Example 4

Example 4

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This template could be an ad or a newsletter which grows in height depending on the content.

As you can see the template includes a header, some text elements, several images and a footer.
The template also contains an empty graphic frame as large as the page. This frame is not visible on the preview image.
By adding text in the frames the page height will be increased while the width remains the same.



The image only needs an anchor at the top of the image, since the template is only created for format changes in height. The width therefore remains unchanged and does not need to be adjusted.

In addition to the set anchor, Image Scaling has been activated in the Dylation Panel. This offers the possibility of setting the minimum and maximum image detail to be taken into account in the format adaptation.


The logo is attached to the top of the image by a relative anchor.

In addition to the set anchor, Image Scaling has been activated in the Dylation Panel. The minimum image section corresponds to the maximum image section, as the logo should always be completely visible.


Text elements

All text elements are connected to the previous frame at the top edge of the frame. This defines the distances between the frames.

The Font size adaption is not to be activated, since the font size should always remain the same regardless of how the height changes.

Text #5, #6, #7
The text blocks under "News" have the function "Text Fit" activated. They grow or shrink depending on the entered text length.

Text #1, #2, #3, #4

Text #1

Text #2

Text #3

Text #4

Text #5, #6, #7

Text #5

Text #6

Text #7


All images are connected to the adjacent text frames by a relative anchor at the top and bottom edge of the frame. As a result, if the text frame to which they are attached shrinks or grows, the image adapts to the same height.

In addition to the arrows, Image Scaling has been activated in the Dylation Panel. This offers the possibility of setting the minimum and maximum image detail to be taken into account in the adaptation.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Image 4


All frames in the footer are also connected to the previous frame by a relative arrow on the top edge of the frame. The distance arrow makes sure that the frames keep the distances (move up or down) when more or less content is entered in the text blocks #4, #5, #6, #7.

In addition to the arrows, Image Scaling has been activated in the Dylation panel. This offers the possibility of setting the minimum and maximum image detail to be taken into account in the adaptation.


Text 1

Text 2

Image 1

Image 2

Empty graphic frame

The frame has a relative distance arrow at the top edge that is connected to the image in the header and a relative distance arrow at the bottom edge that is connected to the rectangle in the footer. The Page Fit function has also been activated for the frame.

The function does not require any further settings. As soon as it is activated, the document size is adapted to the size of the frame. Since the bottom edge of the frame is connected to the rectangle in the footer, the empty frame will also adjust in height depending on how much content has been entered into the text frames. In other words, the document is minimized/maximized when it is adapted to the required height.

The frame must correspond exactly to the size of the document when it is created.


Before adaption, original size (W*H): 210mm * 400mm

After adaption, size (W*H): 210mm * 339.04mm

After adaption, size (W*H): 210mm * 476.2mm

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