Sample Dylation templates

Sample Dylation templates

Hands on tips

After knowing the basic features of Dylation, we would like to show you how to create your templates as efficiently as possible.

Using four templates, you will learn the most common settings for the different elements.

Example 1

An ad or a poster which can be scaled both proportionally and non-proportionally:
The template includes a rotated eyecatcher with shadow and a restricted head line.

Download the INDD-Package for this example

Example 2

An ad or a poster which can be scaled both proportionally and non-proportionally:
A graphic element will follow the key visual.

Download the INDD-Package for this example

Example 3

An ad or a poster which can be scaled both proportionally and non-proportionally:
No matter how you change the format, the people in the picture are always visible. Besides that, if more text is inserted into the eyecatcher, so that text overflow occurs, the text size is reduced after adaption.

Download the INDD-Package for this example

Example 4

An ad or a newsletter which grows in height depending on the content:
By adding text in the frames the page height will be increased while the width remains the same.

Download the INDD-Package for this example

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