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The general principle of duplicate is called an entity declination, a content entity in a different context than the original one.


This section describes the different principles of declination where the project is the only variable.

For all variations in relation to the notion of language, please refer to section translation.

An object can be declined in projects and groups if it has the master, group and media fields:

  • The group property must be determined, an object containing this one will always be linked to a group

  • The media property is not necessarily determined:

    • If it is completed, the object belongs to the project and will be accessible and usable only from the project.

    • If it is empty, the object belongs to the group only.
      Generally speaking, objects in this category are objects that we want to distribute within the group where they will be declined. The projects of the group, according to the configuration of the application will be free to exploit them or not.

There are several functional methods for decaying an object in a group according to the project variables but, technically, they use all these fields to work.

However, they may use other properties to provide other functions.

All the project variations of the same instance are presented in an tab other projects accessible from the visualization action.

Technical prerequisites

To be able to copy content to another project, you must have installed the following components:

  • an object to be copied must inherit from the object contentobject at least the following information:

    • property master

    • property lang (not required)

    • property media

    • property mediagroup

  • The product plugin WXM_Mediacore must be enabled and the isPushContentActive parameter must be set to yes

  • Security must allow users to create objects (domain objectdata and insert action)

Execute a declination in a project

In the back-office, the copying to another project functionality allows you to easily perform a declination from the visualization of an object:

  1. in the toolbar, click the' copy to another project' button.

  2. a window will open where you can select up to three actions:

    • make a single copy

    • propose the content (see content proposal)

    • impose content (see content imposition)

  3. Select the content destinations

  4. Setting up the new objects (optional step see setting up the new objects)

  5. Confirm the action to be performed

  6. A result page shows the objects created


The project selection list only shows projects where the user can create content and where there is not yet a declination of that content. It is therefore possible that the list presented may be empty in some cases.

Easily set up the steps

You can simply intervene on the declination stepboard simply via labels:

Action selection

The selection of the action depends on several criteria specific to each of these actions. The declination of an object to another project will always be available, go to the "imposition" and "proposal" sections for more information on their activation.

Project selection

The smalllist showing destination projects uses fields with the label wxm_datapushcontent_field by default. If no field has it, the standard operation applies.

The list of displayed projects is the one where the current object is not declined. For objects configured as "content objects" (see settings and object configuration), you can apply an automatic filter to hide layout-driven projects and prevent, for example, users from manually pushing an object into a DTP project. This filter is not active by default. To enable it, you must change the value of the pushContentShowLayoutDrivenProjects parameter of the WXM_MediaCore plugin.

List of results

The smalllist presenting newly created objects uses by default fields labeled wxm_datapushcontent_field.

If no fields are shown on this label then the standard operation will apply.

Updating of allocations

During the declination action, the system creates a new object for the selected project context by duplicating the source and changing some properties automatically:

  • the media will be the one of destination

  • If the object is linked to other object instances via the attribution notion (child, childmulti) and these objects are also declineable, the system will automatically retrieve equivalent versions to update the property.


If no matching object is found in the desired context, the property will be empty. This implies that if the property is required by its structure configuration, an error will be removed and the declination action cancelled for this project. (see article on standard errors).


We do not make a cascade declination: if you want this type of behavior you must customize it.

Manually configure a property during declination

You can manually override a property when declining. Indeed, the creation of a declination using the module WmsUtils, forced in the new object as well as a java.util.HashSet we pass in parameter a java.util.HashMap with the values which will be objects of collection not to duplicate (for example paragraphs).

The project declination action is datapushcontent. When creating, we call the following JSPs:


initializes java.util.hashSet objects not to be copied cascade. You can customize this JSP in your SAN this way:

<%@page pageEncoding="ISO-8859-15"%>
<%@taglib prefix="noheto" uri="/WEB-INF/noheto.tld" %>
<%@taglib prefix="c" uri="/WEB-INF/c.tld" %>
java.util.Set notCopiedObjects = (java.util.HashSet) request.getAttribute("notCopiedObjects");
if (notCopiedObjects == null) {
notCopiedObjects = new java.util.HashSet();
// collections of' frontlink' type objects are not duplicated
request.setAttribute("notCopiedObjects", notCopiedObjects);


initializes the java. HashMap utility and iter on each object’s properties to overload them when copying.

You can customize a field in two ways:

  • if you specify the name or position of the property as a key:
    you will overload the property globally, i. e. it will be applied regardless of the nature of the object.

  • if you specify as key[object name].property name or index]:
    you will overload the property in a fine way, i.e. it will be applied only for the nature of the specified object.

    <%@page pageEncoding="ISO-8859-15"%>
    <%@taglib prefix="noheto" uri="/WEB-INF/noheto.tld" %>
    <%@taglib prefix="c" uri="/WEB-INF/c.tld" %>
    java.util.Map forcedValues = (java.util.Map) request.getAttribute("forcedValues");
    if (forcedValues == null) {
    forcedValues = new java.util.HashMap();
    During a declination, we always want to empty the' tag' field of the product so that
    the user re-enters the tag assossiations with project-specific information.
    if (!forcedValues.containsKey("tag")) {
    forcedValues.put("tag", "");
    request.setAttribute("forcedValues", forcedValues);

You can also customize properties by fields by overloading the properties in this way:

  • [objects/[object name]]/bov3/datapushcontent/forcedvalues/properties/[property native type]/[property nature]/[property name].jsp

  • [objects/[object name]]/bov3/datapushcontent/forcedvalues/properties/[property name].jsp

  • [objects/[object name]]/bov3/datapushcontent/forcedvalues/properties/[property native type]/[property type].jsp

Within these JSPs, you can work with the following variables:


nature of the current object in short declination


reference object in declination


CTObjectField corresponding to the current property


name of the current property


nature of the object pointed out in the context of an attribution relationship


java.util.HashMap properties to force

Standard errors

During a project declination, errors are displayed in the results list.

Here are the error codes you may encounter:


Your session has expired, you need to log in again.


The project declination function is disabled. You must refer to your administrator.


The object to translate does not exist.


You don’t have the necessary rights to see the instance. The destination project must be accessible to the user, make sure that he has access to it.
Security is tested in the init of the datatranslate action, by default we test the action view of the objectdata domain, check the security rules or overload this boolean with a rule specific to your developments.


The requested object does not have the necessary properties for the declination function (see technical prerequisites).


The object could not be created because some mandatory fields are empty. This error is often solved because a match could not be found on an association. The value associated with this error is the list of fields that are empty.
Decline the associations before declassifying the requested object.
The error is removed by a structural obligation. If this obligation is only functional, you can create a facet to make it mandatory only as a back-office contribution.
Customize the field to manage a default value.

  • No labels