Upgrading to 11.28

Upgrading to 11.28

User interface changes

Video and image edit buttons have been moved in a submenu

The button under the preview in back-office are now in a submenu :


Default NAR changes

Config files updates

  • A default CORS rule (deactivated by default) is embed to ease /portal development

  • Default rewriting rules have been updated to integrate /portal requirements

  • Some plugins that were not activated by default are now activated:

    • PACKAGED_CW_FeedbackService

    • PACKAGED_CW_SavedSearch

    • PACKAGED_Portal_ErrorLogger

    • PACKAGED_RegistrationEmails

    • PACKAGED_VueAppI18n

    • PACKAGED_VueApp_Helper

New Action for Thesaurus

Plugin Configuration updates


Default configuration has been updated to better address massimport on the /portal application

phavg and phdiffconfiguration

Default settings for phavg and phdiff have changed to be addressed directly by the engine:

Old configuration was:

{ "fieldSelector":"phavg", "transformers":[ { "classAlias":"resourceProperty", "init":"phavg", "input":{ "preset":"getBinary" } } ] },

This old configuration is still valid and there is no absolute requirement to change it.

New configuration is:

{ "fieldSelector":"phavg", "transformers":[ { "classAlias":"ifElse", "input":[ { "classAlias": "negate", "input": { "classAlias":"stringEquals", "init":"image", "input":{ "preset":"getRootNatureCode" } } }, { "classAlias":"staticVal", "init":"0" } ] } ] },

By using this new configuration, we are:

  • leveraging on engine default behaviour to extract average hash and diff hash based on a tags asset/hashimageaverage and asset/hashimagedifference (those tags are default in the NAR)

  • making sure hashes have value 0 on non image assets.

duplicates configuration

Old configuration was:

{ "fieldSelector":"duplicates", "transformers":[ { "classAlias":"duplicatesFinder", "init":{ "objects":"#damobject", "properties":"sha,phdiff,phavg" } } ] }

This old configuration is still valid and there is no absolute requirement to change it.

New configuration is:

{ "fieldSelector":"duplicates", "transformers":[ { "classAlias":"duplicatesFinder", "init":{ "objects":"#damobject,massimportitem" } } ] }

By using this configuration, we are:

  • adding massimportitem to the list of instances to check for duplicates

  • leveraging on default properties config that will do a proximity search on phdiff and phavg and and exact matching on sha (max distance for proximity search can be configured in WXM_SimilarHash plugin)

If your project requires to include other fields to detect duplicates (ex: original file name), it is possible to define it in configuration:

“init”: {
"objects": "#damobject,massimportitem",
"properties": {
”phavg,phdiff”: true,
”sha,originalfilename”: false

Updated structures

A lot of changes have occurred on default structures embed into the product NAR file. Find below change log.

Whereas most changes are not required (especially fields deletion), some of them are required for the portal application. Please check changes made to:

  • asset.tmpsource

  • lang.code

  • massimportitem.duplicates

  • massimportitem.filesize

  • user.contriblangs


Structure labels:

  • Added show_mergewith

Fields changes

  • id: UPDATED added inlist


Structure labels

  • Removed tags pkg/dataexplore/download/default/variation/thumbnailbig and pkg/dataexplore/share/default/variation/thumbnailbig those tags were related to a new BO action that will not be delivered.

Fields changes

  • ai_celebrities: DELETED - Whereas this field can still be managed by the application, benefits for our customers is not obvious. Decision was made to remove the field, but to keep the ailcelebrity structure to ease re-activation per project

  • ai_landmarks: DELETED - Whereas this field can still be managed by the application, benefits for our customers is not obvious. Decision was made to remove the field, but to keep the ailandmark structure to ease re-activation per project

  • assetvariation: Given DXM capabilities, this field is no longer required by the application.

  • binary:

    • removed tag allery_multi_upload/direct

    • added tag gallery_multi_upload: direct suffix would prevent using damimport when uploading multiple assets.

    • marked as indexed only instead of indexed and stored

  • displayweight: DELETED - Whereas this field can still be managed by the application, benefits for our customers is not obvious.

  • duplicates: DELETED - When an asset is created, it is by functional need. Storing duplicates on an asset is no longer valid as duplicates should be managed up front.

  • latitude: DELETED - Whereas this field can still be managed by the application, benefits for our customers is not obvious.

  • location: DELETED - This field was too specific to the club-wed demo application and has been removed. assetgeography structure has been kept.

  • longitude: DELETED - Whereas this field can still be managed by the application, benefits for our customers is not obvious.

  • renditionof: DELETED - Given DXM capabilities, this field is no longer required by the application.

  • tmpsource: ADDED - Technical field to better handle if denormalizations should be handled. required by /portal application

Field changes:

  • ai_celebrities: removed

  • ai_landmarks: removed

  • displayweight: removed

  • duplicates: removed

  • latitude: removed

  • location: removed

  • longitude: removed

  • renditionof: removed

  • variations: removed

  • visibility: removed


Field changes

  • status: UPDATED changed nature (from workflow to wkfsimple) to be consistent with default thesaurus behaviours

  • namede: ADDED


Field changes

  • rights: DELETED - this property is not used by the engine for years


Field changes

  • code: UPDATED added tag rest_api_whoami_include required for portal application


Field changes

  • binary: UPDATED

    • removed tag gallery_multi_upload

    • added tag gallery_multi_upload/direct: direct suffix allows to upload multiple items without using massimport action

    • added tag gallery_thumbnail to allow engine computing phdiff and phavg

  • duplicates: UPDATED

    • marked inview (for tech analysis)

    • added tag rest_api_mass_import_include required for portal duplicates modal

  • filesize: UPDATED added tag rest_api_mass_import_include recommended for portal duplicates modal

  • name: UPDATED make this field i18n to be compliant with standard asset name property

  • namede: ADDED compliant with asset

  • namefr: ADDED compliant with asset

  • phavg: UPDATED marked inview (for tech analysis)

  • phdiff: UPDATED marked inview (for tech analysis)

  • job: UPDATED added tag rest_api_mass_import_agg to allow aggregates on this prop for REST API calls. Allows better performances

  • sha: UPDATED marked inview (for tech analysis)

  • tmpsource: ADDED (required by packaged application)

  • NON_ENGINE_FIELDS: A technical description has been added to help you understand what those fields are used for and if you can remove them (still, you should not)


Field changes

  • activestep: UPDATED added tag datalist_search_simple

  • changes: UPDATED added tag datalist_search_simple

  • created: UPDATED added tag datalist_search_simple

  • jobowner: UPDATED added tag datalist_search_simple

  • jobprogress: UPDATED added tag datalist_search_simple

  • modified: UPDATED added tag datalist_search_simple

  • outstanding: UPDATED added tag datalist_search_simple

  • owner: UPDATED added tag datalist_search_simple

  • previousowner: UPDATED added tag datalist_search_simple

  • status: UPDATED added tag datalist_search_simple


Field changes

  • name: UPDATED marked indexed


Field changes

  • contriblangs: UPDATED added tags rest_api_profile_include and rest_api_whoami_include required for portal

  • firstname: UPDATED removed indexed removed tag elasticsearch/analyzer/wxm_standard

  • lastname: UPDATED removed indexed removed tag elasticsearch/analyzer/wxm_standard

  • name: UPDATED added tag autosuggest


Field changes

  • id: UPDATED marked inlist


Field changes

  • rights: DELETED - this property is not used by the engine for years

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