The Data Models of Wedia

The Data Models of Wedia


  • The most common use for Wedia is a DAM. The datamodel allows for defining “collections” with custom datamodel

Distributed marketing, Content Management, Campaigns

This is another use of Wedia for managing other content types, and print / email collateral project management.

  • Campaign and project management

    • Marketing campaign and project management

    • Project template management (workflow)

    • Channel and media group management

    • User and rights management

  • Content management

    • Article management: text content management

    • DAM management: management of multimedia assets (images, videos, sounds, flash,…​)

    • Management of the IMP: management of product information (catalogue, range, product type, product, etc.)

  • The production of the media corresponding to the different channels of corporate communication

    • Print publications

    • External websites

    • Internal Websites Mobile sites

    • Emailing

    • Social Networks

    • banners, inserts, etc.

  • Dissemination of product supports to the distribution network

    • Distributor management

    • Order management

The project concept is central to the solution

A project corresponds in the more common case to the creation of a support communication within the solution (example: a paper publication or website).

In a broader marketing context, a project corresponds to any operation carried out as part of a marketing campaign that consists of creating a medium or not. Thus a project can also consist in the organization of an event, the dissemination of the elements of a campaign on social networks, the creation of an advertising banner for the web, etc.

There are different types of projects or channels:

  • web sites

  • mobile sites

  • simple (mono document) or complex (multidocument) paper supports

  • emailings

  • paper mailings

  • social networks

  • etc. (advertising, public events…​)

The solution therefore proposes to accompany a marketing department or a communication department in the creation of these various materials in a unified manner.

Projects structures

Projects are managed in the media object

A project consists in most of the cases in the production of a medium within the solution. Example: a paper brochure, an emailing, a flyer, a paper mailing or a website (optionally as part of a campaign).

In a marketing context, a project is the reflection of any operation carried out within the framework of a marketing campaign.
Thus a project can also consist in the organization of an event, the production of a TV spot or the validation of a "creation" submitted by an agency. In these cases, the solution allows to follow the workflow of the project realization without being the tool within which the project is "produced" (in the sense of production of a medium on the basis of a template).


There are different guided project creation scenarios:

from a template

(e.g.: a paper template, an emailing template, a website template,…​)


from an existing project

(e.g.: by duplicating an existing paper brochure, by duplicating an emailing, by copying a site and its contents). This allows you to create a support from another or translate a support.

from a brief

in this case, the first step of the project is to create the brief and choose the agency’s stakeholders who will participate in the project.

All projects have the following properties in common:


name of the project (example: production of a flyer, production of brochure A,…​)


Project description


a project can be linked to a campaign (optional)


The channel to which the project corresponds
(example: production of a flyer, production of a brochure, production of a catalogue, organisation of an event). Depending on the channel selected, the creation of a project can consist in creating a site, a paper support, an emailing (…​).

Start date

start date of the project (control: the start date of the project may not be earlier than the start date of the campaign to which the project belongs when the project is linked to a campaign)

Completion date

date by which the project must be completed End date

end date of the project or date of publication of the project (control: the end date of the project cannot be later than the end date of the campaign to which the project belongs)

Archiving date

date on which the project was archived in history


Project default language

Other languages

other languages in which the project is implemented


group to which the project is associated (= most often the brand concerned by the project)


user responsible for the project. By default, this is the user creating the project


List of people or roles involved in the project (when the project is linked to a campaign, the user can only choose from the list of people or roles belonging to the campaign)

Marketing segments

customer segments targeted by the project. When the project is linked to a campaign, the list of project segments is made up of all or part of the campaign segments.

Distribution segment

distributor segments relaying the campaign. When the project is linked to a campaign, the list of the project’s distribution segments consists of all or part of the campaign’s distribution segments.

Project Briefing

(several description fields)

  • General objective

  • Business objective

  • Brand positioning

  • Brief attached: Attached file

Status of the project

Workflow step in which the project is located

Other attributes specific to each channel allow you to finalize the creation of a project on a particular channel.
When a project is created, a back-planning is automatically generated based on the different times of the stages of the workflow associated with the project.


A channel represents a format for disseminating information and are managed in the channel object in the application.

It can be combined with a dedicated support (brochure, website, tv spot) or not (an event or schedule).

We provide some channels in the solution:

  • channel print

    • displays

    • brochure

    • product sheet

  • channel website

    • external websites

    • internal Websites

    • channel mobile site

      • mobile external websites

      • mobile internal websites

  • channel emailing

  • etc

You are free to create / enable / disable those that suit your project.

Channels help to define:

  • an associated media type

  • an associated support model type

  • the list of objects that can be used (by group / project / language) 

A project is always linked to a channel

Project groups

The concept of a project group makes it possible to group together different projects relating to a brand or an entity (subsidiary, business unit, activity,…​) within the same "entity". A project group is often called brand.

Therefore, projects of the same group are likely to share a certain number of elements within the solution: users, content, media, application concepts.

Project groups are managed in the mediagroup object.

For example, by default, the objects in a DAM are not linked to a project itself but to the entire group. When a print channel project uses this DAM element, it will create its own version for the project. You can refer to the section dealing with content management for more information.


Content is, along with projects, the second essential component of Wedia. Managing content covers several elements:

  • Their modeling: it can be simple (image) or complex (business objects),

  • Their life cycle (workflow) and associated rights: who can modify them, when, what validation steps…​

  • Their traceability: their history, their different versions,…​

  • Their translation,

  • Their multiplicity: one content can be present in one form in a product sheet, and under another in a website.
    Multiplicity means synchronization.

Wedia manages all these aspects, but even more, it manages the link between content and projects:

  • how to associate a content object with a project

  • what happens if the master version is modified

  • what content is used in a project

  • which project uses this content

By default, Wedia automatically generates a content management back office. However, a large part of the projects consists in taking over this "naive" back-office and giving it a business sense, by creating navigation circuits in the interface that allow to simply classify, reach and modify the contents of the company.

Please refer to the content management section to learn more about it.


Collaterals represent the method of publishing and exploiting content.

The solution now manages four main types of media that can be used in different channels:

  • dynamic web-sites

  • simple documents

  • compound documents

  • emailings

  • SMS and in-app notifications

The media are free to use the different project or group contents in a way that suits them according to different settings and behaviours.

Please refer to the projects publications section to learn more about it.

Data model

It is important to understand that the Wedia data model has two components:

  • A standard Wedia product data model, which manages the basic concepts such as projects, collaterals, etc.

  • A custom content-based data model, which is specific to the client deploying Wedia:
    for example, a financial company will model content such as UCITS, funds, i.e. business data. This is done in project mode in the specific Wedia back-office interface.

It is possible to customize the product data model, to enrich it with relevant metadata or to adapt it to a particular mode of operation. However, by doing this, you increase the difficulty of applying Wedia updates.