Main Menu - User profile

Main Menu - User profile



How it works

By clicking on their user name and avatar in the main DAM Menu, users can update their profile, and more precisely the following information :

  • Their first name,

  • Their last name,

  • Their profile image,

  • Their email

  • Their interface language

  • Their password

Advanced Configuration

Disabling the user profile

Disabling the user profile has for effect to deactivate the link in the menu (under user name and user avatar).

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value




Wether user can edit its profil or not by clicking on its name (in the main menu)

Modifying user profile

User profile behaviour and display is set via json files under the folder profile at the root of the configuration folder.

Disabling avatar modification

Edit the property avatar.userCanEdit of the file profile.json with false.

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value




Wether a user can modify its avatar or not

Modifying avatar’s subtitle

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value



[ “name” ]

As displayNameFields is an array, you can put several values that will be concatenated. Possible values ara firstname, lastname, email, name. Note that this value is defaulted to name, therefore if you don’t want to display avatar’s subtitle you should put an unknown value like displayNameField: ["none"].

Disabling password changes

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value




Wether user can change its password or not

Redirection after password change

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value




Change where the user should be redirected after password change. You must use a known path (like dam).

Handle form fields

You can decide which fields are shown an their order. For most of them you can configure if they are readonly or editable.

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value







“field”: “email”,

“type”: “email”,

“readonly”: false




To change the displayed fields. Available fields are : firstname, lastname, email, role, bolang.

editableFields is an array, you can put value inside it as string for simple field configuration or object for more precise field configuration.

If you pass a string, the field will be of type text and editable by default. If you pass an object you can configure the type of the field and its readonly property.

Note that the readonly property of the role field is not configured here but on the server.

To remove a field from the display you’ll have to remove it from the configuration.

To change the order of the fields, move their position inside the aray.


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