Release notes for 2022.4.0
2022.4.0 Release Notes 2022-06-03 |
Project - Wedia
Version - 2022.4.0
Release Date - 2022-06-03
1. This version offer a new generation faceted search filters :Â
In the previous versions, faceted search was limited to 200 values, and filtering a long list of values was ineffective.
We've rewritten this part from scratch, to offer consistent performances when filters need to adapt to other search criteria.
The faceted search is that part where filters adapt to your current query to only display relevant values :Â
The search among the list of long values has been greatly improved, as we have customers with thousands of unique filter values :
2. Analytics: filters now support excluding values
You may now want to filter out certain values in the analytics filters : clicking on the minus sign on the right of the value will now add an exclusion filter, to better help you slice and dice your data!
3. Analytics : publish "public" dashboards
Once you've created a great custom dashboard, you can now publish it for others to access it.
Clicking on "public" will set this dashboard as visible for all users that have access to analytics.
An opened or closed lock icon has been added to the title to check at a glance which dashboards are public.
4. Multiple security improvements
This version includes more than a dozen security fixes, as the result of our latest PenTests by third party security analysts.Â
Improvements on CORS management, CSP browser header setup helps to secure the system more tightly to ensure a complete security of our customers' data.
New Feature