Creating rules to restrict the content flowed into a template

Creating rules to restrict the content flowed into a template

Most of the time, you want to restrict the content that can be flowed into the template : Wedia allows for creating “queries”, that you can map to a certain image, text, or content block into the Indesign template.

This is done in the “template” part of the Wedia system.

Choosing the template and enabling the template filter edit mode

Choose the template you want to edit.

Click on the “Edit page” button. This will open a editor :

By hovering on the graphical elements, you will see “frames”, blue for single text and image fields, and pink for grouped content objects :

To enable the filtering process, click on the “filter”

icon, on the top left, that will turn green during the editing mode.

Adding a filter to the frame or the group

When you click on a frame or a group, its boundaries will enlarge, and a zoom effect will focus on the selected item. The right panel will react and display the current filters for this item :

Filters have a name, can be deleted, and can be tested using the “play” icon :


To setup a new filter, click on the “filter” icon :

This will list all the current filters, and display a new button :

The new button button will lead you to the filter builder :

you may give it a name (that may be localized), and will help you build the filter :

Creating a filter

This is a 4 steps process :

1 : Select the content object that is mapped to this field / group

The below section will react to show the list of contents for this object.


2 : Setup a filter using the “Advanced Search” system.

In our example, we are filtering on the name that start with “Cuba”. Click on “Search” to validate your choice and test your filter.


3: Check if you filter is giving you the intend results :

4 : Save this filter with the “Link and save” button :


this will get you back to the filter setup, with the filter setup as a JSON object.

You can now “Save” this filter :

this will get you to the recap page, you may now close using the “X” cross in the window :

The filter has been added to the filter list :

You can now use it with “Link and save” button.

This will return you to the Page designer, where you can click on the Save icon to save it to your template.


This properties are saved in the .wedia file, which is convenient : you can move files from servers to servers by just moving the document, this will move also the rules associated with the document.