Upgrading to 2021.5
- 1 Important upgrade notice
- 2 Disable the components necessary for the operation of REST API dynamic ETag on clustered production environments
- 3 New Portal features
- 4 New DXM features
- 5 New Back-Office features
- 6 New Analytics features
- 7 New Content Picker features
- 8 Structure updates
- 8.1 Added structures
- 8.1.1 country
- 8.2 Removed structures
- 8.3 Updated structures
- 8.3.1 aicelebrity
- 8.3.2 aicolor
- 8.3.3 ailandmark
- 8.3.4 asset
- 8.3.5 assetauthor
- 8.3.6 assetchannel
- 8.3.7 assetcolorspace
- 8.3.8 assetcoverage
- 8.3.9 assetformat
- 8.3.10 assetgeography
- 8.3.11 assetiaconcept
- 8.3.12 assetkeyword
- 8.3.13 assetnature
- 8.3.14 assetrighttype
- 8.3.15 assetvisibility
- 8.3.16 damimport
- 8.3.17 folder
- 8.3.18 monodocmodel
- 8.3.19 organization
- 8.3.20 pimasset
- 8.3.21 pimassettype
- 8.3.22 product
- 8.3.23 productcategory
- 8.3.24 role
- 8.3.25 rubrique
- 8.3.26 videoratio
- 8.3.27 wkfasset
- 8.1 Added structures
Important upgrade notice
The Media cache for dimensions will be recalculated entirely, this can put a lot of pressure on Imaging Servers
Important configuration update on RESTAPI / WXM_RESTAPI
The “workdir” parameter of the plugin needs to be updated to “user.home”
In version 2021.3 the Swagger/OAS3 documentation API was moved to the “working” folder of the API, corresponding to the plugin parameter workdir (see Appendix1 (Configuration) | Configure the plugin).
Unfortunately the default value of this parameter historically refers to the system parameter user.dir which is not accessible from the Tomcat Application on some environments.
The result is that the file cache couldn’t be written in that directory, which causes regeneration in loop (and therefore slowness in accessing the doc and increased resource consumption), but also big problems of conflicts during simultaneous access.
The default value has therefore been changed in version 2021.5 to refer to user.home. Since the corresponding directory can be shared between several instances/application runtimes, especially for integration servers that are on the same machine, run by the same user, in order to have a folder specific to each instance, the default value also refers to the site name as a discriminating value.
It is important to pay attention to the value of this parameter, if you are running multiple environments simultaneously on the same machine with the same user without having configured a discriminating site name (I am thinking in particular of development machines), only if you want to use the swagger doc of course.
The value of the parameter has also been removed from the backup, being specific to each environment.
Disable the components necessary for the operation of REST API dynamic ETag on clustered production environments
As dynamic ETags cannot work on a clustered environment, it will be necessary to disable the startup of the components used for this type of ETag on these environments (and obviously not to use this type of ETag, as indicated in the documentation), in order to avoid that the error status of these components impacts the global status of the plugin, and thus that of the server.
To do this, set the WXM_RESTAPI plugin parameter dynEtag to false.
As this type of ETag does not work on a clustered environment anyway, it is useless to set it up on the integration configuration, except for testing purposes, so it is preferable to deactivate the mode on the integration and to propagate the configuration during the delivery of the nar to pre-production, then to production.
New Portal features
Share a board using a playlist embed code
It is now possible to share on external websites a board as a playlist, by generating an embed code for a playlist player that can be pasted in a external website :
The user can then select one of the multiple playlist designs offered:
Please note that it is possible to order the assets to decide their position on the playlist only on the back-office, this feature is not yet available in Portal.
Copy / Past a link to download the asset
Sometimes, it can be useful to share on a website a single download link to a given variation of a single asset. It is now possible, with a new option in the “download” popup for each asset :
For example, clicking on Copy on this asset :
Will return the following URL to your clipboard, which is a link to download the “small” variation of the asset.
