

Starting with the 2021.3 version, the analytics section has been completely redesigned.

On the left, the panel offer a navigation to all available dashboards. This documentation will go through these dashboards to detail them.


Redirecting rule :

In order to be able to retrieve information when reloading the analytics page, you must set the following redirect inbound rule:

Restrict access according to role :

From 2022.5 on, it’s possible to restrict the access to some menus given the current surfer role. In the WXM_ANALYTICS_V2 plugin configuration, there is an “available_menus” parameter. To a given role_id, you can pass an array of left menus that can be seen by the user. By default, every role_id is avaible to see all the menus. You can find all the available values in the default value of this parameter

Filters :

On top of each dashboard, are located the filters available for the current dashboard. They depend on the dashboard itself. If a filter has been set, navigating to a new dashboard with that exact filter will keep the filter set to that value.

On the left of each filter, there is an icon representing what the filter is about.

A “+” icon denote a custom set filter: system integrators can add “extras” value when logging the event, wether on the user that is performing the action (their business unit, the brand they are attached to), or the asset that is the target of the action (custom metadata).

To configure these “extra”, and improve your filtering experience, please read the Standard Analytics logging configuration section.


Excluding values (since 2022.4.0 )

You may want to filter out certain values in the analytics filters : clicking on the minus sign on the right of the value will now add an exclusion filter:

Export or download a chart:

Chart can be exported using the “hamburger” button on the top left of the chart. Available export options are : PNG / JPEG / PDF / CSV / Excel exports:

You cannot export livestream charts.


Export a dashboard as CSV (since 2022.2.0 ) :

You can also export a whole dashboard as CSV by clicking on the export button which is located underneath the filters


Dashboards :

Users and Assets :

The User and Assets dashboard represent the current state of your DAM, it has 2 tabs : users and assets.

The data are not live and are updated every day.

Users :

This is the current situation regarding the users of your DAM : it shows you the current number of active users and their repartition by role.

The “Authorized users” chart shows how many licenses are left per user classes, as define in your software licence contract with Wedia. .

Assets :

On this dashboard, you can filter on a certain collection or several if you want.

This is the current situation about the assets uploaded in your DAM : you can see the number of assets, the number of published assets ( i.e. with “published” status). There are also charts about their repartition by type or organization.

Livestream :


This view allows you to see the current activity of the DAM concerning the downloads, it lists the 50 last download events. There might be some delay between the moment the event occurs and it’s display (+/- 2 minutes).


This view is the current search activity in the DAM. The same delay might occur.

Internal asset usage :

Asset volume analysis

This view is showing the evolution of your asset stock. This will compute the evolution between the two dates you choose. If data are not available for the dates you enter, it will only display the current data and skip the evolution part.

There are piecharts about the asset repartition by status and type.

By clicking on the “trends” button, you can the how the graphs evolves over a time span.

Additional tabs let you navigate on specific asset actions, such as creation / update / deletion / workflow actions.

Rankings :

Asset ranking

This dashboard show the most downloaded and seen assets on the period, it can give you an idea of the best assets in your DAM.


If MediaCloud is configured in your actual environment, you will see a “Videos” section which lists the most seen videos on the left. Whereas on the right, it’s only the most seen video with completion rate at 100% ( i.e. viewed in integrality).

Portal :

The following section is only about the “portal” section, it only gathers the events that are happening in the front-end application.


This dashboard gathers all you need to know about the connections to your portal section : number, user role.. You can also have an input on the most SSO providers used by your users.


This dashboard is about the visualization of the assets in the front application. You can see where those assets has been viewed, by which role etc…

For each extra you configured, you will find an array showing the repartition of this property among the asset views. It’s limited to the 50 most used ones.


Basically the same dashboard as before but for downloads; the same principe about extra property applies.


This dashboard sums up all the searches that are taking places into the portal, you are able to see where the searches are most done : on home page, on search page etc.

It also gives you an idea about the most used filters and most used terms in the search (limited to 50 for each).


This area shows you how users are using the boards. You have access to data about the sharing, the actions taking place and even the most used renditions while sharing.

User ranking

This allows you to see which users are uploading and downloading the most from portal ( limited to top 50).


Some other information are displayed here about preview counts, download actions, renditions or content-pickers.

Back-office :

This section is made of data collected only from the back-office application.


This dashboard is all about search in the back-office. You can see if your user’s search are sucessfull, who made them or even which are the most full text words searched.


This is a summary about the most clicked filters in the back-office on the left menu. It’s also fed with the filters that are added through the simple search feature. Those added with advanced search and search by equation are excluded from this report.

Media Delivery (since 2023.3.0 ) :

This section is about the Media Delivery traffic and provides key indicators about the diffusion of your assets.


This dashboard gives a general description of the DXM hits and how they are distributed by countries, pages. It also gives you the assets that more disributed. We are able to recollect all the extras from the assets so it’s possible to enrich this dashboard by providing more analytics_extra tags.


This dashboard allows you to see the availability of your diffusion system and how the hits are distributed by status. You can then monitor the application’s errors and see how your Media Delivery solution is performing.


The last dashboard of this section shows indicators about the response times of your requests. We use percentile of Time To First Byte ( TTFB) as indicators as they are pretty standards in the industry.

General Information

This is a daily report on what is currently happening on your boards. It gives you some generic statistics about how they are used and shared.

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