Default DAM notifications emails

Default DAM notifications emails

List of default DAM notifications emails

Registration process

Email address verification

After completing the registration form, the user will receive an email encouraging him/her to confirm his/her registration. This verification ensures that the recipient's email is valid and thereby enhances security.

Registration pending validation

As soon as users confirm their e-mail address, they receive a notification that their registration is awaiting validation by an administrator.

Account Validation Pending Notification

An email is sent to administrators when an account is awaiting validation.


Registration confirmation

Once the administrator approves the registration, the user will receive a confirmation email.

Forgotten password

Password reset request

The user receives an email when they click on "Forgotten Password" on the DAM login page.


Password reset confirmation

The user receives a confirmation email after successfully configuring the new password.


Share by email

When a user shares a board via email, a notification is sent to the recipient of the share.

Invite a user as a collaborator

When a user is invited to collaborate on a board, he receives a notification.

Sharing a Board via ZIP

The recipient of a shared board as a ZIP file receives a notification containing the download link for the ZIP.


Confirmation of ZIP Download

The sender of a ZIP file share is notified when the recipient downloads the ZIP file.


Confirmation when the download ZIP is ready.

Users can select the 'Receive email' option when downloading a ZIP file. In this case, they will receive a confirmation email when the ZIP file is ready for download.

User Activation When Maximum Licenses are Reached

If an administrator activates a user when there are not enough licenses available, the administrator receives a notification that the account cannot be activated and the reason why.

Creative workflow notifications (workspaces)

All notifications are documented here

Standard Configuration

The email logo and colors are customizable through the DAM configuration interface.

Advanced configuration

If you need to customize email notifications (beyond the logo and colors) or create new notification templates for your project, please refer to the following documentation : Email templates & customization

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