Display Modes

Display Modes


Layout buttons from the search page


Layout buttons from boards page


Layout buttons from the board’s detail page


Line layout

Column layout

List layout

Square layout

Small Square






How it works


Display modes component is used in three different pages of the DAM :

  • On the search results page for each cursors

  • On the board page

  • On the board’s detail page, when displaying assets of a board

The last display mode viewed by the user will be used for his next connection.

On the search page

4 of the 7 display modes are displayed on the main page as well as within each cursor:

  • Line layout

  • Column layout

  • Block layout

  • Square layout

The default layout is the Square Layout.

On the boards page

2 of the 7 display modes are displayed :

  • Line layout

  • Square layout

The default layout is the Square Layout.

On the board’s detail page, when displaying assets of a board

4 of the 7 display modes are displayed :

  • Line layout

  • Column layout

  • Block layout

  • Square layout

The default layout is the Column Layout.

List layout metadata

For the List layout the metadata displayed on each tile are : 

On the search results main page and the cursors:

  • Name

  • Caption

  • Keywords

When looking at assets in a board:

  • Name

  • Photograph

  • Caption

Block layout

The block layout has specific behaviour, mostly with metadata like keywords. If used in a badge format, 2 properties are mandatory so the visual effect is clean.

For the Block layout the metadata displayed on each tile are the same for the search results page and on the board’s detail page (when displaying assets of a board) : 

  • Name (on 1 line)

  • Description (on 2 lines)

  • Asset type (on 1 line)

  • Photograph (on 1 line)

  • Expiration date (on 1 line)

Since Starter-Kit 2023.3, it is now possible to configure the metadata shown in the Block layout via the DAM Configuration page. For more information, see this page, section “Metadata displayed on the block display mode”.

Additional modes

2 additional modes can be configured (not activated by default) :

  • Small square : No metadata overlay can be displayed on the tiles in that mode. The only action available is selection. Can be setup at the JSON configuration level.

  • Table : The metadata displayed as columns can be setup at the JSON configuration level.

Advanced Configuration

Activating/deactivating every display mode for a cursor

To hide the display modes for a cursor, you just have to change it’s configuration in the config path $.dam.explore.layouts.<cursorName>.defaultResourceConfig.hideLayout.json to true.

<cursorName> can be replaced with defaultCursorConfig for the default cursor display or all-videos for the "All videos" cursor.

Activating/deactivating every display mode for the main Board page

To hide the display modes for the main board page, you just have to change it’s configuration in the config path $.board.boardsView.layout.hideLayout.json to true.

Activating/deactivating every display mode when looking at assets in a board

To hide the display modes for the main board page, you just have to change it’s configuration in the config path $.board.explore.layout.hideLayout.json to true.


Configuring default display mode for a cursor

<cursorName> can be replaced with defaultCursorConfig for the default cursor display or all-videos for the "All videos" cursor.

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value


Translation i18n key:

Line layout


Translation i18n key:

Column layout


Translation i18n key:

Square layout


Translation i18n key:

Block layout



[ { "key": "row", "i18n": "layout.line", "icon": "cw-svg-h-bricks", "aliases": ["line", "rows"] }, { "key": "col", "i18n": "layout.column", "icon": "cw-svg-v-bricks", "aliases": ["cols", "columns", "column"] }, { "key": "block", "i18n": "layout.block", "class": "fas fa-border-all" }, { "key": "square", "i18n": "layout.square", "class": "fas fa-grip-horizontal" } ]


In this configuration file, each object represents a layout that will be displayed in the display mode.




Defines the default layout that will be selected



By default, hides the label:


To show the label, put this value to false:




By default, will show the display mode:


If this value is set to true, the display will entirely be hidden:



Configuring metadata displayed in the list layout of the dam explorer

This is an example of the default display of an asset in the dam explore page, when the layout is selected as list:

display of an asset

This is it’s configuration:

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value



[ { "field": "description", "withoutLabel": true }, { "field": "keywords", "clickable": true, "showIfEmpty": true, "badge": true, "withoutLabel": false } ]


The withoutLabel property will hide the label if set to true.

clickable will allow us to click on a keyword and will add the keyword as a research filter if it’s set to true.

If we still want to display a field even if it’s empty, set showIfEmpty to true.

The badge is a visual option.

When set to true, the keywords will display as a button-like way.

If set to false, the keywords will display as a simple text.


[ { "field": "duration", "withoutLabel": true } ]




{ "namedVariation": "small" }




[ "defaultListItemTitleName" ]



For example : modifying the file src/wedia-plugin-template/res/_portal/common/named-displays/asset-tile.json

With :

{ "preview": { "namedVariation": "big" }, "title": [ { "field": "name", "withoutLabel": true } ], "infos": [ { "field": "duration", "withoutLabel": true, "component": "CwDuration", "config": [ { "requirements": ["shouldBePositive"] } ] }, + { // afficher le type de media (JPG...) + "withoutLabel": true, + "field": "assetnature", + "badge": true, + "class": "badge bg-secondary mr-2" + }, + { // afficher la date de fin de droits + "withoutLabel": true, + "field": "dteendrights", + }, ] }

Will display :


Configuration for boards

The following configuration is for the main page of the boards.

