

This page is intended to evolve/be completed, fell free to ask new questions or answer existing ones

Filters and Univers configuration :

1/ How will existing JSON configuration behave after the upgrade and the setup of wedia-config ?

=> If you have set useServerConfigResolution to true project’s existing JSON config will no longer be used to define portal’s behaviour (filter, univers, actions…)

2/ If we set useServerConfigResolution to true, does the filter/univers configuration shown on wedia-config correspond to the JSON configuration made by the PS developer ? Or will this config (PS) only be visible on the portal application

=> Same answer as 1/

3/ After the wedia-config setup, if we make a change on a filter/univers, how is the used JSON configuration prioritized ? Is there a merge/fusion between the developed config and the server config (from wedia-config) ?

=> No merge, no fusion, if useServerConfigResolution is set to true, only server side config will be used to define portal

4/ If we are switching on a full server side configuration, made by the client or the PO, what is the process to retrieve contributed config from wedia-config (serve side configuration) in order to prepare a delivery on the PROD environment of the project.

=> Setting up the Configuration Resolver
=> Add a guide for this action

Roles, permissions & security:

1/ If our project already uses security concepts brought by PACKAGED_Security, but is not on the last available version (at this day 2023.3), are there some specific actions to take for an upgrade, or will they be done automatically ?

=> Nothing to do cf : Roles / Permissions / Security

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