Extending the starter-kit data model

Extending the starter-kit data model

Extending DAM document libraries

This documentation applies to version 2023.3.0 and upper

For previous versions, please refer to Extending the starter-kit data model (prior to 2023.3.0)archived

We are using the usual “libraries” term, that you may also know as “collection holdings”.

The out of the box configuration only contains one DAM library which structure name is asset. This default structure is configured with recommended properties.

Most of these properties reflect technical properties of an asset (eg: width, height, assetnature...).

If you don't think you need some property, it is highly recommended to hide from users rather than to remove it from the structure.

Few of these properties are purely functional and are common to all DAMs (such as keywords, folder…)

Creating new libraries

During the project implementation, you might need to create additional libraries. This need can come from different use cases:

  • Differentiate assets with different functional metadata. Exemple: for product assets, you will probably need to store a product ID / SKU / product category for each asset

  • Ease governance of assets. Exemple: a legacy library can be created to store old assets not used, but kept for legacy. Such assets are generally not available to all users, and it can be easier to store them in a different repository.

Since version 2023.3.0, WEDIA offers a more intuitive and business oriented interface for managing the data model. When creating a new Asset library from this interface, required fields are automatically added to the new library.

This new UI will allow you to

  • Give a functional name in all required languages to the library

  • Re-use metadata you already have defined for previous libraries, or create specific metadata


  • Default permissions are inherited from the role type, meaning you only have to adapt permissions if the library has specificities

  • The BO menu will be automatically adapted so that granted users have access to the new library with no additional configuration

  • The BO widgets will be automatically adapted to provide insights on activity on this library

Check list after creating a new library

  • Adapt permissions groups if the library is has specific governance.

  • Check universes of your DAM and optionally create a dedicated universe for this library

Extending a library

You are free to add specific metadata to any library. If you have created additional libraries and you want to add a property to multiple of the libraries, remember you can copy a property from one structure to another. Don’t forget to configure the portal filters for using this new property

If the metadata is a list or a tree, the BO will automatically provide links for managing items of the list/tree to users who are granted to manage them.

Advanced metadata configuration

As of 2023.3.0, you might still need to fine-tune the library configuration:

  • Make sure you have adapted faces for this new property

  • Make sure the property has BO interface configuration tags (left search, simple search, advanced search)

  • Should this property be configured for analytics

  • Configure additional BO dashboard widgets to ease management for users

  • Adapt BO interface tags (allow multi-update, analytics tab, …)

Extending workflows

With starter-kit, DAM libraries and metadata use 2 workflows. If you want to enrich the default provided workflows, we recommend creating a new workflow and building statuses and actions on those instead of changing the default provided ones.

It is legitimate to have multiple workflows when you need to introduce specific behaviours, however, in order to ease security configuration, it is highly recommended to keep focal points for your different steps and to adopt naming conventions for your actions.

Further reading

Adapting The Data Model

Setting Up Workflows

Setting Up Analytics

Setting Up Permissions and Roles

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