitted terms must all be present to match a result.

Meaning that searching for teapot copie will match teapot SOMETHING copie but not teapot or copie.

If you want a more google like experience, where your search for teapot copie will match teapot SOMETHING copie AND teapot AND copie.

You have to add an extra config key :

// /dam/explore/full-text-search.json { "regexId": "^#\\d+$", "forceModeShouldOnPattern": true, "pattern": { "regexps": ["\\d+"], "separators": ",; ", } }



  • Split user input to make a multi value search from advanced search text inputs :

How to tune this behavior :

// /dam/explore/advanced-filters/default-cursor-config/default-resource-config.json [ { "field": "name", "i18nForEmpty": "advancedsearch.field.name.empty", "i18nForNotEmpty": "advancedsearch.field.name.notempty", "operators": [ "contains", "startswith", "endswith", "notcontains", "empty", "notempty" ], /** * Patterns are regepx that you want use on the field to split the user input * Example : for user input '1111111111111 2222222222222' * The corresponding filter will be : * Names contains '1111111111111' OR '2222222222222' * * The values contained in the "regexps" array correspond to one or several * "named-patterns" (defined in : _portal/common/named-patterns) * You can use your own regular expression. * */ "pattern": { "regexps": ["ean"] } }, { "field": "description", "i18nForEmpty": "advancedsearch.field.caption.empty", "i18nForNotEmpty": "advancedsearch.field.caption.notempty", "operators": [ "contains", "startswith", "endswith", "notcontains", "empty", "notempty" ], /** * You can have more control on the provided pattern by adding values to the pattern entry. * * Note that you can add directly a custom regex ("\\d{2}"). * If you use it, you must escape the backslash ! * * "flag" let you control how the pattern should behave. * See : https://javascript.info/regexp-introduction#flags * * "separators" provides you a way to control which characters must be considered as separators * * Here : for user input '11-22 vv-666-yy' * The corresponding filter will be : * Description contains '11' OR '22' OR 'vv-666-yy' * * Note that the unmatching parts of the user input will be put together in another OR * * Example : for user input '11-22-777 vv-666-yy-999' * The corresponding filter will be : * Description contains '11' OR '22' OR 'vv-666-yy' OR '777 999' */ "pattern": { "regexps": [ "immatriculation", "\\d{2}" ], "separators": "-_", "flag": "ig" } } ]


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