Preview option

Preview option




Default Behaviour(s)

By default the pop-in is composed of the following elements :

  • An asset player will show / play the selected asset.

  • A copy credit action is defined by default, and copies the name and photographer into the clipboard

  • An information area on the right with those informations :

    • The name of the asset

    • A “copy credits” button, when clicked, the name of the asset and the name of the photographer are copied

    • The name of the photographer

    • Expiration date

    • Description

In the top right corner arrows allow to navigate between assets.


Advanced Configuration

The configuration of the preview pop-in is placed under $dam.previews and can be configured based on cursors names.

Customizing header section of the details zone

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value




[ { "field": "name", "withoutLabel": true } ]

Add or remove fields to be displayed in the header section of the details zone

Customizing copied metadata

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value




{ "fieldsToCopy": [ { "pattern": "preview.copy.name", "fields": [ { "field": "name" } ] }, { "pattern": "preview.copy.br", "fields": [] }, { "pattern": "preview.copy.author", "fields": [ { "field": "photograph.name" } ] } ], "withBullet": false }

Lists the metadata that will be copied when cliking the “copy credits” button.

Each element is configured as so:

{ "pattern": <label>, "fields": [ { "field": <field> } ] }

The labels are keys from edocs. Here are a few: preview.copy.name (will display"Asset:"), preview.copy.endrights (will display"Expiration date:"), preview.copy.author (will display"Photographer:"), ...

The fields are metadata from the asset (photograph.name, copyright, dteendrights, etc…).


It is also possible to add a carriage return between fields (it is recommended, otherwise the texts will be copied side by side):

{ "pattern": "preview.copy.br", "fields": [] }


Il est possible de rajouter des options pour chaque champ : withoutLabel, withBullet, ...


Customizing Metadata Display

Config path

Default value


Config path

Default value




[ "dam.detail.empty", { "field": "photograph", "withBullet": false }, { "field": "dteendrights", "withBullet": false }, { "field": "description", "withBullet": false } ]

Displayed fields :

First element will be the title of the section, others elements are fields to display.

You can add as many sections as you want by adding elements to $dam.previews.column. See how to configure fields by refering to the dedicated documentation’s page.

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