Wedia system requirements

Wedia system requirements

Wedia is compatible with the most widely-used browsers.

We support the following browsers:


Version supported


Version supported

Microsoft Edge

  • latest stable version

Firefox Browser

  • latest stable version

Google Chrome

  • latest stable version

Apple Safari

  • latest stable version

Apple Safari Mobile

  • latest stable version

Our browser of choice at Wedia is the latest stable version of Chrome.

Wedia is compatible with Edge starting with Edge 79, published on January 15, 2020

Internet Required Bandwidth

Wedia requires a 256Kb minimum bandwidth.
Based on our observations, we measure a bandwidth consumption of 300 Mo / user / day.

Internet Explorer 11 support.

Since June 2020, we ended our support for this browser.

In 2015 Microsoft released Edge as the browser to supersede Internet Explorer (IE). Since then IE has not received major updates, or added support for many modern web standards. Microsoft recently discouraged the use of Internet Explorer as a default browser, and we've also seen a decrease in IE11 usage across our cloud, server, and data center products over time.

To allow us to continue to take advantage of modern web standards to deliver improved functionality and the best possible user experience across all of our products, we decided to end support for IE11.

What does end of support for IE11 mean?

End of support means we will not fix bugs that are specific to IE11, and will begin to introduce features that aren't compatible with this browser.

Mobile support

  • The front-office works on recent mobile phones with Mobile Chrome and Mobile Safari with some limitations : no board usage, no image and video editing.

  • The back-office works on Mobile Safari on iPad, but is not responsive to mobile screens.


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