Engine DeepL configuration

Since 2024.2 , the engine has integrated the use of the DeepL API into its translation feature.
It is possible to use the engine configuration for the plugin, or to use a specific configuration in the plugin, for the API key and glossary name, with the plugin parameter use_engine_configuration.

Translation via DeepL is configured in the "Set System Parameters" section of engine administration.

Activate DeepL Translation

By default, translation via DeepL is activated in the engine via the "Activate DeepL Transaction" parameter.

However, the use of translation when calling the translation API is carried out in the WXM_BO_Options plugin:


As of release 2024.3, the use of translation in the API is enabled by default.

API key configuration DeepL

By default, if no key is specified, the Wedia API key is used. See plugin configuration (used by InDesign) here.

Glossary in the translation API

Glossaries are managed by the WXM_DEEPL plugin.

Activate usage of glossary

The "Use glossary for translation" system configuration parameter enables the use of a glossary during translation.

We use the same rules for the default glossary name as for the WXM_DEEPL plugin: we use the company name (company.name). To use a different name, enter the formula in the “Name of glossary” of engine configuration field.

Language support

The DeepL API supports a number of different languages, depending on whether it's the source language (the text to be translated) or the target language (the language to be translated into).

The list of supported languages can be obtained in the WXM_DEEPL plugin administration.

The engine's translation API does not call DeepL if a language is considered unsupported. In this case, we switch to translation by the EVP, if enabled in the WXM_BO_Options plugin.

It is determined whether the language is supported in one of the following modes:

  • a flexible mode

  • a normal (non-flexible) mode

Non-flexible mode

The locales specified in the translation parameters are transformed according to a simple rule:

  • for the source, we remove the country part.

  • for the target language, the country part is omitted, except for English and Portuguese target languages, which have two distinctions :

    • british english and american english

    • Brazilian Portuguese and Standard Portuguese

By default, for the target language, other variants are not supported, except for the EN locale without country, which is treated as American English and therefore considered supported.

Flexible mode

In flexible mode, even if the country variant is not supported, the default language will be used instead:

  • for English variants, American English

  • for Portuguese variants, standard Portuguese

  • for all others, the default variant without country

For example, DeepL does not support Belgian French (fr_BE), but only French (code DeepL FR). In non-flexible mode, it is considered impossible to translate from or to Belgian French. In flexible mode, you can, but the source will be considered French from France and the target will be French from France.

More détails about flexible and non-flexible : https://crossmedia.atlassian.net/wiki/x/BIB_rw