If a security rules prevent the asset to be publicly accessed, the link will still be copied, but a warning message will alert the user that the link is not usable right now.
The intended usage would be for example to prepare an external website with assets not yet published, to be published on a specific launch date.
Showing the board owner
When a board is created and shared, it is sometime difficult to track who this board belongs to. The name of the board owner is now displayed in the Portal board detail :
The image editor has been redesigned, and is now available in the mobile UI
The image editor design is now simpler, more in line with the UI :
The image editor was previously not available in a mobile view, this is no longer the case !
New DXM features
Video Player protection through tokenization
It is now possible to secure video players embedded in external website with a token security check.
Two documentations are available :
a private one that describes internally how to setup a tokenisation environment for a Media Cloud instance.
a public one that describes how, as a system integrator, I can secure my videos in my website.
New Back-Office features
Show / Hide language version when editing content
Back on the 2021.4, we added the possibility to filter the view screen (dataview) by language. The very same functionality is now available on the edit screen (dataedit).
Counts in the thesaurus view :
On the new thesaurus view, a new column showing the occurrences has been added. This number reveals how many times this term in used in all the structure of the DAM.
In a matter of performance, the count is updated in a batch run every day :
A new filter to show the unused terms is available :
Completely redesigned back-office boards management options :
All the “boards” popup in the back have been redesigned :
The board list is paginated
The board list can be filtered
the remove from board from list will now list all the boards where the selected assets have been assigned at least once :
List of the others new features :
New parameters to internationalize the dates in mail have been added
Sharing a board by zip from the back-office now takes the selection into account.
Transparent assets will now show up in lists with a checkered background :
New Analytics features
A new DXM focused dashboard
A dashboard about DXM has been added, to measure how the assets published on external websites are performing :
The analytics also shows the hit count per aggregates defined at a project levely by adding the ANALYTICS/SYSOBJECTDATA/EXTRA tag on an asset property : for example, here, I have tagged the Artificial Intelligence concept / keyword as a new custom aggregate, and it is now available as :
an additional filter :
an additional table :
A new general “Access type” filter
In most of the analytics screens, it is important to discriminate where the hit to the asset came from : back-office ? portal ? DXM ?
In most of the dashboard, a new filter is available to focus the count on a given access type :
New Content Picker features
The Office Content Picker is now available in Excel.
Structure updates
Added structures
Structure containing the ISO 3166-1 list of 241 countries in English, French and German with code_num, code_alpha2 and code_alpha3. 41 entries of this list are by default deactivated as a workaround for some portal issues.
Removed structures
Following structures have been removed from the NAR:
Updated structures
Some structures have been updated to include by default a pkg/security/secugroup/xxx
These tags allow to manage grants through the PACKAGED_Security plugin. They are not required on your project, especially if you are not using the plugin.
added structure tag
added structure tag
added structure tag
added structure tag
position → 1050
editable → false
added structure tag
added structure tag
added structure tags:
instance #3 name → unknown
instance #5 (new) → grayscale
added structure tag
added structure tag
added structure tag
removed structure tags:
generic → removed
added structure tag
added structure tag
added structure tags:
added structure tags:
added structure tag
added structure tag
added structure tag
added structure tag
added structure tag
added structure tag
added structure tag
instance #4 → updated rubrique property accordingly to rubrique changes
instance #27 → updated rubrique property accordingly to rubrique changes
instance #1048 (Projects) → position updated
instance #1064 (Manage content tags) → position and rubrique updated
instance #10121 (Manage Geography thesaurus) → form_action to thesaurus in url
instance #10138 (Activity reports) → position updated
instance #10172 (Asset technical informations) ADDED
instance #10173 (Video Ratios) ADDED
instance #10174 (Asset types hierarchy) ADDED
Default values have been added to the NAR:
#1 → 16/9,
#2 → Others
#3 → 4/3
added structure tag