Project Configuration
If you want to have a full use/experience of wedia-config, your wediaportalrc config file has to be updated.
must be set to trueuseServerConfigResolution
must be set to trueuseServerStyles
must be set to true
: This parameter defines if your portal will behave according to your JSON configuration or according to the JSON configuration made with wedia-config.
: This parameter defines if the colors and the favicon of your portal application will be defined by wedia-config (if set to true) or by the PS developer.
In your appConfigs
if your project has to be defined by using starter-kit’s default configs,
for example :
Before :
"portal": "_portal@myProject"
After :
"portal": "starter-kit@myProject"
If your project was defined by _portal’s default configuration and you are switching it to a definition by starter-kit’s default configuration, you may loose some actions (which were comming from the default config), layouts or indicators etc …
Starter-kit’s default configuration is not as advanced as _portal’s.
If you know that your project is using some advanced configs for the setup of a specific behaviour/feature please check if the feature is still there after the switch. If not you’ll have to report/override the missing config from _portal
to your startert-kit@myProject
Still in the appConfigs
, an other entry has to be added : "wediaConfig": "__wedia_config"