Portal management interface

Portal management interface


Starter kit provides a new user interface for managing portal configuration. It is now possible to configure through an easy-to-use interface :

  • Portal searches and filters

  • Portal pages and menus

  • Portal logos and colors

Installation & Access


  • Projects starting with Wedia version 2023.1 can use search configuration interface right away, as this is the default setup.

  • Existing projects that started on previous versions of Starter Kit can migrate to benefit from the feature. Follow the documentation to migrate

  • Existing projects that did not start with Starter kit do not have access to this configuration interface.


Getting started with the portal management interface


The final setup that is presented to the end user is a combination of three configuration layers :


1.Product Layer
configuration delivered by default with Starter kit

2.Developer Layer
configuration coded by the project developer

3.Project Layer
configuration set up by the project teams or customers from the new configuration interface


The project layer has priority to the developer Layer and the developer layer has priority to the product Layer.



Environment and deliveries

The configuration can be done on any project environment. The important thing is to have a reference environment. When starting a project, the reference environment can be the integration environment until it is decided to make it the production environment.

The projects can still deliver updates of the “project configuration layer” through NAR archives.

From 2023.3.0, the customer configuration files (those produced by wedia-config) are stored in a specific folder at the root of the SAN that is not backed up or restored with the rest of the SAN when saving or loading a NAR.

This folder currently contains

  • the application configuration

  • the color configuration

Backup the customer configuration (from 2023.3.0)

When creating the NAR, there is a checkbox "Application configurations" in the "Configuration files" section of the "Files backup" step (by NAR).

If you check this box, the folder is saved

Restore the customer configuration (from 2023.3.0)

When restoring a NAR, there is a "Application configurations" checkbox in the "Configuration files" section of the "Selected SAN files to be restored" step of the application restoration (by NAR).

If you check this box, the file is restored: the current folder is completely replaced by that of the NAR.

Retrieve a configuration (from 2023.1.0 to 2023.2.0 )

To retrieve a configuration layer, and apply it to another environment, simply download the plugin configured in WXM_CONFIG_RESOLVER parameter default_holding_plugin.

Advanced Documentation

More details for developpers : Server side configuration


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