Asset details page

Asset details page





How it works

Access, and composition of the page

User access the asset details page by clicking on an asset thumbnail from :

  • The search page,

  • A board.

Asset details page is composed of :

  • Asset Details area,

  • Asset Actions list,

  • Feedback popin,

  • Help popin.

Those points are detailed in the next chapters.

Asset details area


How it works


How it works




Back link redirects user to the page he was before



The header corresponds to the following metadata : Name + Photograph.

The configuration can be changed with the metadata of your choice.



Next / Previous button allow navigation to the next or previous asset details following the order of the search results



Out of the box, Metadata section contains 3 sections :

  • Information : Name, Caption, Keywords, Folder, Langue de l'asset, Collection, Organization

  • Negociated Rights : Photograph*, Right types, Shooting date, Expiration date*, Authorized Channel

  • Technical information : Asset type, Orientation, Dimensions, File size, Duration, Colorspace, Clipped.

Properties display depends on the property type.

The configuration can be changed with the sections and metadata of your choice.



Contains all information calculated by Artificial Intelligence : Keywords, and specific information for video like transcript of the video, identified objects and concepts.



Contains the version history of the media.
Refer to the documentation for more details on this feature.



In this area, the user can see the asset and play it (if it is a video, an audio file, or 3D). It has several additional options: zoom, full screen.
The configuration can be modified to include sharing on social networks.



Number of Views and downloads for the asset.

The configuration can be modified to hide these information.


Asset Actions list




Actions for an asset are : 

Additionnal actions can be activated in the configuration :

  • Reverse Search (with agreement of sales)

  • Embed code generation (with agreement of sales as it is related with DXM option)

  • Social Sharing

Asset Relations (not configured in starter kit)

None of these sections come with the starter kit.

Assets can be linked with multiple options :

  1. Fulltext request

  2. Request on one or more metadata of the consulted asset

  3. Request on links between assets

The configuration can be changed to activate these sections which are displayed under the asset.


Feedback popin

No documentation available yet.

Help popin

No documentation available yet.

Advanced Configuration

Disabling the asset detail page

Access to the asset detail page can be disabled by switching the value of $features.canViewAssetDetails to false.

Configuring the details sections (Asset details area)

Automatic configuration (default) :

You can chose to display all fields containing data and having its “visible” property equals true by setting $dam.details.defaultCursorConfig.defaultAssetDetailMeta.column[].tabs[].auto to true. The order will follow the index property of each field. In this mode, if you want to re-order the metadata, create a section and decide which metadata to show, you can use the configuration interface.

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value




I18n label to display as a tab title




Use data model to handle the details display of column[0].tabs[0]


Manual configuration :

The configuration of the details section is placed under $dam.details.defaultCursorConfig.defaultAssetDetailMeta.column. You can then configure some tabs to display details informations.

You can define in configuration what fields and sections you want to display in $dam.details.defaultCursorConfig.defaultAssetDetailMeta.column[].tabs[].config, the order will remain the same that the one you configured.

Tabs is an array containing objects :

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value




I18n label to display as a tab title



[ "defaultAssetDetailSectionInformation", "defaultAssetDetailSectionRights", "defaultAssetDetailSectionTechMeta" ]

Sets the different section displayed in a tab



[ "detail.section.information", "detailFieldName", "description", "detailFieldKeywords", "lang", "collection" ]

Set the title (first element) and the fields to display in a section.

A field can be either a string for simple configuration or referencing a named config. You can use an object for more precise configuration.

Each field can be configured and by default if there is no data to display, the field is not displayed. For further informations regarding fields configuration, please refer to the fields configuration dedicated page.

Changing the header defaults (Name + Photograph)

The displayed header is set in $dam.details.defaultCursorConfig.defaultAssetDetailMeta.header

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value




An array of fields to be displayed in the header section of a detail page.

A field can be either a string for simple configuration or referencing a named config. You can use an object for more precise configuration.

Configuring the body

See : this page

Configuring the actions list

The action “Where is this asset published ?” required the plugin “PACKAGED_ReverseSearch” to be activated.

The action “Embed code generation” required feature “dxm“ to be activated (see : $features.dxm).

Actions are placed under $dam.details.items.actions as an array of actions. Removing or adding a value will remove or add an action.

Actions can have two different formats :

Configuring the number of actions displayed

The default value for $dam.explore.items.actions.maxDisplayedActions is 3. And the default configuration is 8.

Configuring the Asset Relations

The configuration of the details section is placed under $dam.details.defaultCursorConfig.defaultAssetDetailMeta.body which did not exists by default (hence the body is empty and nothing is displayed under the asset).

More information about configuring the asset relations

Disabling Views and Downloads count

Set $dam.details.disableAnalytics to true.

Disabling AI Keywords

Remove the corresponding tab ($dam.details.defaultCursorConfig.defaultAssetDetailMeta.column[0].tabs[1] in default configuration).

Display a field even if facettes forbid it

If you have a facette on a field saying to not display it in some context but you still want to display it in the detail page, you can set a property "doNotHonorFacets": true to the related field to force it to be displayed.

Configuring AI Insights

It’s possible to add an “AI Insights” tab for videos with three different AI options:

  • objects

  • concepts

  • and timeline

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value




An array containing the tabs to display:

  • assetInsightsAiLabels will display objects

  • assetInsightsAiKeywords will display the concepts

  • assetInsightsAiTimeline will display the timeline.

If none of the three items are in the configuration, the “AI Insights” tab won’t be shown.

Editing an asset configuration

Date fields

By default, the date field for the expiration date comes with a text to add a year from today.

It is possible to configure this display of text.

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value




Adds a number of days/weeks/months/year to the date.


  • args: array of 2 elements (1 when using endOf method). the first element is a number and the second element is a string reprensenting the unit of time (days, weeks, months, years, ...).

  • autoDisplayUnit: by default, the text displayed will be "humanized" to be user-readable-friendly. If you'd rather display the time reference in another unit of time, you can specify it here. If no time unit is specified, it will take it from the args property.

    Without the autoDisplayUnit, this is what we would have:

    By adding the autoDisplayUnit, we can have a unified unit of time:

    autoDisplayUnit is best if added to each helper.
    Here is an example of autoDisplayUnit set to “months” for the first 2 helpers (“6 months” and “1 year”) but not for the 3rd (“2 years”).

  • method: this is the "operation" you'd like to operate on the date. The possible values are add, subtract or endOf (1).

    (1) the endOf method needs another property when in use:

    This will change the text to “end of the year”.

  • i18n: is a i18n key that will change the label/text displayed.

    Will have displayed :

    Or, if we change the property to :




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