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value


Translation i18n key:

List layout


Translation i18n key:

Square layout



[{ "key": "list", "i18n": "layout.list", "class": "fas fa-list-ul" }, { "key": "square", "i18n": "layout.square", "class": "fas fa-grip-horizontal" }]


Here is determined which layout display will be shown.



Default layout that will be selected unless the user has already selected a layout at least once.







Configuring metadata displayed in the list layout of the boards page

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value



Photo by



{ "block":"assetBlock", "col": "assetTile", "list": "assetBoardList", "mobile": "assetMobile", "row": "assetTile", "square": "assetTile", "table": "assetTableRow" }




[ { "field": "description", "withoutLabel": true } ]




[ { "field": "duration", "withoutLabel": true } ]




{ "namedVariation": "small" }




[ { "clickable": true, "field": "photograph", "i18n": "asset.photo.by", "inline": true } ]




[ { "field": "name", "withoutLabel": true } ]



Configuring metadata displayed in the block layout of the dam explorer

Since Starter-Kit 2023.3, it is now possible to configure the metadata shown in the Block layout via the DAM Configuration page. For more information, see this page, section “Metadata displayed on the block display mode”.

This is an example of the default display of an asset in the dam explore page, when the layout is selected as block:

This is it’s configuration:

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value



[ { "field": "name", "withoutLabel": true, "showIfEmpty": true, "maxLines": 1 }, { "field": "description", "withoutLabel": false, "showIfEmpty": true, "maxLines": 2 }, { "field": "assetnature", "withoutLabel": false, "showIfEmpty": true, "maxLines": 1 }, { "field": "photograph", "withoutLabel": false, "showIfEmpty": true, "maxLines": 1 }, { "field": "dteendrights", "withoutLabel": false, "showIfEmpty": true, "maxLines": 1 } ]


  • maxlines allow us to define the number of lines to display. This property is mandatory when using the block layout, as it will trigger different visual behaviours.

"maxLines": 2
"maxLines": 4

If the text is not long enough, blank lines will be shown. Otherwise the text will be cut with an ellipsis:

"maxLines": 4

In the block layout, the maxLines can have a value between 1 and 5. Never write maxLines='none' or you will have non-desired behaviour visually.

  • The withoutLabel property will hide the label if set to true.

"withoutLabel": true
"withoutLabel": false


  • clickable will allow us to click on a keyword and will add the keyword as a research filter if it’s set to true.

"clickable": false
"clickable": true
  • If we still want to display a field even if it’s empty, set showIfEmpty to true.

"showIfEmpty": true (on description)
"showIfEmpty": false (on description)
  • The badge property is a visual effet. When using this property (set as true), it is mandatory to add 2 other properties with the following values: maxLines set at 3 and nbDisplayedItems property with a limit of 2.

"field": "keywords",
"badge": true,
"maxLines": 3,
"nbDisplayedItems": 2

If you increase or decrease the maxLines/nbDisplayedItems, it will have visual repercusions.
When badge is set to true, the ellipsis button (which normally displays more keywords) will not be clickable either.

Ellipsis button





Configuration for other non-default layouts

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value








{ "key": "squareSmall", "i18n": "layout.squareSmall", "class": "fal fa-grip-horizontal" }

Add this code in the config path to display the Small square in the searsh result page



{ "key": "table", "i18n": "layout.table", "class": "fal fa-table" }

Add this code in the config path to display the Table layout when looking at assets in a board


"colWeight": 8,
"headerClass": "cw-table-cell-media",
"i18n": "asset.media.preview",
"namedVariation": "tiny"



"colWeight": 15,
"field": "name",
"hideLongTextTooltip": true,
"withoutLabel": true
"colWeight": 10,
"field": "dteendrights",
"hideLongTextTooltip": true,
"withoutLabel": true
"colWeight": 5,
"field": "clipped",
"hideLongTextTooltip": true,
"withoutLabel": true
"badge": true,
"colWeight": 15,
"field": "keywords",
"hideLongTextTooltip": true,
"withoutLabel": true
"colWeight": 20,
"field": "description",
"hideLongTextTooltip": true,
"withoutLabel": true
"colWeight": 7,
"field": "width",
"hideLongTextTooltip": true,
"withoutLabel": true
"colWeight": 7,
"field": "height",
"hideLongTextTooltip": true,
"withoutLabel": true

This configuration allows to set the metadata in the columns and the size of them in the table layout.


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