Creating a new Rest API custom endpoint

Creating a new Rest API custom endpoint

Service creation

In a plugin, create the following class :

import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import com.noheto.api.basic.BasicException; import com.noheto.extensions.interfaces.services.AbstractPluginBasicApiService; import com.noheto.api.basic.BasicServiceAction; public class HelloWorldRestApi extends AbstractPluginBasicApiService { @Override public Set<BasicServiceAction> getActions() { Set<BasicServiceAction> lst = new HashSet<BasicServiceAction>(); lst.add(new GetHelloWorldAction()); lst.add(new EchoAction()); return lst; } @Override public void prepare() throws BasicException { } @Override public String getMapping() { return "/edocs/example/rest/*"; } }

Create the action GetHelloWorldAction:

import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import com.noheto.api.basic.BasicParameterAction; import com.noheto.api.basic.BasicServiceAction; import com.noheto.plugins.IPlugin; public class GetHelloWorldAction extends BasicServiceAction { @Override public void execute(IPlugin plugin, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Throwable { response.getWriter().println("Hello World!"); } @Override public String getAcceptPathInfo() { return "/getHelloWorld"; } @Override public String getHelpMethod() { return "Retourne HelloWorld"; } @Override public List<BasicParameterAction> getExposedParameters() { return null; } @Override public Iterable<String> getAcceptedRequestMethods() { return Arrays.asList("GET","POST"); } }

Create the action EchoAction:

import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import com.noheto.api.basic.BasicParameterAction; import com.noheto.api.basic.BasicServiceAction; import com.noheto.plugins.IPlugin; public class EchoAction extends BasicServiceAction { @Override public void execute(IPlugin plugin, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Throwable { String message = checkMandatoryParameter(request, "message"); response.getWriter().println(message); String complement = getParameter(request, "complement", null); if (complement!=null) { response.getWriter().println(complement); } } @Override public String getAcceptPathInfo() { return "/echo"; } @Override public String getHelpMethod() { return "Retourne le message indiqué et le complément si il y en a un."; } @Override public List<BasicParameterAction> getExposedParameters() { List<BasicParameterAction> params = new ArrayList<BasicParameterAction>(); params.add(BasicParameterAction.create().setName("message").setMandatory(true).setDescription("Quel message retourner ?")); params.add(BasicParameterAction.create().setName("complement").setMandatory(false).setDescription("Message complémentaire ?")); return params; } @Override public Iterable<String> getAcceptedRequestMethods() { return Arrays.asList("GET","POST"); } }

Deploy the plugin

Show the documentation

To display all possible orders of this service and the documentation for each, you need to call the URL declared in the service's mapping.

curl http://localhost/contextpath/api/edocs/example/rest/

Call the action GetHelloWorld

curl http://localhost/contextpath/api/edocs/example/rest/getHelloWorld

Cal the action Echo

curl "http://localhost/contextpath/api/edocs/example/rest/echo" curl "http://localhost/contextpath/api/edocs/example/rest/echo?message=kkk" curl "http://localhost/contextpath/api/edocs/example/rest/echo?message=kkk&complement=ccc"

Secure the service

Authorize calls only by a app user

To ensure that the service is only usable by an authenticated application user, it is necessary to modify the service to implement the method "isSecuredByApplicatifUser()".

@Override public boolean isSecuredByApplicatifUser() { return true; }

The call URL will the be;

curl "http://localhost/contextpath/api/edocs/example/rest/getHelloWorld" -u "login:pass" curl "http://localhost/contextpath/api/edocs/example/rest/echo" -u "login:pass"

Authorize calls only by an admin user

To ensure that the service is only usable by an authenticated administrative user, it is necessary to modify the service to implement the method "getAcceptedAdminUserRoles()".

@Override public Set<String> getAcceptedAdminUserRoles() { Set<String> lst = new HashSet<String>(); lst.addAll(Arrays.asList("Administrators", "TestOperators", "...")); return lst; }

The URL will the be (with an admin login/pass ):

curl "http://localhost/contextpath/api/edocs/example/rest/getHelloWorld" -u "login:pass" curl "http://localhost/contextpath/api/edocs/example/rest/echo" -u "login:pass"

Next steps

You can add as many actions as you want. For each action, you can secure the acceptable HTTP methods. For example, the previous actions only accept POST or GET, if you try a call with -XPUT, it will be rejected.

You can just as easily accept the PUT method.

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