Asset distribution in China

Asset distribution in China

China is a unique country in terms of technology, as certain technologies are blocked or experience slow loading and processing times. One major factor contributing to this is the Great Firewall, China's internet filtering system. Additionally, China's internet infrastructure can introduce latency due to peering between networks and ISPs.

There are also regulatory considerations to keep in mind when operating websites in China. The Ministry of Industry and Information (MIIT) requires an ICP (Internet Content Provider) permit to operate websites in the country.

To mitigate these issues and improve website performance, our Media Delivery (previously Digital Experience Management) solutions can help boost your website's speed and reliability.

Standard Media Delivery China acceleration

Included in your Media Delivery setup, we provide a standard China support, based on Near-China Acceleration: This solution allows you to reach your users by leveraging PoPs (Points of Presence) located around China. This can help improve the performance and availability of your application for users in China.

Wedia offer near China points of presence in Taipei, Hongkong, Almaty, Ulaan Baator, Tokyo.

This acceleration is standard and enabled for all users of our Media Delivery solution.

Local Media Delivery China acceleration

For more demanding performances, Wedia can set up a local Media Delivery acceleration in mainland China, with hundreds of PoPs located inside the Great Firewall of China.

You will need to provide Wedia an ICP license (abbreviation for Internet Content Provider; Chinese: ICP备案; pinyin: ICP bèi'àn; literally: "ICP registration/filing") that is a permit issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China (MIIT) to permit China-based websites to operate in China.

Please contact your Wedia Account Manager if you are able to provide a ICP licence, to enable local China Media Delivery distribution. Additional fees may apply to this acceleration.


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