Setting Up the Planning module

Setting Up the Planning module

A planning item is an object that:

  • Has the "Maps", "Events calendar" and "Publication calendars" views in the datalist.

  • Created in a particular design, systematically in popin (the "datanewedpl" action)

  • Visualizes itself in a particular design, systematically in popin (the "dataviewedpl" action)

A planning element is composed of:

  • some metadata (title, description, status, dates, contact person, etc.)

  • a list of tasks

  • a list of attached files

  • a list of publication channels


Planning item

A planning item is delivered by default. It corresponds to the object "edplitem". To define it as a planning, the edplobject label is positioned on the object structure.

Its properties are as follows:

  • name: Title

  • speech: Description

  • user: Responsible

  • type: Type

  • priority: Priority

  • theme: Theme

  • begin: Start date

  • end: End date

  • embargo: Date of embargo

  • tasks: List of tasks

  • channels: List of publication channels

  • files: List of attachments

  • denormchanneltypes: used for search by used channels

Here is the standard rendering of these fields:

Tags used:

  • edpl_begin: indicates the field corresponding to the start date of the item.

  • edpl_end: indicates the field corresponding to the end date of the item

  • edpl_embargo: indicates the field corresponding to the embargo date of the item.

  • edpl_incard: indicates if the property appears in the "Maps" view in datalist

  • edpl_sortcard: indicates that it is possible to order items via this field in the "Maps" view. This label must be placed on a "child" field.

Other useful objects


Type of item, allows to facet an item (no facet delivered by default)



Priority of one item, with color



Topic of an item, with color


edplwkf + edplwkfaction

Workflow of an item



Task, bound in a collection in an item



Task type


edpltaskwkf + edpltaskwkfaction

Workflow of a task



Constituted of a collection of tasks, allows to define a list of prepared tasks.



Attached files, bound as a collection in an item


edplfilewkf + edplfilewkfaction

Workflow of a file



Publication channel, bound as a collection in an item



Publication channel "business" type (Examples: Facebook Corporate, Facebook Subsidiary)



Publication channel "technical" type (Examples: Facebook, LinkedIn)

Specific functions

When a planning item is duplicated, everything is taken over except

  • Dates (start / end / embargo)

  • Deadlines for tasks and publication channels of the element

  • task’s deliverables

In the different views, the owners are identified by three letters

  • if the object "user" has an "initials" property supposed to contain the user’s trigram, this property will be used.

  • Otherwise, the first three letters of the "name" property will be displayed.


The edplitem object is an example of planning. Its structure can be duplicated to allow the creation of several plannings on the same environment. It is strongly recommended that you do not delete the default delivered properties. On the other hand, it is quite possible to hide them via facets, and to add new properties.


Card view (edplcard)

This view shows the elements of a planning in columns. Each column has a maximum of 10 default elements. The scroll bar on each column loads the following 10 elements. In this view, only the sortings on the properties of type "child" have a meaning. To add a sort criterion, simply add the edpl_sortcard label on the desired child property.


For each card, it is displayed in order

  • status in the top right hand corner

  • the carousel of cover images

  • title

  • fields with the edpl_incard label in the order indicated in the object structure EXCEPT collections

  • the date and author of the last comment made on the element

Events calendar view (edpleventcalendar)

This view displays the elements of a planning in a calendar. Obviously only those elements that have either a start date, an end date, or both appear in this view.
It is possible to create an element from the schedule by selecting a day or a range of days.

Publication calendar view (edplpubcalendar)

This view shows in a calendar only those elements of a planning that have a publication channel with a due date. The elements are represented with the picto of the respective publication channel.
If an item has more than one publication channel and the deadline is entered, it will appear several times in the calendar.

Detail of a planning item

The detail of an element corresponds to the action "dataviewedpl".

The following fields are displayed on the detail view of an element:

  • The title

  • The description

  • In the "metadata" part, the visible fields (structures + facets) in the order indicated in the structure

  • Tasks (if the corresponding collection type field is visible)

  • Attached files (if the corresponding collection type field is visible)

  • Channels (if the corresponding collection type field is visible)



A planning item has a tasks list. The corresponding object is and must be "edpltask".

A task consists of the following properties:

  • name: Title

  • description: Description

  • type: Type

  • user: Responsible

  • duedate: Due date

  • team: Participants 11.9.0,

  • finaldownload: Final deliverable (consisting of "Published" instances files constituting the task deliverables) (since version 11.9.0)

A task also has one or more deliverables, depending on the type of task.
The "deliverable" property is for display only. The properties "del_<objectname>" of "child multiple long relational" type are used to store links on deliverables.

  • Either a deliverable already exists elsewhere, and it is selected from the task.

  • or the deliverable is created from the task.

Related tasks

Since version 11.8.2, it is possible to create interdependent tasks. You will not be able to create the deliverable of a task if it is dependent on unfinished tasks (a finished task has the "Done" status).
To benefit from this functionality, it is imperative to have in the "edpltask" object a field named "requiredtasks" of the relational multiple child long multiple child type on the "edpltask" object.

Final deliverable

Since version 11.9.0,, when a task changes to the "Done" status, a zip file is created with all the deliverables of the task. This file is stored in the "finaldownload" field of the task.
This file is made up as follows: we will search in instances in "Published" status stored in the fields "del_<objectname>" for files contained in a property of the "file" or "image" type with the label "edpl_finaldownload". If the deliverables are "media" objects, we will look for the files in the media supports. If the task returns to the "To do" status, the "finaldownload" field is cleared.

New task type

When a new task is created, it is assigned a type directly. This type will condition a certain number of rules for the deliverables of the task in particular.

A task type (corresponding to the edpltasktype object) consists of the following properties:

  • name: Name (internationalized field)

  • description: Description

  • picto: Icon

  • action: Task action. You can either create one or more deliverables, or select one or more deliverables. Possible values are "create" OR "select".

  • object: Name of the deliverable item

  • justone: If this box is checked, only one deliverable can be created or selected from the task.

  • typeofmedia: This field is only used if the value of the property "object" is "media" and the value of the property "share" is "create". It allows you to define the type of project you want to create.

  • channelofmedia: This field is only used if the value of the property "object" is "media" and the value of the property "share" is "create". It allows you to define the channel of the project you want to create.


Always check that for the value of the "object" field, there is in the edpltask object a property named "del_<object>". Always check that for the value of the "object" field, there is in the edpltask object a property named "del_<object>". 

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