


Starter kit - Homepage
Homepage with 3 widgets configured

How it works

Composition of the homepage

  • Header

  • Search bar area

  • Widget Area

  • Homepage footer


More information : Header

Search bar area

The search bar area is composed of :

  • A drop-down menu with the following options :

    • All Assets

    • All videos

  • Search bar for entering key words.

    • The list of the metadata used for fulltext research is indicated in the asset structure file within “Fulltext” column (Assets Structure)

    • An option can be activated to search into SKUs directly from this search bar (not configured by default)

    • When user clicks on the search button, he’s redirected to the search page with the results of his search.

  • An animated slider (behind the search bar) with a set of images from the DAM, tinted with a blue translucent overlay. The height of the slider area can be changed in the JSON files.

Widget Area

Out of the box 4 widgets are available but none of them are activated on the homepage by default.

  • The Waffle

  • 2 up

  • 3 up

  • 4 up

These widgets lines are added and ordered through the back-office.

For each line, a subtitle, title, text and action button can be setup.

A public board is attached to each widget.

A slider with the most viewed/most downloaded can be added to the widgets.

Administrators can create as many widgets as they want to.

Homepage footer

  • A slider with the most viewed, most downloaded assets of the last week (automatic) is displayed at the bottom of the homepage. Slider do not display if there is no data (no downloaded assets, no viewed assets)

  • 3 Footer links are displayed by default :

    • Legal Notice, redirect to the Legal Notice page

    • Terms of use, redirects to the Terms of use page

    • Feedback, redirects to the Feedback’s popin


  • Footer links can be internal or external to the DAM

  • Footer links can be restricted to certain user groups.


Basic configuration

Background sliding images as a dedicated contribution

Contributing sliding images is a 2 steps process from the backend interface:

  1. Upload and describe images Administration > Manage Portal > Manage Home carousel images.

  2. Create a home widget Administration > Manage Portal > Home Widgets of type carousel and assign it the images you want

Widgets area

Widgets are contributed from the back-end interface. Administration > Manage Portal > Home Widgets. You can sort the widgets from the backend interface.

Based on the widget type you select, the form will adapt itself to let you choose one, two, three or four public carts.

From a portal perspective, widgets are loaded by retrieving the list of contributed home widgets.

Advanced Configuration

Disabling the homepage

The default setting is having an activated homepage. This can be disabled for projects that do not need a homepage, and will prefer directing their user in the search interface directly.

Search bar area

Search bar can be configured as a simple “google like” search or with a “fill-in the gaps sentence”. Default configuration uses the “google like” search.

The background sliding images can be configured as a dedicated contribution of images or as the result of a predefined query on any dam content inside the DAM. Default configuration uses a dedicated contribution.

You can configure wich contexts you want to see in the dropdown menu. If you don’t configure it, contexts defined in $dam.contexts will be displayed.

“google like” search

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value




Enables the google like search


[ { "translationKey": "home.searchBar.allmedia" }, { "translationKey": "home.searchBar.video", "targetCursorName": "allVideos" } ]


Defines the different values available in the left drop-down menu.

Each entry in the array is an object accepting 2 properties:

  • translationKey (mandatory), the i18n key for the dropdown item

  • targetCursorName name of the cursor the search should lead to (default: allAssets)



When set to true, will hide the cursor name, if only one available

i18n home.button.search


i18n key for the search button

fill-in the gaps sentence

Search bar can be configured as a simple “fill in the gap sentence”

The configuration allows you to set up a list of universes. For the input field, you can choose the fields to use for auto-complete. You can then configure one or more metadata that will appear as filters.

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value




Enables the fill-in the gaps sentence



Accepts an array of sentence description.

Each entry in this array is an object allowing following properties:

  • translationKey: String, i18n key for the search

  • cursor: Objecta cursor description

  • suggestedDisplayFields: Array<String> list of fields to be used for auto-complete when filling-in text in the free search field

  • enabledFields: Array<String> list of fields enabled for selecting values

  • fieldsConfig: Objectallows to configure how enabledFields should be displayed. Each entry in this object should match an item of enabledFields. Each value provides options for configuring the field.

i18n key:



Button text when the search is running

i18n key:


Sorry, no results for your search

Button text when search returns no result

i18n key:


View {0} results

Button text when search returned results

If both $.home.displaySearchBar and $.home.displayNaturalSearch are set to true, the system will show both search options.

Common config to both searches

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value




When set to false, adds a checkbox to enable “reference searches”. By checking this box, the system will permform searches using an “OR” operator between words instead of using an “AND” this is usefull to search for multiple product references: results will only need to match one reference instead of all references

i18n key: common.search.fulltextoption.allterms

Search by reference

i18n for the checkbox label: common.search.fulltextoption.allterms

background sliding images as a dedicated contribution

Contributing sliding images is a 2 steps process from the backend interface:

  1. Upload and describe images Administration > Manage Portal > Manage Home carousel images.

  2. Create a home widget Administration > Manage Portal > Home Widgets of type carousel and assign it the images you want

background sliding images as a predefined query

Defining the images displayed in the slider can be done by defining a cursor and referencing it in the config entry point $.home.homeHeaderCarousel.

The default value for this config entry point is homeHeaderCarousel, however, no cursor has been defined.

By defining such a cursor, the system will load matching data and use the result to display images.

background sliding images as a predefined query has precedence over background sliding images as a dedicated contribution. As soon as the cursor matching the $.home.homeHeaderCarousel config entry point exists, contributed images will not be used anymore.

Analytics widget

Analytics widget cannot be configured ; it is activated through 2 conditions:

  1. There is a carousel widget configured in backend

  2. The config entry point $.home.displayTopMedias is not set to false

Footer area

A footer of links can be displayed on the home page.

To activate it, set config entry point $.home.displayFooter to true

Links displayed are configured through $.home.footer (Array)

Each item in the array is an object containing following properties:

  • i18n: String i18n key of the link label.

  • action?: Object store action to dispatch.

    • type: name of the action to dispatch

    • payload?: payload to pass to the action

  • routing?: An object for routing (same props than what a b-link would accept)

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