Verifying Configurations

Verifying Configurations

Getting customer parameters

  • Log on the customer application and get on the mjdns datalist

  • Click on the check parameters [sliders] icon of the DNS configuration you’d like to check

  • You will get the domain settings for this DNS entry


You can use dig in order to check DNS/SPF/DKIM configurations.

You may also use G Suite Toolbox if you cannot use dig on your computer.

Verifying DNS configuration

We will check the TXT record presented on the DNS Configuration tab of the domain.

Dig command

$ dig -t TXT mailjet._75****4c.wedia-group.com. +short (1) $ (returned value) (2)
  1. dig command

  2. returned value

The command should return the value indicated in the DNS tab : 7574a6…​…​…​df056

The returned value must be equals to the value indicated in the DNS Configuration tab for this domain.

If the command doesn’t return any value, it means that your customer have not configured his DNS yet or that it has not been configured correctly.

Successful reply

$ dig -t TXT mailjet._75****4c.wedia-group.com. +short $ 7574a6…​…​…​df056

Unsuccessful reply

$ dig -t TXT mailjet._75****4c.wedia-group.com. +short $

G Suite Toolbox

Simply copy/paste the DNS key in the form and click on the TXT button.

You should see the value 7574a6…​…​…​df056 just under the ;ANSWER line.

Here the answer is empty which means that the DNS TXT entry for the domain has not been configured.

Successful reply

You will see the value of the DNS TXT entry appears right under ;ANSWER line if the DNS is correctly configured.

Verifying SPF configuration

In order to check if the SPF configuration has been correctly done by your customer you will need to check the SPF TXT entry of his domain.

Here we will find for the include:spf.mailjet.com string in the domain TXT configuration.

Dig command

  1. dig command

  2. Answer section

  3. This line in the ANSWER SECTION contains v=spf1 and include:spf.mailjet.com which indicates that the SPF is correctly configured on wediagroup.fr for mailjet

The line having v=spf1 must contains include:spf.mailjet.com string.

If include:spf.mailjet.com is missing the SPF configuration is not successful.

If there is no line starting with v=spf1 then the SPF configuration is not successful.

G Suite Toolbox

Figure 1. Successful SPF configuration

The ANSWER section contains v=spf1 and include:spf.mailjet.com which indicates that the SPF is correctly configured on this domain

Figure 2. Unsuccessufl SPF configuration

The ANSWER section doesn’t contains v=spf1 nor include:spf.mailjet.com which indicates that the SPF is not correctly configured on this domain

Verifying DKIM configuration

In order to check if the DKIM configuration has been correctly done by your customer you will need to check the SPF TXT mailjet._domainkey for his domain.

Dig command

  1. dig command to check the TXT mailjet._domainkey on wediagroup.fr domain

  2. returned value

The returned value must be equals to value indicated in the DKIM tab

G Suite Toolbox

The ;ANSWER section must not be empty and it must contains the exact value indicated in the DKIM tab.