Data model management

Data model management


The feature is accessible by default to users with a "Developer" role from 2023.3.0 WEDIA release. It is possible to grant access to other roles directly from the role management interface.

Access to the feature

The data model management feature is accessible by default to users with a "Developer" role. It is possible to grant access to this feature to other roles directly from the role management interface.

To configure your data model, log in with a role authorized to use the feature and go to the following URL: YourDomain/wedia-config/, or go to the "Administration" menu in the back office :


technical note: the menu visible from this screen shot is provided by PACKAGED_BOV3_Extensions

Asset libraries configuration

View asset libraries

The list of asset libraries for the project is available in the "Asset libraries" screen.

Asset libraries can have three states:

  • Published: The asset library is visible in the Digital Asset Management (DAM) system.

  • Modified: The asset library is visible in the DAM system, and there are pending modifications awaiting publication.

  • New: The asset library is not visible in the DAM system; it has not been published yet.

Changes can be published from the publication page, accessible from the header.

Create asset libraries

If you only need a single asset library (which should be the case for most scenarios), you don't need to do anything when starting a new project because the Starter Kit comes with a ready-to-use asset library.

If you need to create additional asset libraries, click on "Create an asset library".

Creating a new asset library from the interface automatically considers the following elements:

  • Rights: The configuration of role types will be automatically applied to this new asset library

  • Back Office (BO) Menu: An entry for this asset library will be automatically created in the back office menu.

  • Widgets: The new asset library will be automatically included in the default back office widgets such as "Latest assets”, "Assets About to Expire", “Rejected Assets”, “Pending Validation Assets”.

  • The default workflow will be used for this asset library. Please note that it is currently not possible to modify the workflow of an asset library from the interface.

Organize the metadata for an asset library

By clicking on the name of an asset library you are redirected to its screen configuration. There you can display metadata shown on a detail page or an edit form by selecting the corresponding “Display options”.

Metadata with the property visible set to true (icon eye open) are displayed on asset detail pages.

Metadata with property editable set to true are displayed on edit form. Note that changing mandatory to true, force the editable state to true. And changing editable to false change mandatory to false.

Metadata with both editable and visible set to true will be displayed in the edit forms and the detail pages.

You can create a new section by clicking the plus ( + ) next to the Section. table heading. You can remove a section title by clicking on the three dots icon at the end of the line and clicking on “hide”. For now you’ll have to reset your changes or recreate a section to get it back.

You can drag and drop each metadata to change the display order. The changes will be reflected on both the back office (BO) and the portal, as they share the same configuration. It is also possible to drag and drop an entire section. If you want to have a different configuration between the BO and the portal, it can be achieved through specific project configuration.

Metadata that are neither visible or editable can be displayed in this configuration by selecting the option “Hidden metadata” in the dropdown. Then you can change their attributes. Note that the reorder is available only when “Hidden metadata” is not selected and no search (via the “search for a metadata” input have been performed).

Metadata configuration

View metadata

The list of metadata is available in the "Metadata" screen. This list contains all the project's metadata, categorized into two categories:

  • Custom: Project-specific metadata. The Starter Kit includes a set of ready-to-use custom metadata, and the client can add their own metadata to this list.

  • System: Considered as part of the system and essential for the application's proper functioning. It is not recommended to delete these metadata, and it is not allowed from the interface anyway.

As for asset libraries, metadata can have three states:

  • Published: The metadata is visible in the Digital Asset Management system (DAM) .

  • Modified: The metadata is visible in the DAM system, and there are pending modifications awaiting publication.

  • New: The metadata is not visible in the DAM system; it has not been published yet.

Changes can be published from the publication page, accessible from the header.


Create metadata

Each project can create metadata of eight different types:

  • List

  • Tree

  • Code: e.g., for a product code.

  • Text: Users can choose between short text, long text, or HTML editor (WYSIWYG) type.

  • Date

  • Number: Users can choose between integer or decimal number.

  • File

  • Yes/No: Boolean type

To create a metadata, click on "Create Metadata," choose the metadata type, fill in the form, and validate it! Congratulations, the metadata is created, but it is not published at this stage.

Please note that List, Tree, and Text metadata types are automatically configured to be included in the full-text search.


To configure the display order, mandatory status, editability, or visibility of metadata, go to the asset library concerned.

Edit metadata

Click on the metadata or the pencil icon to edit the metadata name. Once the metadata is created, it is no longer possible to change its type or configuration.

Deactivate a metadata

It is not yet possible to delete or deactivate a metadata from the configuration interface.

Publishing Changes

Only published metadata exists effectively in your project and can be used during the portal configuration. Therefore, after creating an asset library or metadata, you need to publish the elements to continue configuring your project. For example, if you create a new metadata and want to provide an advanced filter in the portal search based on that metadata, you will only find the metadata in the filter configuration if it has been published.

To publish pending changes, go to the publication page by clicking on the dedicated icon in the configuration interface's header.


The page summarizes the changes made. Click on "Publish" to initiate the publication. The operation may take a few minutes, and during this time, data model modifications are blocked in the interface to avoid conflicts.

In a DEV environment, the publication is immediate. In a PREPROD or PROD environment, the publication is delayed (the specifics of delayed publication should be adjusted by each project with Esaas).



The feature will not be accessible if the following limits are reached:

  • 30 metadata of list type, Yes/No, or tree with single selection

  • 200 fields per asset library maximum (with a default of 70 per collection)

  • 100,000 assets

  • In the pre-production and production environments, if Snapshot is not configured (configuration to be done by Esaas). Indeed, the system automatically initiates a snapshot of the environments with each publication. This is done to ensure the ability to restore the environment if needed.


Advanced configuration for developpers

Data model management



How can I make a metadata or asset library created from the developer admin interface appear in the client configuration interface?

When you create a metadata or document collection from the developer admin interface, it does not appear by default in the configuration interface.

1/ If you want your added collection to appear in the client configuration interface :

  • Check it’s family it should be dam.collection

  • Check if damobject tag is present, if not, add it

  • Chekf if pkg/security/secugroup/all tag is present, if not, add it

If these conditions are respected, you should be able to use your added collection in the configuration interface on the filter/universe configuration part and on the permissions configuration part.

2/ If you want your added metadata to appear in the client configuration interface :

  • Add the tag : pkg/wediaconfig/custom on the property present in your collection

  • For the list or tree metadata (child/cmlr) the family has to be set on the metadata structure

    • dam.metadata.opened

    • dam.metadata.closed

How can I know if an object or property was created or modified from the new interface?

For every creation or modification of a metadata or document collection from the configuration interface, a label is added to the element for better change traceability.

For every new metadata published, the label “created_by_client” is added in the asset’s structure in the /admin page (see “Test text metadata”).

If a system metadata is modified, a label “updated_by_client” will appear once the modifications are published (see “Status”).
The same label will appear on a custom metadata if it was previously published, alongside the “created_by_client” label (see “Test text metadata”).


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